Stellar Sentinels
TyCooper for Shiah Kurzweil

A grizzled, tired man who has witnessed the death of several friends at the hands of monsters. Alone in a secret war against them, he has become jaded, quick to dismiss 'frivolous things' if they fail to relate to his one-man crusade. This doesn't make him unreasonable, however, as he often has enough presence of mind to think through his approach to any given situation for the best results.
RATE: $3/Line* (including takes, maximum 3 unless otherwise specified).
*Note: Does not pay per hour, as listed in the 'Payment Rate' section of this audition.
- english
- male adult
- Jaded
- Merciless
- Bitingly Sarcastic
"Great, let me know when you become an expert on extradimensional phenomena, then maybe I'll take your opinion seriously."
"You don't understand, you're all in danger! We have to get everyone out of here now!"
"Be at this long enough and you stop carring about the little things. Gotta think big picture or shit'll hit the fan before you realize it."