Project Ace Attorney DUB!

Project Ace Attorney DUB!

Project Overview

What is, "Project Ace Attorney?" 

The idea behind Project Ace Attorney is a chance to dub through the entire Ace Attorney series from start to finish. (Ace Attorney to Spirit of Justice + Spin offs) This project is entirely fan based and is not endorsed by Capcom in any way. This project initially was targeted for up and coming voice actors but welcomes voice actors of any level to have an opportunity to practice and hone their work. I am a huge fan of this series and have been ever since it's initial localisation here back in 2005. This project will be uploaded as a series to YouTube (Yes, I'm aware certain games have already been done!) and perhaps other platforms as time moves forward. We will be working with a wide variety of audio editing so that we can make this project sound the best that it can. 

For those who are unsure about what Ace Attorney is: "Ace Attorney series follows the life and times of Phoenix Wright, a rookie defense lawyer, as he is introduced to a colorful cast of clients who need a legal champion to stand by them and exonerate them of crimes they did not commit. Wright must face off against the cunning, intelligent, and ruthless members of the prosecution, stand by the defendants in their darkest hour, and attempt to discover the truth behind each case that will set his clients free!" As the games grow beyond the trilogy, the story expands to follow the life and times of Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth as he investigates a wide variety of cases that we do not see through the trilogy in the spin-off series Ace Attorney Investigations. 

What / Who are we looking for? 

As mentioned above; this project is entirely fan made and not endorsed by Capcom in any way. Ergo, this project is NOT paid. We are looking for individuals who want to volunteer to join this fun project for the sake of having fun with your fellow Voice Actors / Artists as well as getting some practice in by taking advantage of the Ace Attorney series' wide variety of wacky characters! We are welcoming Voice Actors / Artists of any level. If you have knowledge about audio editing that is a major plus! Prior knowledge of the Ace Attorney series is not required but is preferred! If you do not have prior knowledge and we select you, we will work with you. 

Casting Requirements

Although this project is entirely voluntary; quality will be expected. As mentioned several times before, this project is targeted for up and coming Voice Actors / Artists so I'm sure there are going to be a bit of learning curves!|

When you record please be mindful of the following:

  • Make sure you use a microphone/method that is capable of recording your performance without picking up overwhelming background noise or excessive peaking/clipping. It is extremely rare, but if a clip cannot be worked on we might ask for a line re-do. We respect your time! 

  • Ace Attorney has a lot of characters who have their moments where they overreact or tend to emote HEAVILY. This includes yelling and hamming it up/overreacting. If you are not capable of performing what is required of the characters, please do not audition. If you are unsure about the nature of a character, please reach out to me prior to auditions at the Twitter or email listed below! 

  • If casted, we are asking that members of Project Ace Attorney have access to Discord. We will use this as a way of getting together for discussions! 

Role Significance:

As mentioned several times before, Ace Attorney has wide variety cast of wacky characters. Some characters appear several times throughout a case/game, others only appear once and that's that and some appear once in one game and then disappear for a few games before returning. If you are familiar with the Ace Attorney series you will be more than aware of who is a one shot character and who is a occurring role. If you are not, I have placed characters who appear at least once in every case as, "Support," while I have placed characters who are less as frequent as, "Minor." I will update roles as we push forward. As a team is built, discussions will be had for what we are looking for! If you audition for a support role, I am hoping you will remain with the team until the role is fulfilled! So, please choose carefully in regards to the roles you audition for.


Now that we've gone over all of the requirements for this project and you know a little bit more about us; it's time to audition.

Please read the following  carefully:

  • For each character that I post for audition; I submit three significant or even sometimes basic lines that the character you are auditioning for will say. You are NOT required to use the lines that I have submitted. If you know the character you are auditioning for, feel free to submit your own lines in the audition! Just make sure you are confident!

  • Once you have finished recording your audition. Please send an email to the email below with answers to the following three questions.
    1) Which character have you submitted an audition for?
    2) Are you familiar with the Ace Attorney series?
    3) What is your favourite case from the Ace Attorney series? Why? (If you answered no to question 2: What caught your interest about this project and this character?) 

  • Once you have submitted an email, I will reply (typically within the hour given the time of day) with a dropbox link for you to submit your files. 

  • Don't overthink your audition! Make sure to have fun!

    Final Notes & Thoughts

  • I will say it again! When audition for a role, please make sure that you absolutely do have the time to fulfil your commitment to the role. 

  • The fun of this project is that we aren't looking to imitate a performance of someone else who has done a role. For a lot of you, your role doesn't actually have much reference. I have in mind what I'm looking for in each character and I look forward to hearing auditions! Come up with wacky voices for the cast. this project is meant to be fun!

  • That's it from me, folks! I look forward to hearing from you!

    Contact me! 
    If you have any questions regarding this project - Please contact me on one of the following:
    Twitter: Kuro_Ethan
    Email: ethan . alvarez 1298 

    Please submit your email with answers to the questions to the email above

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Latest Updates

  • Redd White has been casted!

    Thank you so much to everyone who auditioned for the role of Redd White! You are all very talented and it was surprisingly a big decision to make off the bat! Make sure to follow this project or my profile as I will be updating with more roles as the games and cases go forward!
  • Email error "Redacted"

    Hello voice actors! I've received all auditions as of the time of this post! I am thrilled that you are interested in this project! A quick update! The email should now show in the description of the project! If there are any questions, please reach out to me on twitter @Kuro_Ethan!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Maya Fey
Role assigned to: riley

Maya is spunky, perky, excitable, and outgoing. She exudes a childlike personality, being both impulsively curious and easily confused. She often acts without thinking things through, tries to touch strange objects without restraint, and goes on tangents that quickly stop making sense. All of this has caused Phoenix Wright to question her sanity on several occasions. She is very enthusiastic about Wright's job, having picked out many of the clients for him to represent in court, although she would often do so before consulting him first. 

  • Um, Nick? You know that problem of yours? That problem where you present evidence that makes no sense? You're doing it again.

  • Nick! How could you say such a thing? I-I'm sorry, sir, I apologize for my partner! He's new to this, and a bit OUT OF TOUCH with the world.

  • Hey! I'm only 17! That's seven-"teen." See? I'm a teen! Not like you, Nick.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dick Gumshoe
Role assigned to: Broadwayman23

Dick Gumshoe has a strong, childlike loyalty to his closest friends, especially Miles Edgeworth.

Gumshoe is very sensitive, often leading to his feelings getting easily hurt, but he is also a very optimistic and hard-working person. He has a habit of jumping to conclusions and doing things a more sensible person wouldn't. Gumshoe has been known to act on a whim, such as buying a fishing rod that he has never used. Despite this, he has been shown to be courageous and dependable, saving Wright and Fey from gangsters on one occasion and tirelessly trying to save Maya from a kidnapper on another.

  • Huh!? Hey! You can't just go saying "pal" like that! That's MY endearing character trait!

  • It's because Detective Badd is always telling me... "You should always write your name on everything you own!

  • Every time you do it, I have a mini-heart attack. It's like you're trying to kill me, pal.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Redd White
Role assigned to: Broadwayman23

White had an arrogant, flamboyant, self-centered and abrasive personality. He tended to view others as beneath him and was extremely egocentric, naming his company after his favorite color and modeling various statues in his office in his own image. White's suit was studded with diamonds and he wore a ring on each finger in order to show off the wealth he had "earned". He considered himself above the law, as his blackmailing allowed control over the police, lawyers, and judges. He also had no problem with using allies as scapegoats, as shown by his treatment of April May after the wiretapping was uncovered. White appeared to be a quite violent man (even without taking his murder of Mia into account), as he punched Wright just to demonstrate his immunity to the law.

  • The police... the courts... To me they are mere toys. Playthings for my amusement!

  • I am always abso-posi-lutely perfect!

  • Welcome! Please furnish me with the title of your personage! …Your name! What's your name? I was just inquirably asking the title that you go by.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mia Fey
Role assigned to: Maceryn

Head of her own criminal defense law firm, Mia Fey is Phoenix's boss and mentor. Personality: Always cool under pressure, Mia Fey is smart, tenacious, a strict teacher and sometimes even coy. She has a great affection for her sister but is also very independent, and strives to uncover truth at all costs.

  • Try thinking out of the box! Don't waste time doubting the facts. Assume the clock was three hours slow and... Think through it! 

  • Wright? I hope you see the importance of evidence now. Also, hopefully you realize, things change depending on how you look at them. People, too. We never really know if our clients are guilty or innocent. All we can do is believe in them. And in order to believe in them, you have to believe in yourself.

  • Lies always beget more lies! See through one, and their whole story falls apart!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
April May
Role assigned to: Aubrey Lima

First impressions of April May gave the appearance of a cute, lively, and flirtatious young woman who liked to tease people and knew how to get her way. She would normally do this with her sex appeal, using a combination of ample cleavage, an innocent expression, and a cutesy style of speech.

When cornered, however, May would reveal her true personality: aggressive, sneering, and temperamental. Whenever this happened, the top heart-shaped button on her blouse turned upside down, and her left eye would start twitching subtly. Although a formidable individual herself, she was shown to be frightened of her boss Redd White, most likely since she knew he was certainly capable of murder.

  • I like a man with a big... vocabulary.

  • You're the lawyer, aren't you? The detective told me... He said, "Don't say nothing to that lawyer, pal!" Tee hee!

  • What's it to you, porcupine-head!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Larry Butz
Role assigned to: GryphonAresVA

Butz is very naive and loud-mouthed, much to the chagrin of those around him. He talks and acts without thinking, even in trying circumstances that demand the utmost seriousness, such as during his own murder trial, or when confronting a suspected killer. The wide variety of trouble this has gotten him into led to the saying at his school, "When something smells, it's usually the Butz." Such is the frequency of these incidents that Butz habitually lies to and otherwise hides information from even his closest friends out of embarrassment, forcing them to coax the truth out of him, as his information is often critical to a case. He also has a tendency to switch between jobs and "girlfriends" rather frequently, despite the occasional claims of wanting this to change. Regardless of these quirks, Butz ultimately cares about Wright and Edgeworth and does his best to stand by them when they need his help most.

  • I wasn't dumped! She just wasn't taking my phone calls. Or seeing me... Ever.

  • Hey, watch it buddy! We were great together! We were Romeo and Juliet, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony!

  • She's the one with the hots for me! I just know it! I can feel her sexy beam piercing my heart when she's watching me! Seeeeeexy beam, I tell you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Frank Sahwit
Role assigned to: joshedev

Sahwit is smarmy, sycophantic, and nosy, but hides a deep anger problem. He also has a habit of telling fairly transparent lies, then getting angry when he is challenged. His words often betray his excellent poker face, thereby giving away his true nature  

  • [Testimony] "I was going door-to-door, selling subscriptions when I saw a man fleeing an apartment. I thought he must be in a hurry because he left the door half-open behind him"

  • [Caught in Lie - nervous] "! M-my apologies, Your Honor! It... er, it must have been the shock of finding the body!"

  • [Frustrated and slightly panicked]  "Y-You with your 'objections' and your 'evidence'... Just who do you think you are?!" 


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