About HarrisVoiceover
Demos & Samples
Character Reel
Character voicesvoiceover
This is a mixdown of some of the Auditions I've done here on CCC.
Military Weapons Voiceover
A video written, edited and narrated by me
Video NarrationVideo EditingWrittingadult male voicevoiceover
YouTube Narration
narrationvoice overyoutubeVideo Editing
YouTube Narration
Crime NarrationYouTube NarrationMiddle Aged Malevoiceover
I narrated, edited, and mastered the audio for the narration. The video editing was done by another individual.
Instructional video
Instructional videocorporate narrationvoiceover
Commercial Voiceover
commercialMale voiceover
I recorded, Narrated and mastered this audio. As well as mixed the music into the file.
Commercial Voiceover
Middle Aged voiceoverMale voiceoverCommercial voiceover
Facts Video The Grand Canyon
Top ten YouTube video!
What HarrisVoiceover is looking for
I like doing voices and narration. I'm working to push this into as full time as I can get.