

Project Overview

PR:Rivenverse is a story heavy RPG developed in RPGMaker(MV).

Taking place thousands of years after the annihilation of Humanity, focusing on a new 'elemental' based society built over the remains of the Earth, created by several Gods and ruled by its twelve Maintainers.

But we all know that there is rarely any society that thrives completely devoid of threat, as a recently formed organization known as the Fatali Stellae has been participating in a handful of questionable activities under the guise of their organization simply being business-related.

Thankfully, there are a few who are already aware of their true intentions and misdeeds, and may even soon put everything about them into light.

The game page is here in case you want to look! It's still currently only in a beta:

Drive folder with character references (Casting call)

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Jon Lu

Noxynite is VERY sardonic and straightforward with how he feels, he takes an authoritative role while ordering people around due to being one of the main business men for Fatali Stellae. He acts lazy but it’s because he doesn’t have much to do because he sorts out business matters in one sitting. A majority of the lower ranks view Noxynite as intimidating due to him being 9’6” and how harsh he is as an overall individual, too. PLEASE ONLY AUDITION FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU ARE POC.

  • english
Voice description:
  • all english accents
  • adult
  • male adult
  • “I don’t need to waste my time on your worthless banter, if you really want to play hero go ahead; none of us are stopping you or your little group of friends. If you really must prolong your ultimate failure that is fine by me. It’s not my fault your naÏvety makes you unwilling to see the how you won’t succeed in the end and will suffer the consequences. Your attempts to stop our organisation will end in utter defeat."

  • (Nonchalant, slight annoyance) “Asmodeus, get Vasaliás to stay in line. The last thing I need from him is him and his friend coming in here to bother me about their little adventures. All he does is act out of line and if you can’t seem to get him in order then that appears to be an issue doesn’t it? My point is to not put down your place as a throne, I know you are much more easy going then the other thrones but authority is key to getting your lowers not act out of control and go on a rampage.”

  • (Sarcastic, fake interest) *Yawn* “As much as I would totalllyyyyy love to hear your story, I would much rather listen to Vasaliás try talking to me for a full hour. I don’t care about what you really want to tell me. I have more important matters.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Baiyi

Sniegoulé’s voice is ghost-like, so it wavers if he’s speaking at a normal tone; however if he yells it is filled with anger and spite. The difference between him talking to Vasaliás compared to other people is he sounds less harsh and lets his guard down, while he sounds like he’s constantly out for everyone else’s blood.

  • english
Voice description:
  • all english accents
  • male adult
  • (Empty, harsh, some mockery) “Do you believe that your views really would send me through a change of heart? I don’t pity you or your pathetic attempts at saving this world, because there simply is nothing of worth to protect here. Mortals wilt everything they touch. It's simply a mankind kills mankind's world, not some place of reconciliation.”

  • (Attempting to reassure) “Oh come on Vas, between everything else that's happened I believe this is mere child's play. Time isn’t something that can be manipulated at our own will, so we make-do with what we have, correct? So loosen up a bit, it’s nothing to be scared of.”

  • (Mock innocence, laced with venom and anger) *Laughter/Chuckle* “I’d say you’d look pretty nice as a statue of ice, it reflects the stupidity of how you believe trying to fight us will result in your resolution, a reflection on how mankind continues to fail through time due to their own actions.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Kirsten Ria

Her personality is straightfoward and she takes pleasure in making fun of people she views as stupid, often correcting them or talking over them to prove her point. She is also pretty sassy whenever she wants to be if she's not sending messages, but it's usually in private. Other than that she tries to act a lot like her father.    (Noxynite)                                        (Dev team note) Maxxine has a russian accent, please do not over exaggerate it. Keep your voice pretty monotone as well.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • generic russian
  • (Aggravated tone, some parts are spoken slowly as if she thinks the person she is speaking to is ""dumb"") “I am the daughter to a man you may or may not know of… I’ll assure you of this however; he doesn’t appreciate unannounced guests like you .”

  • (Irritated) “Unbeknownst, there's hints to a feathered being who created life. Only to end up a coward who hides in her floating city. Sounds familiar doesn't it?, Or have you not been here for that long, moron.”

  • (Straightforward/Impatient tone) “I have a name, you don’t need to constantly call me the Fatali Stellae messenger because I don’t call you an arrogant piece of worthless flesh to your face now do I? Let’s be sensical here and have you get to the point instead of wasting precious time.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ophion Caliber
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Banana Van

Ophion is notioursly known for her smooth talking and ability to ease her way out of almost all situations. She is one of the main money makers of Fatali Stellae, and the Founders voice of reason; though many employees are unaware to if its because they are married, or that she is actually able to speak sense into the Founder...Ophion escaped the Abyssal Realm, moving upwards to the Mortal Realm in her early 20s, where she later found her placement in Fatali Stellae.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • all english accents
  • (Low 'sultry' tone) "And those who are against shall watch the world burn, as we rise and create a world free of these savage Gods...What is with you, thinking we just want it gone ENTIRELY? We're not that dull, everything has an end goal in this organisation, dearie."

  • "Who are you to question ME of all people? Are you aware of my ranking within this organisation? Foolish CHILD."

  • "I've heard all of your empty threats before, you're not stopping anything, and by fighting you're just causing even more of a problem..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: promblems

A man who holds a strong hatred towards the only surviving God of Xenos; Hades, he hates the man for allying with the group of Gods who destroyed their universe and also for taking upon the title of 'God of Justice', when he can't even bring justice to his fallen people. 

He is described as pessimistic, rude, incredibly sarcastic, too. Lor is very down to Earth and despises people who are late to any sort of things that are planned, Starlor has a newfound passion for exploration and storytelling, but only to those who he finds worth his time.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all english accents
  • (Irritated) "Right! Please just call me WHATEVER at this point, I'm so sick of you asking 'Wait...what's your name again' to start your EVERY sentence!"

  • "V-Victoria? Riiightio, I'm out of here; YOU NEVER SAW ME! Any of you..."

  • “Actually, it’s in between purple and blue. Do you guys want in or not? ‘Thought little old fur-face told you that this was a rush job.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: KiChan

A representative of Aithne, land of Sigmis (fire)She is a close associate of Haamiah, and finds a chance for business opportunities throughout every nation within the Eleuther. PLEASE ONLY AUDITION IF YOU'RE POC

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • jamaican
  • "Business is business, I'm afraid...Go ahead with these little land-plans you have, just make sure we have money to gain from it and then we're all ears, forever!"

  • (Bored tone) "You act like money is the only valuable thing to me; I'm simply repeating Haamiahs word."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Carrick Inabnett

Enforcer Gabriel, working alongside Micheal; his brother. The two both work for Fatali Stellae, though Gabriel is not so closely linked unlike his Micheal, who had their complete devotion. Gabriel acts like a heroic, knight in shining armor to the public to build a false trust.Before joining Fatali Stellae, the two ensured the God of Dreams' safety, though they were both dismissed after the incident between Ars and Silnin.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • greek
  • "Brother? Head out with me on this mission, will you? I have a feeling I'll be lobbered with the usual fangroup if I go solo..." *Chuckle* "Delusional people, aren't they?"

  • (Monotone) "Yes, yes, shower me with your usual praise, you're all so oblivious to what I truly do..."

  • "While I do love battle, I'm really not like my colleagues! If anything, I'm more suitable for the 2nd Throne then Jester ever will be!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Angie Min

( Dev team note again ) HER VOICE IS COMPLETELY MONOTONE. She doesn’t express a lot and acts like an empty shell, however there are odd moments when she does express something but it’s pretty random; when someone points it out she almost instantly reverts back to her usual self and acts clueless to what happened.

  • english
Voice description:
  • all english accents
  • female adult
  • (Threatening) “I'm simply following orders as I am supposed to, what consideration you have towards that matter means nothing to me. Move or I will deal with you and the matter with my own ideals to get it into your head.”

  • “Ah, Vasaliás. Long time no see. Still as immature as ever and still can't do missions accordingly. Brash and self-centered as always and can't seem to uphold a caring family because you're so dense. What a shame.”

  • “What I do outside of my missions does not need to be known by you, it's nonsensical for you to butt into private matters. Go back to your little partygoers and fight crime, seems that's what you're best at with your heroic attempts.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: ZoraLune

(He/They) A strange memory keeper who trails along with people who he deems suspicious or are in risk of disrupting certain events or timelines which are destined to happen. He was created by an unknown God to always serve.Mariam hasn't got many hobbies, and his only one is drawing things that have left a mark, and journaling.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • all english accents
  • "This role that I have accepted; it drains me, makes every day feel like a gamble...But I suppose hanging around with you guys could help me feel just that SMALL amount of...better? D-Does that make sense?"

  • (Nervous) "I'm sorry, I'm not the best with people...I-I mean, I speak to memories, through TIME itself. And then the rest of the time? Haumai....That fool."

  • "W-What a silly story...! I like it, though, it's cute.."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Rea_bear

Mayor of Alinos and also deals with other affairs in the Mortal Realm, she’s often found appreciating the views of her Hometown with Mios, and others. Her younger sister, Kitt is the sole worker of Alinos’ mail service that Kattryne funds and manages.

Voice description:
  • all english accents
  • female adult
  • (Excited) "Welcome to Alinos! Don't worry about any rubble at the moment, we're renovating this town to the best it can be!!"

  • "Ignore Mios if their appearance scares you off, it's Aeternitas clothing and technology; I do attempt to explain to them that this world hasn't even got the slightest grasp on technology, and then they say that it's a WAKE UP CALL?!"

  • "Hey hey— If you see my sister, make sure to say hi!!!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: GAMEJAE

A mechanic from Aternitas, but he resides within Fulminaire; his reasoning is that it's for "work." Though the majority of people are well aware that is a blatant lie. He's an enthusiastic worker, partnering alongside Mios and Victoria. PLEASE ONLY AUDITION IF YOU ARE POC

  • english
Voice description:
  • all english accents
  • male adult
  • "You...Are what I like to specify as being a *very* sad individual."

  • "If you see Lor about, try bribe him to cook...I need more people to be exposed to those HORRIFIC dishes he makes."

  • (Friendly mocking) "What you up to, 'sea pirate'? A mighty title you gave yourself, eheheheh."


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