Project Ace Attorney DUB!

Maceryn for Mia Fey

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mia Fey
Role assigned to: Maceryn

Head of her own criminal defense law firm, Mia Fey is Phoenix's boss and mentor. Personality: Always cool under pressure, Mia Fey is smart, tenacious, a strict teacher and sometimes even coy. She has a great affection for her sister but is also very independent, and strives to uncover truth at all costs.

  • Try thinking out of the box! Don't waste time doubting the facts. Assume the clock was three hours slow and... Think through it! 

  • Wright? I hope you see the importance of evidence now. Also, hopefully you realize, things change depending on how you look at them. People, too. We never really know if our clients are guilty or innocent. All we can do is believe in them. And in order to believe in them, you have to believe in yourself.

  • Lies always beget more lies! See through one, and their whole story falls apart!

Project Ace Attorney DUB!
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