Mysterious Sonder (Sims 2 Psychological Mystery Series) - Recast and New Characters
Clinton for Gray Turpin

VOICE RANGE: Medium- Low
ACCENT: North American
TRAITS: Easily-agitated/ Insecure/ Quiet/ Rebellious/ Serious/ Blunt
LINE COUNT: Approx. 29
DESCRIPTION: Gray is Ewan's closest friend and gives him the most advice, although he can be rather blunt with it. Insecure about his quieter nature, he gets mad at people who point it out. Rebelling against it, he regularly attends nightclubs and parties with his friends, pretending to like them, when in reality he dreads them. He is easily agitated by his friends' teasing remarks, especially when it comes to a girl he's too embarrassed to admit he has a crush on. 'Dude' is his catchphrase.
His delivery should sound unanimated and more on the serious side. He first appears in episode 5.
(Slightly humoured) Dude... Miss Lambert's gonna kill you.
[In response to someone asking what they are talking about]
(Unanimated) Just some prank they are gonna pull off in English... which I have nothing to do with. I clean my hands of it.
(Sympathetic, matter of fact) I don't get why you didn't just listen to me from the outset dude. You were an idiot getting involved with them in the first place, let alone blackmailing them for money.
[Ewan teases Gray about the girl he likes]
Now Ewan [pronounced YOU-wen], if you even so much as think about making me look like a fool in front of Katrina - (unconvincing) who I really couldn't care less about -
[Ewan interrupts him]
Dude. For real. I'm not even joking. If you even think about it-

This was enjoyable to listen to - thanks for auditioning :)

Thanks :)