Mysterious Sonder (Sims 2 Psychological Mystery Series) - Recast and New Characters
VampireWorld2006 for Classy English Teacher
I need a voice for the English teacher of the private school. I am open to any voice with a classy RP British accent. Your audition will cover the role.
She appears in episode 20.
(Professional) Good afternoon class. As your mock exams are on the horizon, I thought we'd do a little refresher on the chapters we've read this term, followed by a group exercise, to facilitate some discussion. Does that sound like a plan?
(Professional) Excellent. We won't read the chapters in their entirety - just a page or two to refresh your memories. Can we all turn to Act 1 of 'Death of a Salesman'. We'll take it in turns to read. David would you mind starting?
(Professional) Thank you David. Lucy, would you mind taking over?
Thank you Lucy. Neil, would you read next?
Thank you for auditioning!
no problem :]