One Piece Movie 4 Abridged Parody

One Piece Movie 4 Abridged Parody

Project Overview

THAT'S A WRAP ON AUDITIONS! Thanks so much for everyone who submitted. It means a lot. This was freaking HARD to go through. Honestly a lot of really good options for each role. I'll do my best to make this a great project!

1. About Me:

A: Hi i'm DJ. Also known as Mushrooman on YouTube. I primarily make "comedic" reviews where I commentate and review anime by making fun of it. If you know channels like Jontron, NakeyJakey, Scott The Woz, Cinema Sins, SuperEyePatchWolf, Billiam and/or Gigguk, that's the vibe of my channel.

B: I mainly cover One Piece, cause algorithm said so.


2. About The Project:

A: I'm doing an abridged series for movies 1-9 of One Piece. I've already done three One Piece movie parodies as well as two Naruto videos with my friends.

B: My main goal is to make this abridged parody even better with the help of your talented skills as a voice actor to really bring this project to life! 

C: Movie 2:

D: Movie 3:

3. Voice-Over Directions:

A: Please give me ABC format. Little background noise as possible. HOWEVER, there's one exception ;)

B: On the 3rd take you can change the line a bit to what feels more natural to you or what you believe might be better. I am open to different variations.

C: Comment your discord. We will communicate via a discord server.

D: You must be comfortable with mild cursing and yelling.

4. Purposely Missing Roles:

A: You'll notice some key roles are missing like "Monkey D. Luffy" and the other straw hats. That is because I already have a few of those roles set from the previous abridges. Just like you, I am a voice actor and I want to improve and have fun.

5. Thank you for your time and consideration to this project! 

  1. FUN FACT! This movie will be 22yrs old on March 1st!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tony Tony Chopper
Role assigned to: Brandon Belcher (Viester)

Original: The Doctor of the Straw Hat pirates. Childlike and very gullible. He gets scared easily but can fight when necessary. He takes his work as a doctor very seriously.

Abridged: He still gets scared easily but it doesn't take much for him to become overly confident for a short period of time. 

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • female young adult
  • female child
  • female teen
  • That was a warning, your head is next.

  • ....I didn't say something racist again did I?

  • Enough! These guys are my guests and you will prepare a feast for us all

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ryan Pratt

Original: A stereotypical villain. He's evil for the sake of being evil. He doesn't believe in dreams and believes power is the only thing that matters. A cunning man who will do whatever it takes to win. He is unloyal to his crew and will not hesitate to toss them. 

Abridged: He is a stereotypical nerd. Think Beavis & Butt-head. Just a guy who really thinks he's the chosen one who could solo Goku if he really wanted to. Give him a dorky voice. A little nasal and just overconfident. 

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • male senior
  • I Gasparde, am most pleased with your valiant display of strength. You may join my crew.

  • At ease men. This child wishes to face the Great Grande Gasparde. Foolish, but I respect it.

  • Sorry Straw Hat, but my snot-snot fruit gives me +12 evasion and defense. You cannot win.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ryan Pratt

Original: A bounty hunter that wants to kill Gasparde and avenge his familys death. An enthusiastic character. He's naturally optimistic, as he is often seen smiling and seems to enjoy fighting. Just like Luffy, he has a "bottomless stomach. 

Abridged: Pretty much the same but a bit more cheerful, laidback and stupid.

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character.

Line 2: Hum 10secs of this song enthusiastically:

You can just do 1 take of this line.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • male teen
  • *slamming someone into the ground* Nobody lays a finger on my butter finger!

  • DJ, play my song! *hum One Piece OST | Shuraiya vs Needles*

  • *out of breath from fighting* Hehe, you don't talk much do yah?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: NuttrButtrBoi

A cold blooded assassin whose the right hand man of Gasparde, the main villain. Throughout the movie he doesn't talk until his battle with Shuriya near the end of the film. When he does talk, he has a deep, monotone voice. Its clear he loves to fight and spill blood.

Abridged: Everything is the same BUT you must provide me with TERRIBLE audio. I just think it'd be really funny if everyone sounds great but there's just one character who sounds awful. This role will be chosen based on who can act the role AND provide bad audio. Like a good actor pretending to suck. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • I will kill this man, I will not let him live anymore...

  • *maniacal laugh* Your life is mine!

  • Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: YsaV

Original: A stubborn but kind kid with a tomboyish personality. She is an orphan who works on Gasparde's ship as a mechanic with her adoptive grandpa. She wants to kill Gasparde and find her brother.

Abridged: She's really bad at hiding the fact she's a girl. Everyone can tell but she tries super hard to hid the fact. She tries to do a surfer bro voice and just says a lot of stuff she thinks a guy stereotypically would be into.

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character.

Voice description:
  • female child
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • Hey what's up my fellow dudes and bros?! *annoying laugh* Cool if I vape?

  • Sup, i'm Adelle. You guys like bitches? I like bitches. I mean dogs, dummy *annoying laugh*

  • *confrontational* What's up?! What's up?! You want some of this, brah?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dirty Daniel

Original: Stoker for the boiler on Gaspade's ship. He was forced to take this job to protect himself and Adelle. A very caring and brave old man. He will do whatever it takes to protect the people closest to him. Even if it means working for the enemy. 

Abridged: He is a grumpy old man who worships Gasparde like a God. He wishes Adelle would be more like him. He has very controversial opinions that makes everyone uncomfortable. 

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • Adelle! You still playin' with those dolls?! Here's a gun, go kill a guy. Build some testosterone.

  • Lord Gasparde is a real mans pirate. Not like those East Blue Fruties you hang around.

  • *willingly sacrifices himself in the name of his lord* Long live the king

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lieutant Drake
Role assigned to: Evan Talley

 A Marine officer stationed in G8. He is often seen chasing after the Straw Hat Pirates. He is very persistent and gets easily annoyed.. A smart but serious man who has a very commanding voice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • And not just any pirate ship, its the straw hats! I should know, I've seen them twice now.

  • You wanted to see me, sir?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
TV Announcer
Role assigned to: Beerusberg

Original: The movie opens up with a 3d continuous shot going through the town and showing the citizens before arriving at the straw hats in the pub. It feels like a cutscene in an early ps2 game. 

Abridged: A TV announcer has arrived in this town to try and find the straw hats. Full of energy, a huge fan and looking forward to seeing what the straw hats have in store. 

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • male young adult
  • live announcer / inshow narration
  • Welcome to pirates on air! This season we're doing a huge scoop on the upcoming race!

  • The Dead End Race is a dangerous race between pirate crews, taking place in secret.

  • Zoom in on the ass, Marcus! ABSOLUTE CINEMA!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: dzongp

Original: The Bartender is a stoic man who keeps to himself and doesn't talk much. He hates to see half-hearted rookie pirates throw their lives away, but he will let them enter the Dead End Adventure race. 

Abridged: A happily married man who loves his husband. When people 1st talk to him, he always assumes they are hitting on him and rejects them then talks about how much he loves his husband.

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • Sorry sir, but I am a happily married man. My husband is taking me to see the opera!

  • Sorry ma'am but I'm not interested. Jeez, I should really start wearing my ring at work.

  • You kids take it from here. My hubby is picking me up and we're gonna do couples yoga!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Undercover Pirate Man
Role assigned to: YanceDoesVoices

Original: A pirate whose nervous about the big race, but determined to win. He acts as the straw hats introduction to getting into the dead end race. Near the end of the film he gets caught in Gasparde's trap.

Abridged Version: He is an undercover marine whose bad at his job. His goal is to try to gather intel about this illegal pirate meet up by pretending to be a pirate. He's trying to act like he's not wearing a wire but its super obvious. Obnoxious and over annunciates his words.

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • Well hello there bartender! What a fine establishment you're running today.

  • Why yes! I would like a drink, bartender. Here are TWO silver coins that I am giving to you.

  • Mr.Bartender. Can you come close to my chest and tell me of any ILLEGAL pirate activities?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Gr33dy Jay

Original: A super obnoxious and violent pirate who thinks he's better than anyone just cause of his bounty. Big frog in a small pond mindset. He won't hesitate to beat up people with silly ideals.

Abridged: Quick scene of Bellamy offering Luffy a drink and then slamming his head. This is a quick cutaway after Luffy already gets his head slammed in the movie as a reference to this scene. 

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • Here you go, pal. Drink up! Its on the house.

  • *effort noise of slamming someone's head into a table*

  • *mocking laugh* Looks like you haven't been told who runs this town, straw hat!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Marshal D. Teach
Role assigned to: Metal

Original: A pirate the straw hats meet at Jaya. He encourages Luffy to follow his dreams and not worry about the people who make fun of him. He has a voice that's a bit raspy bur full of confidence. Pretty stereotypical of a pirate. Sounds like he's at least mid 40s

Abridged: Nothing different about the character. A quick scene where Teach says his lines from afar after Luffy just got beat up in a pub and is hoping the day doesn't get worse. This is sort of making fun of the original iconic scene. 

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Ze-Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

  • A pirates dreams never end, straw hat!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Beerusberg

Original: A powerful pirate who inspired Luffy to become King of the pirates. Not much is known about him. In this movie he only appears as quick flashbacks of Luffys.

Abridged: He blames Luffy for causing him to get in an accident. Very loud and in constant pain.

Line's not finalized. Just an idea for the character

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • (You Just lost your arm)AAAAAAH My arm! MY ARM! This is your fault! AAAAAAH


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vice-Admiral Jonathan
Role assigned to: Neraiden

Original: A good natured, easy-going and laid back man who deeply cares for his men. Jonathan is proven to be one of the most tactical Marines with an eye for strategy. He is also known to be analytical and observant. 

Abridged: Same type of character. He just shows up briefly at the end of the video.

Lines not finalized. Just an idea for the character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • male senior
  • That's no ghost ship, its just a pirate boat out of Jaya.

  • *casual but threatening* Don't be so hasty. You'll be joining the swordsmen soon enough.

  • Say Drake. Isn't that the straw hats ship?


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