Project Ace Attorney DUB!

HecticVexor for April May

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
April May
Role assigned to: Aubrey Lima

First impressions of April May gave the appearance of a cute, lively, and flirtatious young woman who liked to tease people and knew how to get her way. She would normally do this with her sex appeal, using a combination of ample cleavage, an innocent expression, and a cutesy style of speech.

When cornered, however, May would reveal her true personality: aggressive, sneering, and temperamental. Whenever this happened, the top heart-shaped button on her blouse turned upside down, and her left eye would start twitching subtly. Although a formidable individual herself, she was shown to be frightened of her boss Redd White, most likely since she knew he was certainly capable of murder.

  • I like a man with a big... vocabulary.

  • You're the lawyer, aren't you? The detective told me... He said, "Don't say nothing to that lawyer, pal!" Tee hee!

  • What's it to you, porcupine-head!?

Project Ace Attorney DUB!
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