Mysterious Sonder (Sims 2 Psychological Mystery Series) - Recast and New Characters
Project Overview
Hello everyone!
Please read the following before auditioning:
Brief synopsis
This series follows Lucy, a girl who struggles with an unrevealed condition, as she attempts to find meaning behind the strange occurrences in her life. Could the events following the opening of a prestigious school with very elitist entry criteria be connected?
While this series does have some light-hearted and comical moments, there is generally a solemn tone throughout, as it depicts the challenges of having mental health problems.
I have included the trailer for Mysterious Sonder above, which will hopefully give you an idea as to whether this is something you want to audition for. You can also take a look at the first episode, which you can find here:
Two voiced-over episodes for this series have been created already, but additional voice actors are needed for new characters and to recast unresponsive voice actors. There are thirty-one episodes in total across three seasons and all have been written. To minimise drop-out rates, I plan on sending scripts continuously (as opposed to uploading a video before sending the next script). By default, I will send out only the scripts for episodes that your character is in, but if you prefer to have access to all scripts, please let me know.
Scripts will be sent by email.
There will be no inappropriate content or bad language, but some scenes may feel unsettling or upsetting, so keep this in mind when auditioning.
Rules/ information
- A reasonable quality microphone and minimal background noise is essential [E.g. please don’t use an in-built phone microphone]. A pop filter is highly recommended.
- Please read each line at least twice, with different interpretations.
- I will send four scripts at a time, with a months deadline, depending on how many lines are in each script. If you need an extension at any time, I'm happy to give one - just let me know before the deadline please!
- Must be committed in the long term, since this project could go on for a while.
- Episodes will be publicly available on YouTube, and voice actors will be credited with their CCC username by default, but you can request something different if you prefer.
- Ad-libbing is allowed but please adhere to the original script for at least two attempts.
- I recently decided to make this project paid [except for minor roles]. Payments will be made via PayPal and will be paid in two equal instalments: the first after half the scripts have been completed, and the rest at the very end when all scripts have been delivered.
- I encourage you to audition for multiple roles.
- Do not hesitate to ask for extra clarification with lines if needed. I am more than happy to give extra direction.
- I now have a Ko-fi page where you can support the project
- I still have some minor roles left. If you are happy to voice one of these roles then please let me know when you submit your audition, and you might be contacted for one of these parts in the event that you aren't cast for a main part.
Thanks for auditioning!
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Latest Updates
Hello everyone! The deadline has now passed so I will be making final decisions soon. There have been so many great auditions, but sadly I am not able to work with every single one of you. If you are cast please could you get in touch with me as soon as you can and provide your email address, where I will be sending scripts. I haven't been able to find the right voice for David yet, or a few extra/ minor roles, so I am going to be keeping these roles open for the time being. If you aren't cast this time around then consider giving these roles a go! Thank you!
Deadline may be extended by a week
Hello everyone! I want to thank everyone who has auditioned for the project so far. I have heard many great auditions, and it is going to be very hard to choose between them. With this being said, I feel I need another week to make my decision. I haven't decided on whether I'll extend it for sure yet, but it's fairly likely. At that point I will hopefully be in a better position to cast the majority of the roles. There are a couple of roles I still haven't been able to find a suitable voice for. For these roles I will be extending the deadline by a week until I find someone appropriate. I want to remind everyone that if I don't pick you, it isn't necessarily because you lack talent. Sometimes I will find a really talented voice actor whose voice doesn't quite fit the face of the character they auditioned for as well as another voice actor. And that has nothing to do with talent. Other times it might be because the mic quality could be better, or that the accent isn't right for the character. Thank you all again! :)

VOICE RANGE: Medium - Low
ACCENT: Well-spoken/ Posh RP British Accent
TRAITS: Stubborn/ Practical/ Opinionated/ Arrogant/ Idealistic/ Musical
LINE COUNT: Approx. 142 (with many long lines)
DESCRIPTION: Arthur is an insecure man who pretends, or arguably deludes himself into being upper-class. He has extreme right-wing fascist views, believing in the superiority of the ruling class. He is a father to David and headmaster of the prestigious school, which he privately owns. He often speaks in flowery, magniloquent language; his lines tending to be long-winded and coming across as unintentionally comical at times. Despite his very extreme and controversial views, he is a reasonably caring father and a capable headmaster.
Arthur is crucial to the plot and has a lot of long, wordy lines, so please only audition if you are comfortable with this and are able to dedicate yourself to the role. Since his lines are long, you can do just one take for the audition if you wish. Please note, Arthur is the highest paying role because he has the longest lines.
(pretentious) Good morning, good morning. It is with great pleasure that I wish each and every one of you most privileged students sitting here in this spectacular theatre, a very warm welcome to Saint David's Academy. As you are aware, St. David's is a school of music - Ah music - that refined art form that only the finest in society can ever properly appreciate and understand. Anyhow - as a bare minimum, I expect every one of you to continue practising your instrument of choice over the duration of your time at St. David's. However, I strongly encourage you to join the school's orchestra. Now, I appointed a very young, yet exceptionally talented conductor for this orchestra and I am pleased to say, a music student under my own tutorage.
(pretentious, enthusiastic) We’ve had a few hiccups along the way, but I like to see them as little splashes of paint threatening to taint the beautiful canvas that stands before the artist. However, with nothing but a deft twist of a brush, and the keenest of eyes, the incomparably talented artist successfully incorporates them into the work, transforming what was once beautiful into something even more spectacular; in fact, an absolute masterpiece. The toils and trials I go through serve only to create the most perfect vision of reality I could possibly conjure up.
(wistful, panicky) Why is everything falling apart. All these years of planning, hoping and dreaming of a better sunrise only to have it melt away before my very eyes. I will not fail. The world will be as I envision it. I will not let this world crumble into chaos while I am still alive. I need more time. Time and a new plan. Think, THINK.

VOICE RANGE: Medium- Low
ACCENT: Well-spoken, genuine RP British public school accent (Not snooty!)
VOICE TYPE: Serious/ intellectual
TRAITS: Intellectual/ Practical/ Opinionated/ A complainer/ A realist/ Ethical
LINE COUNT: Approx. 173
DESCRIPTION: As the son of a man with very controversial views, David isn't the most laid back of people; often stressed and going off on rants to those in his company. Years of exposure to the corrupt influence of his Father has given David a particular hatred for people with unethical opinions. Despite his distaste for his Father's views, his privileged upbringing has left it's mark on him. With a refined and sophisticated taste, David enjoys the finer things in life, including any mentally stimulating activity. Story-wise, he is important, being the first person to investigate the mysterious events. As David has been brought up in a wealthy upper-class family, he will require a well-spoken accent to reflect this. He also has a slightly eccentric, rather old-fashioned manner of speech.
Note: If you can't do a genuine public school/ upper-class English accent then you can still audition with a neutral RP English accent - just be careful not to speak in a sloppy manner. I have heard a lot of 'snooty English voice' auditions, but this isn't what I'm looking for. I strongly recommend listening to the clip below for an example of the kind of voice and accent I'm looking for:
(irritated, mockingly) It's all he goes on about lately- 'David my son, it's about time we arranged a dinner with her', or 'Yasmin's turned into a fine young woman don't you think?' Arghhhhh I've told him multiple times that I have no interest in her. All he cares about is the ancestry- wants to keep it in the family. Couldn't care less about my happiness.
(Rage) What impudence! How dare you make a mockery of me and my entire group! You blithering idiot! You insolent wretch! You ignorant fool! Y-you- urgh, I've had enough of this. You aren't worth my energy.
(trying to stay calm and address the situation rationally) I think this is the problem. You have such a tainted, dare I say even bigoted, view of the lower-class demographic that it renders you blind to the damage this is causing our society.

VOICE TYPE: Serious/ not too animated or neurotic
ACCENT: British or North American
TRAITS: Cold/ Hardworking/ Career-orientated/ Intellectual/ Practical/ Intelligent/ Academic/ Pragmatic
LINE COUNT: Approx. 83
DESCRIPTION: Corrin's avid interest in marine biology, along with her pragmatic nature, have caused her relationships to deteriorate over time. Days and nights spent in pursuit of her goal to become a marine biologist have drained her emotionally. Exhibiting schizoid-like tendencies, Corrin has little interest in interpersonal relationships with others, often making excuses to avoid having to spend time with people. This lifestyle sends her on a downward spiral, leaving her vulnerable to manipulation, which ultimately proves to be her downfall.
[After someone publicly accused her of being insensitive]
(upset) I know I may have come across as a little insensitive, but that doesn't mean I don't have any feelings. Or maybe I just feel things a little less intensely, I don't know? It doesn't give Jamal the right to judge me for the way I dealt with it and humiliate me in front of everyone, right?
(Frustrated) Will you ever stop this? I have a lot of work to do OK? Just because I happen to be more focused lately doesn't mean that something is wrong. And no, I have no reason to fear him anymore. Stop trying to find problems where there aren't any.
[Talking to herself absentmindedly when someone is trying to engage with her]
(Wistful, melancholy, quietly) Life is so meaningless. What is the point of anything we do? Our interests? Our dreams? Our aspirations? What do they even mean in the end?

VOICE RANGE: Medium- Low
VOICE TYPE: Monotone/ depressed/ lifeless
ACCENT: RP British
TRAITS: Cold/ Grumpy/ Troubled/ Caring/ Easily agitated/
LINE COUNT: Approx. 48
DESCRIPTION: Negative circumstances in Blakeney's life have caused him to shut everybody out and deal with the consequences alone. With terrible anger-management and a substance-use disorder that has spiralled out of control, it is hard to believe that he used to have an easy-going and approachable temperament. In his desperation and inability to cope under pressure, Blakeney resorts to a choice that causes him and others around him more trouble than he bargained for. He is a rather moody and depressed character, who sometimes takes out his frustrations on innocent bystanders. At the beginning of the story, he gets involved with a deal on the darknet in which he is required to kill one of the students at Seamoon Secondary. For this reason, he reluctantly attempts to enter into his friendship circle, which has him faking courtesy and often coming across as awkward and unnatural. When Blakeney can't handle the pressure anymore, he confides in a friend he used to be close to who tries to help him out of the situation.
[Before approaching someone he has to get close to as part of a deal]
*Sigh* This is gonna go terribly.
(forced politeness, reluctant) Hi, I'm... Blakeney. What lessons do you have next?
(depressed) I honestly don't know what to do anymore... my life is beyond messed up. What's stopping me from just disappearing? I can't do this anymore... I just can't do it.
(quivering rage) You! How could you let everything fall apart like this? I don't think you even know what I'm getting into because of you! How desperate I am because of the way you've let everything become. What kind of Dad do you call yourself? You don't even deserve to be a Dad!

ACCENT: British or North American
TRAITS: Jokester/ Laid-back/ Loyal/ Easy-going/ Confident/ Extroverted/ Good-natured/ Calm/ Easily-flustered/ Cat-lover/ Terrible-liar
LINE COUNT: Approx 133
DESCRIPTION: With an easy-going and approachable temperament, Daemon is often the one tasks are entrusted to. With a large, financially unstable family to care for, along with a shortage of well-paid jobs in the area, Daemon sees no choice but to join his friends' illegal business; a decision which weighs on his conscience daily. When things get out of hand however, Daemon's resolve weakens and he tries to come to a compromise with the rest of the group. Unlike his friends, he is good at maintaining composure in stressful situations. He is however, a terrible liar, often sounding awkward and unnatural when confronted. Socially, he is easy to get on with and likes to make jokes, which are often corny. He has a soft spot for cats; choosing to volunteer at a rescue centre, which helps him escape the harsh realities of his unconventional life.
(As if treading on eggshells) Hey Wyatt... I had a feeling you'd be a bit... temperamental, so I stood outside. I'll take over now. I think you need to go home and cool down a bit...
[Daemon is asked whether he will ever tell his mum about the illegal business]
(conflicted) Uhhhh, I don't know man. It breaks my heart to think of the look on mums face if I told her. I know for a fact she wouldn't condone it, but I don't feel I have a choice right now. If I told her, we really could be living on the street. Especially me *sniggers*.
[Daemon is asked who his friends are. Not wanting their illegal business and his involvement in it to be known, he answers the question very awkwardly]
(Flustered) Oh... erm... they do normal stuff y'know? They play games... they eat... they sleep, I think. Not that I've ever really seen them sleep heh.... heh.

VOICE RANGE: Medium- Low
VOICE TYPE: Deep and rich/ Unsettling/ Mysterious
ACCENT: RP British or North American
TRAITS: Blunt/ Severe/ Earnest/ Workaholic/ Disconcerting/ Intimidating/ Intuitive/
LINE COUNT: Approx. 52
DESCRIPTION: Matilda doesn't possess the usual qualities of a therapist. With a blunt attitude and unsettling demeanour, those in her company are often intimidated by her. She has sharp intuition; quick to detect when her patient is withholding information. With an inability to establish trust effectively however, her therapy sessions tend to resemble that of an interrogation, leaving her patients stressed and suspicious. She has a tendency to phrase her sentences in an overly logical, mechanical fashion and disregards small talk as meaningless and ineffective.
She will require a carefully delivered, mysterious, slightly robotic manner of speech. She will need to sound severe and unsettling but not menacing. She first appears in episode 5.
Edit: I've heard quite a few auditions that don't sound mysterious enough, or sound too much like an ordinary therapist. Don't be afraid to slow right down. Think rich and mysterious, maybe even hypnotic. The mysterious delivery is very important. :)
(Serious) Hello. My name is Matilda and I will be your therapist for the duration of your treatment. Your name is Lucy. Am I correct? (Lucy answers with a yes) Lucy. I've been expecting you. In order for this session to be successful, I will need you to cooperate with me and answer all of my questions accurately and honestly.
[Matilda guides her patient]
Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a four year old child. Focus on those feelings of dread that arise when you think about the past. Keep focusing on them.
(Severe) Lucy. You seem very defensive and tense in these sessions. Your therapy will not be effective if you analyse every little thing that I ask you. I need you to focus on the session and refrain from asking these irrelevant questions.

VOICE RANGE: Medium - High
ACCENT: RP British
TRAITS: Naïve/ Foolish/ Simple-minded/ Determined/ Gullible/ Hard-working/ Enthusiastic
LINE COUNT: Approx. 15
DESCRIPTION: Arthur's gullible sidekick and part of the mysterious research team. Though not the smartest member, his loyalty and dedication to the cause render him a valuable asset. Arthur's elaborate analogies often go over his head, inducing foolish responses from Robert, which try Arthur's patience. Since they were childhood friends however, he is tolerated. He has a tendency to say things at inappropriate times and can appear quite ignorant; seeming to be in a world of his own.
An animated and slightly comical delivery would be ideal for this role. He first appears in episode 5.
[Arthur uses the analogy of an artist and his masterpiece to express how the trials he goes through serve only to improve his work. Robert responds naively, missing the point]
(Eagerly) Ohhhh, I didn't know you liked painting Arthur? I know, we could paint pictures around Saint David's Academy and make that pretty masterpiece you were referring to.
(upset in a comical way) I have been meaning to ask Arthur. How come my precious daughter wasn't granted a special exception to enter the school? I thought you might do it for little ol' me.
[In response to David suggesting it's not the end of the world to be unable to go to the school]
How dare you say that it's 'just a school'. This is the school we've all been waiting for. It's far more than 'just a school'. As Arthur's son I am utterly shocked that you'd say something so... absurd.
[David responds, essentially saying that whether you attend or not, it is merely two years of your life]
(Dramatically shocked) A-A- A mere two years of life? W-What am I hearing? I-I-

ACCENT: British (RP)
TRAITS: Serious, Hard-working, Practical, Caring, Empathetic
LINE COUNT: Approx. 10
DESCRIPTION: Lucy's Dad is a hardworking and rather quiet man who likes to keep to himself. He cares a lot about his daughter, often being the one to accompany her to scheduled appointments. He first appears in episode 4.
[On TV talking about his daughter' disappearance]
(Distressed) We are beside ourselves with worry. Even the seemingly most insignificant detail could help us to find her. Please, we want our daughter back safely.
Maybe now isn't the time for visitors. Lucy really needs to rest. Please hurry along now. (Turns to his wife) I think we should get going too darling.
[Trying to get her attention as she wakes up in hospital]
(Anxious) Lucy, Lucy! Are you okay?
[In response to people overcrowding her]
(Concerned) Please don't pressure her too much. She's under a lot of stress right now.

VOICE RANGE: Medium- Low
ACCENT: North American
TRAITS: Easily-agitated/ Insecure/ Quiet/ Rebellious/ Serious/ Blunt
LINE COUNT: Approx. 29
DESCRIPTION: Gray is Ewan's closest friend and gives him the most advice, although he can be rather blunt with it. Insecure about his quieter nature, he gets mad at people who point it out. Rebelling against it, he regularly attends nightclubs and parties with his friends, pretending to like them, when in reality he dreads them. He is easily agitated by his friends' teasing remarks, especially when it comes to a girl he's too embarrassed to admit he has a crush on. 'Dude' is his catchphrase.
His delivery should sound unanimated and more on the serious side. He first appears in episode 5.
(Slightly humoured) Dude... Miss Lambert's gonna kill you.
[In response to someone asking what they are talking about]
(Unanimated) Just some prank they are gonna pull off in English... which I have nothing to do with. I clean my hands of it.
(Sympathetic, matter of fact) I don't get why you didn't just listen to me from the outset dude. You were an idiot getting involved with them in the first place, let alone blackmailing them for money.
[Ewan teases Gray about the girl he likes]
Now Ewan [pronounced YOU-wen], if you even so much as think about making me look like a fool in front of Katrina - (unconvincing) who I really couldn't care less about -
[Ewan interrupts him]
Dude. For real. I'm not even joking. If you even think about it-

VOICE RANGE: Medium - Low
ACCENT: RP British (Preferably public school accent)
TRAITS: Well-mannered/ Charismatic/ Confident/ Witty
LINE COUNT: Approx. 15
DESCRIPTION: Chivalrous and polite, Clarke possess the character of a typical English gentleman. With a prim and proper style and a well-mannered temperament, he is widely considered as charming and charismatic. He has slightly old-fashioned tastes, which tend to reflect in his speech. He enjoys the company of others, and is quite fond of teasing people. He first appears in episode 13.
Note: I have made a slight edit to the final line. This will not affect previous auditions negatively.
Good evening Jamal. Not a bad party eh?
[In response to 'how have things been']
Oh you know, same old stuff. I have to complete an assignment after this would you believe? I may have taken procrastination a bit too far this time.
(Impressed) Well, well. With the impression I got from you in class, I didn't think you'd be the type to dance so well. I'm quite impressed.
[In response to Jamal suggesting that his orchestra show up to his competition to support him]
(Teasing) Well I suppose I could cancel that soirée that I had planned with the Prime Minister just for you. (slowly mulling it over in a teasing way) Should I go? It’s very important. Hmmm... no, you come first Jamal.

VOICE RANGE: Medium- Low
ACCENT: RP British or North American
TRAITS: Creepy/ Delusional/ Love-sick/ Single-minded
DESCRIPTION: Oliver has an unhealthy obsession with Corrin and deludes himself into thinking she returns his feelings. He is often seen with a dazed expression on his face, as if lost in his own delusional world and writes cringey, sappy love poems dedicated to her. Little does Corrin know that his obsession with her is far more twisted than she realised. Your audition will cover the part.
He will require a sappy and dazed-sounding voice. He first appears in episode 7.
[Opening the door for her] You first, my beautiful.
Corrin, care to join me?
[Corrin says no]
Oh, how unfortunate. Perhaps an opportunity will come our way some other time...
[After Corrin rebukes him for taking photos of her]
I just couldn't help myself, you look so beautiful tonight my dear.
[Desperate longing] Where are you my beautiful?
Please don't arrest me. I'll never see Corrin's beautiful face or ocean blue eyes again.
No, I cannot accept this. Corrin is my everything. The love we have for each other is too deep for us to be torn apart.

ACCENT: Indian preferably with an RP British influence
VOICE TYPE: Preferably deep
TRAITS: Career-oriented/ Serious
LINE COUNT: Approx. 8
DESCRIPTION: Rakan is Jamal's Father and a very dedicated member of a biological research team. When his son was growing up, he would often neglect him to pursue his academic career. After his son discovered an interest in music however; he tried to bond with him over it, but their relationship became stale again after Rakan was offered a job in the U.K. This audition will cover most of your role.
He first appears in episode 18.
[In response to his wife's worry about Jamal's behaviour]
Well what can we do? We've tried all we can.
[In response to his wife suggesting that he bond with him over piano]
I gave up piano long ago.
Why is he so obsessed with it anyway. It's not like I ever taught him how to play it.
[In response to him being asked about his son]
My son doesn't open up at all, but I have noticed some strange occurrences.
[In response to him being asked about Jamal's behaviour]
Jamal is a closed book. He's not easy to get through to.

ACCENT: RP British Accent
DESCRIPTION: Emma will require a caring and sympathetic voice. Your audition will cover the part.
She first appears in episode 4.
[Emma is on the news; her daughter has gone missing]
(Stressed and worried) If anyone has any information, please come forward.
[Her daughter has been found and is in hospital]
(Worried) Lucy? Are you okay? What on earth happened?
(Concerned) Can you all just step back! You aren't giving her enough space. She's been through a terrible ordeal and she needs to rest.
(Still worried but calmer) We'll be back soon to check on you sweetie.
(Gentle) Lucy, I've bought you a glass of water...
Are you feeling any better?
[In response to Lucy saying she feels bad]
(Anxious) Awh, poor babe. Why did this had to happen - you’ve had more than enough to cope with. Just think you're safe home now. By the way, Jamal called up to ask how you are. Apparently you haven't spoken to him since he visited you at the hospital.
[Lucy responds saying she doesn't want to talk about it, but probably should call him]
(Sympathetic) I know it's hard but I think you'd feel better for it. He has a good heart and clearly cares a lot.

I need a voice for the English teacher of the private school. I am open to any voice with a classy RP British accent. Your audition will cover the role.
She appears in episode 20.
(Professional) Good afternoon class. As your mock exams are on the horizon, I thought we'd do a little refresher on the chapters we've read this term, followed by a group exercise, to facilitate some discussion. Does that sound like a plan?
(Professional) Excellent. We won't read the chapters in their entirety - just a page or two to refresh your memories. Can we all turn to Act 1 of 'Death of a Salesman'. We'll take it in turns to read. David would you mind starting?
(Professional) Thank you David. Lucy, would you mind taking over?
Thank you Lucy. Neil, would you read next?

I need an enthusiastic voice for an English student who is keen to impress the teacher. The delivery can have a comical edge, but keep it within the bounds of reality. Your audition will cover the role.
He appears in episode 20.
[Neil is asked to read a passage from Death of a Salesman]
[Keen to impress] *Cough cough* Certainly miss. [reading the text] At the back of the kitchen there is a draped entrance, which leads to the living room. To the right of the kitchen, on a level raised two feet, is a bedroom furnished only with a brass bedstead and a straight chair. On a shelf over the bed a silver athletic trophy stands. A window opens onto the apartment house at the side.
I am open to any accent and voice type, as long as the delivery is convincing and sounds like a professional news report. Your audition will cover the part.
First appears in episode 4.
Lucy Wotten, a 15 year old girl went missing on Monday evening. If anyone has any information on where she could be, please notify the police. She was last seen near the Seamoon Secondary premises around 5:00pm according to several witnesses.
Two students from Seamoon Secondary were found dead in their homes yesterday evening. The cause of the deaths are unknown, but many witnesses have claimed that both complained of 'fuzzy' feelings in the head. Post mortem analysis suggests trauma to similar regions of the brain, but how the students acquired this kind of damage is a mystery. The recent epidemic involving people from the school, claiming to have experienced these feelings in their heads is all the more disturbing. Further investigations are underway to establish the cause of these occurrences.
I am open to any accent and voice type, as long as the delivery sounds convincing and sympathetic. Your audition will cover most of the part, but some additional lines are needed. I may cast two people for different scenes.
He first appears in episode 4.
(Pressuring, professional) What happened? Please tell us the story. It's extremely important that you report to us everything that you can remember.
(Determined) If there's any information you have that will lead to the arrest of your perpetrator, please tell us.
(Concerned) This is very concerning. The perpetrator appears to have a dangerously unhealthy obsession with you, judging by all these messages. Have there been other strange occurrences before this incident?
(Professional) Roger that. Her mind will need to be clear if we are to obtain all the details. We'll be back for more information. In the meantime Lucy, please try to recall as much as you can. We have a peaceful neighbourhood and we don’t want some runaway criminal to ruin that.
I need some voices for Mothers across the series. I will be casting three people for this role - one for each mother. All will require an RP British accent. You can audition for one, or all of them if you like. Your audition will cover the role.
Mother 1
(Sympathetic, reassuring) I know that your Father's views are very extreme, but he is still your Father so you do need to show him more respect David.
Mother 2
(Excited) That's great news darling! I'm so proud of you.
Mother 3
[This conversation has a serious and hushed tone]
(worried) This isn't normal. He hasn't said a word since Kamil died.
[Her husband says 'well what can we do']
Be a Father to him. Play piano with him or something.
[Her husband responds negatively]
Can't you just try for his sake? It may be the only way we can connect with him.
I need some voices for Fathers that make an appearance throughout the series. I will be casting two people for this role - one for each Father. All will require a British accent. You can audition for one, or all of them if you like. Your audition will cover the role.
Father 1: Hoarse voice with any British accent
Father 2: RP British accent, preferably classy and well-spoken
Father 1 [Hoarse voice]
(Indifferent, monotone) Be quiet son and get me a beer
Father 2 [Classy manner of speech]
[Hastily] Yes, yes. You are very welcome. I hope you enjoy the prepared delicacies. Now lets quit the pleasantries and get on with why we are here in the first place.
[In agreement, carefully delivered] Indeed. Together we are joined at the table to get to know each other a little better. The marriage of David and Yasmin will bring our families together and strengthen our lineage, so we hope that tonight's gathering will draw them closer.
[Curious] Might I ask what grades you are achieving at school David?
[Disapproving, stern] I was asking the boy, not you. Either way, which subjects are you looking to study?
Ah, delightful. You have one thing in common with Yasmin I see.
I need some voices for primary school-aged kids. I am open to any voice type and accent. I will be casting 5 people for this role - one for each student. You can audition for one or all of the roles. Your audition will cover the role.
They appear in episode 16.
*mocking laughter* Look at him! Who does he think he is acting like royalty?
[Mocking, shocked] Wow, how pretentious!
[Mocking] For real who does he think he is?
[Mocking] Hey four eyes! What you looking so gloomy about? You mad that we found out your little.... secret?
[Mocking] He's not even upper class you guys. He just pretends to be.
[In agreement with the kid who says 'how pretentious] I know right?
[Shocked] He's not?
[Taken aback] Oh my gosh, he's just pretending?
Public Submissions