Mysterious Sonder (Sims 2 Psychological Mystery Series) - Recast and New Characters
Gavaroc for Arthur Lockyer

VOICE RANGE: Medium - Low
ACCENT: Well-spoken/ Posh RP British Accent
TRAITS: Stubborn/ Practical/ Opinionated/ Arrogant/ Idealistic/ Musical
LINE COUNT: Approx. 142 (with many long lines)
DESCRIPTION: Arthur is an insecure man who pretends, or arguably deludes himself into being upper-class. He has extreme right-wing fascist views, believing in the superiority of the ruling class. He is a father to David and headmaster of the prestigious school, which he privately owns. He often speaks in flowery, magniloquent language; his lines tending to be long-winded and coming across as unintentionally comical at times. Despite his very extreme and controversial views, he is a reasonably caring father and a capable headmaster.
Arthur is crucial to the plot and has a lot of long, wordy lines, so please only audition if you are comfortable with this and are able to dedicate yourself to the role. Since his lines are long, you can do just one take for the audition if you wish. Please note, Arthur is the highest paying role because he has the longest lines.
(pretentious) Good morning, good morning. It is with great pleasure that I wish each and every one of you most privileged students sitting here in this spectacular theatre, a very warm welcome to Saint David's Academy. As you are aware, St. David's is a school of music - Ah music - that refined art form that only the finest in society can ever properly appreciate and understand. Anyhow - as a bare minimum, I expect every one of you to continue practising your instrument of choice over the duration of your time at St. David's. However, I strongly encourage you to join the school's orchestra. Now, I appointed a very young, yet exceptionally talented conductor for this orchestra and I am pleased to say, a music student under my own tutorage.
(pretentious, enthusiastic) We’ve had a few hiccups along the way, but I like to see them as little splashes of paint threatening to taint the beautiful canvas that stands before the artist. However, with nothing but a deft twist of a brush, and the keenest of eyes, the incomparably talented artist successfully incorporates them into the work, transforming what was once beautiful into something even more spectacular; in fact, an absolute masterpiece. The toils and trials I go through serve only to create the most perfect vision of reality I could possibly conjure up.
(wistful, panicky) Why is everything falling apart. All these years of planning, hoping and dreaming of a better sunrise only to have it melt away before my very eyes. I will not fail. The world will be as I envision it. I will not let this world crumble into chaos while I am still alive. I need more time. Time and a new plan. Think, THINK.

Wow, you delivered this brilliantly! Thanks so much for your auditions!
OUTSTANDING!!!! Consider me one of your fans............

Really great performance I'm glad you got this role!