Maverick - A Minecraft Roleplay
TwilightMid for Clara Woods

Age: 11 (October 20, 1998)
Voice Range: Medium - High
Personality: Very extroverted. Strives to be independent and thrive in society as her own person, but is unable to due to Grayson's overprotective nature.
That's precisely why I should start now! When the time comes, I'll sit in that chair and they'll know I mean business.
Are you blind, Grayson, you think this is protecting me?! I'm not some puppet. I'm my own person!
*soft sounds of crying followed by wailing with any or all 3 lines*
1. I-I wanna go home...
2. This is all just a bad dream...
3. Please... someone... help me.

Hey so Sorry! I dont know why my info didnt submit, but her it is! Discord:TwilightMid#0353 Email: Experience Acting: 1 year Equipment: Fifine studio condenser If you have any questions regarding the project, feel free to contact me and I'll respond as soon as possible!