Maverick - A Minecraft Roleplay
Heidi Fischer for Kim Woods

Age: 37 (August 21, 1969)
Voice Range: Low - Medium
Personality: Similar to Marquavious, she's also very stern and strict. She gives you a task, she expects it to be done with no questions asked. She knows she's the one leading the company to all its victories and prides herself on it and will take most opportunities to take a leading role in the company, but is still unable due to culture. She treats parently like a job and barely interacts with her children unless she needs to, but would rather not have to deal with them.
Whether or not I accompany you to the party isn't your choice, Grayson. Clara refuses to go, so I'm taking over that child's duties.
(holding back anger)
I'm the one who put you in that position and the only reason you're the CEO. Before you get all high and mighty, you better step back and take another look at what I've done.
What do you mean she can't do it? At her age, I was easily juggling 8 tasks a day. How is she only able to handle 4?!... Fine, I'll do it myself.