Maverick - A Minecraft Roleplay
Michaelie for Kokoro

Age: 328 (June 9, 1681)
Voice Range: Low - High
Personality: Simply just "seductive" much like other succubi. As the age suggests, she's lived for a long while and has gotten really, really bored. She spends 99% of her time on a secret floor in the Woods Estates just "playing with people" or finding ways to entertain herself. The few times she meets new people are on their 13th birthday and she can't even do anything fun with them. It's quite the pain to be a God sometimes. Just some entertainment would be nice~.
(bored and annoyed)
The Woods family is such a drag~ You're all so serious.
My, my~ Look who we have here! It seems a little kitten has wandered into the lion's den. Oh what fun awaits us!~
Have you come to laugh at me? Tsk... You're the reason I've betrayed my chosen. At least have some tact.