Maverick - A Minecraft Roleplay
Project Overview
A secluded
neighborhood located around the edges of LA and started by Vincent Woods in 1842. He wanted to create a
society to keep the "less affluent" people away from the other more
wealthy people.
society eventually grew and turned into an entire neighborhood with the Woods, Bellerose, Lomidze, Vulcano, and Ahearne families. While they did prosper and expand with modern technology, their customs
continued to stay the same and chose to isolate themselves from other current
cultures and leaving them with a hybrid version of the old Victorian Era with new,
modern technology.
Each family has a God they worship and in the Woods case, they worship the God of Mind, otherwise known as Kokoro. Unknown to the rest of the families, Kokoro actually lives inside the Woods Estate on the top floor, secluded from the rest of the family. Every year when a blood-related or married-related child turns 13 in the Woods family, Kokoro "blesses" them with one of her powers.
In the modern day, Marquavious Woods is the new head of the family trying to teach his son, Grayson, the ways of being a businessman for the company. Grayson obviously doesn't want to be a part of the business, much less his son, but is forced into the position nonetheless. Grayson's sister, Clara, wants to be the head of the family but is not allowed in that position due to old stupid customs.
Anyway, if this odd synopsis that took me wayyy too long to write has interested you a little, feel free to audition. Every voice actor will be paid 20 cents a word, so I recommend you do your best and I'm excited to see your auditions!
A heads up that this series is not family-friendly. It has swearing and quite the dark subjects coming up. If you don't like depressing and morbid subjects, it's probably not a good idea to apply :/. If you do, then welcome aboard!
Msg me at: blank#5474 if you have any questions.
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Man, you guys are the best :,) I love ur voices

Age: 12; (February 28, 1997) 13 a week after episode 1.
Voice Range: Medium - High
Personality: The earlier episodes have Grayson careless and monotone towards most people that aren't his family and just responding, but will evolve to be more friendly and attempt to match their energy to befriend them easier. He very much cares about his sister, Clara, and would do anything to stop her from danger, and due to this over-protectiveness, he does everything for her, making her kind of bad at other things besides talking. Grayson's father and mother don't really talk to him other than professionally, while the staff continues to be with him every day, causing him to see them more like a family compared to his own mother and father.
(Protecting his dignity for helping someone he cares deeply for)
I'm sorry, father... But, my actions are my own and I don't regret them. I'd rather have our reputation tarnished than Clara hurt every time.
(The feeling of despair after being forced to kill two people)
*A large scream at the beginning followed by crying with a slight attempt at holding it back*

Age: 11 (October 20, 1998)
Voice Range: Medium - High
Personality: Very extroverted. Strives to be independent and thrive in society as her own person, but is unable to due to Grayson's overprotective nature.
That's precisely why I should start now! When the time comes, I'll sit in that chair and they'll know I mean business.
Are you blind, Grayson, you think this is protecting me?! I'm not some puppet. I'm my own person!
*soft sounds of crying followed by wailing with any or all 3 lines*
1. I-I wanna go home...
2. This is all just a bad dream...
3. Please... someone... help me.

Age: 17 (November 23, 1992)
Voice Range: Medium
Personality: She's the head maid for the Woods family who takes care of Grayson and Clara, getting the things they need and making sure their schedules fit perfectly with their parents or other activities. She was born here and raised taking care of the Woods family and knows not much else other than to help them. She tries to be professional, but sometimes can't help letting out her more bubbly personality when Grayson or Clara are in the equation.
After school, you have a study session for around an hour and a party to attend, then we'll have dinner set out for you.
It's too late now! I just might have to call you my little brother!
B-but my lady, she's already juggling between school and 5 extracurriculars. How will she possibly handle another 3?!

Age: 42 (November 1, 1967)
Voice Range: Low - Medium
Personality: A soft-spoken private tutor and a translator for the entirety of the Burnwood neighborhood and many more places. He gets paid a ton and helps other rich families with communication in The Abyss. He generally stays out of most personal affairs and tries not to get in conflict with others. He just wants to help and leave him out of any drama that is related. Unless you're someone he cares about, he's only there to help depending on who pays more.
How about a hypothetical? You're in class and the girl ahead of you is visibly crying, what do you do?
(holding back anger)
Mister Grayson has far surpassed his peers, including many of my past students, and by no means do I mean any impudence, Mr. Woods, but such disrespect towards him is akin to disgracing my own genius!
I'm not mad Grayson, I'm just disappointed that our training has gone to waste. Although you might have succeeded in the fight, once you lose your rationality you indisputably lose a part of yourself.

Age: 33 (December 24, 1976)
Voice Range: Low - Medium
Personality: Spends a good majority of his time reading or playing chess, because there's not much he can do other than just wait, because the rest of his family has most affairs and duties handled. He's very observant and good at reading people based on their actions making him quite intelligent. The rest of his time he spends hanging out at parties and events related to his family, trying to make conversation or meet people he finds interesting, which is how it leads to him talking with Grayson.
I gotta say, Grayson, when I first met you, I had you pegged as a sis-con.
I heard about your incident with Clara, between you and me I think you did the right thing. It's a brother's role to protect his little sister, and fuck anyone who says otherwise.
Precisely. Treat every interaction like a game of chess. Each move you make should be a calculated action.

Age: 12 (January 27, 1998)
Voice Range: Medium - High
Personality: Manipulative, but not intentionally. She's very spoiled and gets most things she wants without having to try and has learned to use other more manipulative tactics (such as gas-lighting and playing victim) to try and get what she wants. Otherwise, she's quite happy herself and tries to be very independent with anything she does, at least what she considers independent.
In my opinion, you'd be better off helping me finish my homework before the next period haha~
HEY! GET OFF HER! She's MY friend and I won't let anyone touch what's mine. You mess with her, you mess with the Bellerose.
W-what do you mean... I'm helping her, I'm making her a better person!

Age: 13 (October 2, 1996)
Voice Range: Medium - High
Personality: Competitive. She is a very talented individual who has learned many things: piano, singing, writing, speaking... most things others seem to fail at her age. While she may be talented, she seeks approval from adults and belittles the ones she believes are below her. It seems like she's doing it out of fun and enjoyment, it's her weird way of trying to get them to work on something with themselves. A way to push them to achieve something greater. It's not very helpful or healthy, but it's the way she does it.
*fake laugh* Excuuuse me. This is my desk.
*short pause* Since... Now? Move.
I'm sorry, I'll do better father... Yes, I understand, failure is not tolerated in this family... I apologize for my disgraceful performance as of late.
I've sacrificed so much and pushed myself so hard... I'm first in every subject... but why? Why does everyone love you more?!
*start softly sobbing*

Age: 12 (May 8, 1997)
Voice Range: Medium-High - High
Personality: *vague interpretation of charisma* - sums up his thoughts on charisma. He believes he's quite charming and thinks very highly of himself because he's read a few books. He puts up an act to try and find new things he can use against others later down the line. He has and will create a ranking of all the "cutest girls in his class", and then blame his best friend for telling him to do it. Not a very trustworthy person, but surprisingly good at giving advice.
Hey, I'm Romeo- and yes, exactly like the Romeo in Shakespeare, except I'm alive.
Damn, you did this?! That's pretty badass...
*quieter* I don't tell many people this, but I'm a pretty good fighter myself.
(monotone/flat; on a phone call)
He's almost on my side, I just need a little more time... He's skeptical so I can't rush this, If you send your guys in now things might get dicey.

Age: 328 (June 9, 1681)
Voice Range: Low - High
Personality: Simply just "seductive" much like other succubi. As the age suggests, she's lived for a long while and has gotten really, really bored. She spends 99% of her time on a secret floor in the Woods Estates just "playing with people" or finding ways to entertain herself. The few times she meets new people are on their 13th birthday and she can't even do anything fun with them. It's quite the pain to be a God sometimes. Just some entertainment would be nice~.
(bored and annoyed)
The Woods family is such a drag~ You're all so serious.
My, my~ Look who we have here! It seems a little kitten has wandered into the lion's den. Oh what fun awaits us!~
Have you come to laugh at me? Tsk... You're the reason I've betrayed my chosen. At least have some tact.

Age: 36 (April 29, 1973)
Voice Range: Low - Medium
Personality: Stern and to the point. Jumping around the issue seems so stupid to him and would rather not have any screw-ups. While he seems to lack empathy, he does very much care for his children. He believes letting them learn on their own and they'll succeed eventually but jumping in for a sincere push might be better sometimes. He may be the leader of the Woods family and the representation of Burnwood, but I wouldn't say he's a very good leader.
Luckily most of them are fine. They'll be in the hospital for a few more days, but otherwise, we have it handled. No thanks to you.
They're my children how could I not love them? But, staying out of their lives for good... How does that benefit them? How is that even a possibility?
As this family's backbone, I've tried my hardest to keep us afloat while you continuously undermine my efforts! For everything that's happened, I've been reaaal lenient with your antics Kim, but I'm reaching my limit.

Age: 37 (August 21, 1969)
Voice Range: Low - Medium
Personality: Similar to Marquavious, she's also very stern and strict. She gives you a task, she expects it to be done with no questions asked. She knows she's the one leading the company to all its victories and prides herself on it and will take most opportunities to take a leading role in the company, but is still unable due to culture. She treats parently like a job and barely interacts with her children unless she needs to, but would rather not have to deal with them.
Whether or not I accompany you to the party isn't your choice, Grayson. Clara refuses to go, so I'm taking over that child's duties.
(holding back anger)
I'm the one who put you in that position and the only reason you're the CEO. Before you get all high and mighty, you better step back and take another look at what I've done.
What do you mean she can't do it? At her age, I was easily juggling 8 tasks a day. How is she only able to handle 4?!... Fine, I'll do it myself.

Age: 15 (November 17, 1994)
Voice Range: Low - Medium
Personality: The leader of the "gang" they call: Blood Red Roses™. While it's not really a gang considering they live in a rich neighborhood and never actually fought anyone with killing intent, they still consider themselves a gang. Originally it wasn't Glenn's idea to be a gang, but was left in charge of dealing with 2 of her cousins and found this the best way to "keep them on a leash". She genuinely doesn't want to hurt anyone, but will act tough for anyone "in their hood".
(pretending to be tough; gangsta)
Back off, Malachi- don't wanna be diggin your head up your ass like last time... now what the fuck you want man, we aint lookin for trouble.
Okay, okay, Clara- MISS Clara. Just... Just give me a moment with my...? My? Partners. You wait here for a second and I'll discuss... Some extra details.
Woah, woah, woah man, we were just tryna rough you up a bit... I-I'm sorry, this won't happen again...

Age: 14 (April 9, 1995)
Voice Range: Medium
Personality: Blunt and purposely goes out of his way to point out the stupid things people do with his wonderful English slang. Born and raised in the UK, his mom remarried into the Attaway family, which is the cousin of the Woods. He moved over around a year ago and he's wonderfully relocated into Glenn's little gang. He's basically the strategist of the group.
That fucker looks like bad news we shouldn't mess with him. You lot heard the rumors right?
I'm sayin, maybe if we can get Clara on our good side, we can get Grayson too.
You daft cunts! Why didn't ya listen when I warned ya? We botched it, now Malachi's face's been bashed in. *sigh*

Age: 14 (January 18, 1996)
Voice Range: Low
Personality: Will definitely try to fight you whenever he can and will start arguments to start a physical fight because he's bored. While he believes he's the most intimidating of the group, he's the youngest and a bit of an annoyance for people his age or older. He wants to seem stronger than he is and is an average fighter but picks on others younger than him, especially Grayson, though it never turns out well for him whenever he does. Glenn tends to somehow calm him down and have him back down, whether it's needed or not, so he must have a soft side somewhere.
Looks like a lil baby wants to try and hang out with the big kids. Fucking dumbass ought to wise up! Haha!
Fuck, I underestimated that little shit. Shouldn’t have gone easy on him. Man, next time I’ma fuck. Him. UP!
Bro you tryna hit on my girl? The fuck you think you are? You can barely fight and think you can come on up here and mess with my people? Huh? You tryna catch these fists?

Age: 15 (June 6, 1994)
Voice Range: Medium - High
Personality: Not a very smart person, yet the oldest of the group. The idea that comes from his mind is a wonder as to how or why he thought up such an idea. While he is quite the idiot, he is surprisingly good at fighting people, well, more of that he's just a wall whenever someone tries to knock him down. Regardless, he's something of a gentle giant and doesn't really want to cause harm to others.
Oh my god! I just realized what you meant when you asked him to throw hands! You wanted to fight him! *chuckle*
I’m so glad we’re all together guys. Just look at us! We’re alive and well, what else could we ask for?
You might get hurt if you keep doing that, buddy. I don’t want to, but I might have to knock ya out if you continue to bother my friends over there.

It's a background character, pretty obvious.
Sir, excuse me, sir, we've been trying to reach you regarding your car's extended warranty...
Peter Parker : I don't feel so good Mr. Stark.
[Looking at his hands]
Tony Stark : You're alright.
[Eye widening]
Peter Parker : I don't want to go, please, I don't want to go Mr. Stark. I am sorry, tony, I am sorry.(angwy/despawate)
VERONICA, open the—open the door, please
Veronica, open the door
Veronica, can we not fight anymore, please
Can we not fight anymore
Veronica, sure, you’re scared
I’ve been there. I can set you free!
Veronica, don’t make me come in there!
I’m gonna count to three!
Two! Fuck it!

Paste a few links of your past builds or anything, in general, to show you're a good builder who is willing to help out the channel.
Yes, you will need to be able to handle a lot of mods.
Say something you think would fit
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