[MANGA DUB] Katekyoushi Hitman REBORN!

[MANGA DUB] Katekyoushi Hitman REBORN!

Project Overview



Tsunayoshi Sawada is a 14 year old middle school student with a reputation of being ‘Loser Tsuna’. His grades are embarrassingly low, his athleticism is nonexistent, and his confidence is so low that he’s intimidated by a chihuahua. His ordinary life is suddenly upended when a baby named Reborn arrives claiming himself to be a hitman and his new home tutor. Tsuna is the chosen 10th boss of the largest mafia family in the world, the Vongola, and it’s Reborn’s job to a respectable and strong mafioso.


I've been wanting to do this project for a long time as Katekyoushi Hitman REBORN! is my all time favorite manga. However, while well known in Japan it doesn't seem to have much presence here in the west. Not many seem to know or at least have heard of it before. It had an anime that never got dubbed and while I'd like to dub it, it doesn't hold up due to animation and censorship and also ends before the last two arcs of the manga. For a while I've wanted KHR! to get more love, whether it be through a anime reboot similar to HunterxHunter or a continuation/sequel of the manga. Hopes were high when the author, Amano Akira's, most recent series elDLIVE was promoted with a video that included new animation for KHR! Unfortunately, since then there's been no more news about it. TL:DR I want give my favorite series the love I feel it deserves by producing an English dub of the manga!


I hope for this to be a long term project. Ideally, once production is underway, I’d like to release two chapters a week. Of course pre producing a number of chapters ahead of time would be the optimal way to accomplish this, along with one or two week breaks to ensure a consistent backlog. Which is why I’ll be casting characters far ahead of the chapters they debut in.


1. XLR microphone preferred. Although, as long as your audio is clear and without background noise you’ll be considered.

2. Discord. If you’d prefer to stay in contact through other means once you’re cast, let me know.

3. 3 takes per line.

4. Do your best~!

Final Notes:

I’ll be providing chapter and page #’s for lines for visual reference but I’ll also be editing some of them to make them flow better or if the terminology isn’t accurate.

Thank you and good luck!

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  • Auditions Closed, What's Next

    I'd like to thank everyone who auditioned so very much. As said in the description this is my passion project and having so many people wanting to help bring it to fruition is awesome. So, now that the deadline is here casting will be an arduous process. While some characters I have locked in choices for, others have many great fitting options. Those characters I'll be having callbacks for so keep an eye on your inboxes. Again, thank you all so much and if you don't get a role presented here, there are plenty extras and another casting call to look forward to in the future~
  • Whoopsies!

    If you got notifications about being cast or rejected, ignore that. That was me not knowing what buttons do and panicking and futsing up what I'd already futsed up. Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you everyone who has auditioned so far~
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kyoko Sasagawa
Role assigned to: Kimi Moons

Kyoko is the idol of Namimori Middle School and Tsuna’s crush. She’s generally nice, sweet and caring. And her attitude is pretty carefree. She worries a lot about her older brother, Ryohei and doesn’t like him getting into fights. She can also be an airhead, passing off Tsuna’s confession as a joke and not really questioning any of the strange things that happen around Namimori, even believing the most ridiculous of excuses.

Vocal Direction: High; Kyoko has a very sweet voice and a carefree way of speaking

  • (Bashful; thinking Tsuna's confession was a joke, Kyoko apologizes for overreacting) I'm sorry for freaking out and running away yesterday. My friends tell me I don't understand jokes that well.


  • (Sweet and cheery) You two get along really well. I don't get to see my cousins often. I'm jealous~


    (Determined/upset/blunt; shot with the Dying Will Bullet Kyoko confronts Tsuna's mom about what she said about him) I'll ask you to take it back no matter what. I'm mad. You labeled him like that without any consideration!


  • (Chastising/dismissive; Kyoko is trying to reel in her brother from being overbearing) Don't tell me you dragged Tsuna away to trouble him! Tsuna, you can ignore my brother's babbling about boxing, okay~


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yamamoto Takeshi
Role assigned to: Jindusmer

Star of Namimori’s baseball team, Yamamoto is well liked by just about everyone. He’s the epitome of carefree, only ever getting serious when it comes to baseball or helping his friends. He seems to be incredibly dense, passing off the adventures that Tsuna and Reborn get into as just a mafia game. He’s friendly, fun loving, and very relaxed, hardly ever getting upset or worried.

Vocal Direction: Medium; Light and playful but able to be serious and determined, Yamamoto has a laid back tone and an infectious laugh

  • (Friendly; complimenting Tsuna on his recent achievements) You've been amazing lately, huh? Like in the kendo battle and the volleyball tournament. You really caught my eye.


    (Disheartened to forced positivity; confiding in Tsuna about his baseball slump and looking for advice) Tsuna...what should I do? ...Just kidding~ Lately, you're so reliable so I thought...


  • (Amused/competitive/teasing; Gokudera declares himself Tsuna's right hand but Yamamoto isn't just gonna step aside) I though so before, but you're a funny guy~! But, I'm not gonna withdraw from being Tsuna's right arm. So, you'll be the ear lobe.


  • (Playfully dense; Reborn says he's Tsuna's tutor and Yamamoto thinks it's a game) Haha~ I see. Tsuna, you have a good home tutor! Can you look at my homework, too? I'll treat you to some snacks later~


Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Lambo is a rambunctious child and member of the Bovino Family. He claims to be a hitman and even Reborn’s rival despite being incredibly incompetent. Even his own family, after he takes up residence at in Tsuna’s home, are more than willing to let him stay. They even send a gift box as thanks. Lambo is a child through and through. He’s whiny, hyperactive, cocky, unreasonable, and obnoxious. Still, you can’t help but love him. His constant failures that result in him trying to hold back from crying, his little cow outfit and horns, how much he adores Tsuna’s mother. He’s a total pain, but at the end of the day he’s a child who just wants to play and hang around the big kids.

Vocal Direction: High; Lambo is probably the most expressive of the gang, going from hyper and cocky, to frustrated and angry, to crying and whining, and he even has his adorable moments

  • (Confident) Long time no see, Reborn! It's me, Lambo!


  • (Slight crying; after Reborn ignores and beats him Tsuna has to try and comfort him) La-Lambo's dream is to be the boss of the Bovino Famiglia and...*sniff* make all humanity bow down to me...


  • (Obnoxious/deflecting; after getting completely owned by Reborn, Lambo tries to play off his distress by over-introducing himself) I, LAMBO, 5 YEARS OLD, FROM ITALY, A HITMAN FROM THE BOVINO FAMIGLIA, TRIPPED! FAVORITE FOODS ARE GRAPES AND CANDY AND I, LAMBO, WHO MET REBORN AT A BAR, JUST TRIPPED! HAHAHA~!


    (Distressed/verge of tears; Lambo's signature phrase) Hold...it...in....


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
TYL Lambo
cast offsite

This is Lambo from the future. Lambo carries with him a special weapon known as the Ten Year Bazooka. When someone is shot with it, it physically swaps the target with their self from ten years later. He often uses this on himself when he feels frustrated or cornered. Thus we get TYL Lambo. TYL Lambo seems to have matured and mellowed a great amount. He has developed a significant respect for Tsuna and his fellow family members. Even referring to Tsuna by the title “Vongola”. However, despite this maturation he is still incompetent and when faced with an obstacle he can’t deal with he’ll revert to crying as he did as a child.

Vocal  Direction: Mid-low; his speech is relaxed and has a hint of nostalgia when interacting with the present characters however he can just as easily become a blubbering mess when things don’t go his way

  • (Calm/Charming; first appearance he greets Tsuna without much surprise at being summoned to the past) Long time no see, young Vongola 10th. Thanks for taking care of me 10 years ago. I'm the cry baby, Lambo.


  • (Irritated but composed; upset that even after 10 years of maturing, Reborn is still ignoring him) Goodness...Looks like I have to use my skills, then. I'll show you how much I've changed in 10 years!


    (Determined/Signature attack) Thunder, set! Elettrico Cornata!!


  • (Distressed/verge of tears; completely owned yet again he utters his old signature saying before running away crying) Hold...it...in...WAAHHHH!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: faketsuki

Gokudera’s older sister and skilled assassin nicknamed, Poison Scorpion. Bianchi is somewhat aloof but shows a genuine care for her brother and is happy when he shows the same. Most notably, she is infatuated with Reborn, having fallen in love with him during jobs they did together in the past. So much so that she attempts to assassinate Tsuna, so that Reborn won’t need to continue teaching him and be with her. She’s incredibly violent when it comes to love, even trying to kill Adult Lambo, mistaking him for her ex-boyfriend, Romeo. When not dealing with her violent love life, Bianchi is nonchalant, much like Reborn, often saying the most outrageous things without batting an eye. Her assassination techniques lie in poison, specifically Poison Cooking. Anything she makes becomes poisonous, even when she’s not trying to make poisoned food.

Vocal Direction: Med; Bianchi has a sultry voice and is reserved in her speech, though becomes sweet when talking to Reborn

  • (Confident/Threatening; when the girls are offering their home ec cooking to the boys Bianchi swaps Kyoko's with her own poison cooking in order to kill Tsuna) I believe people are are willing to die for love. Now die, Vongola 10th, for the sake of love.


  • (Sweet/Infatuated; Bianchi has come to bring Reborn back to the mafia world with her) A peaceful place doesn't suit you. The  place you belong is an underworld of dangers and thrills~


    (Dramatic/Veiled threat) Poor Reborn...Unless the 10th dies due to an accident or misfortune, Reborn won't ever be free.


  • (Nonchalant/Teasing; the sight of Bianchi causes Gokudera terrible stomach pains so he attempts to keep her from entering the room) This way of blushing must be Hayato, right? I'm just here to solve question 7. You consider your own older sister as the opposite sex too much.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Haru Miura
Role assigned to: Zilpa Eden

Haru is another resident of Namimori, though she attends a different middle school than Tsuna and the others. Haru is eccentric. She’s highly energetic, enthusiastic and has a wild imagination. She loves children and is very protective of them. After being saved by Tsuna, she develops a huge crush on him. Haru easily accepts that Tsuna and Reborn are part of the mafia, though she’s oblivious of the details, and even dreams of becoming the wife of a mafioso.

Vocal Direction: High/Med; Highly energetic and fun

  • (Determined/Clumsy; Haru is obsessed with Reborn's cuteness and decides if she's going to talk to him it needs to be on the same level) If I'm to confess my love, I have to be in the same ring or it'll be rude. Hup! Whoa!


    (Righteous anger; when Reborn says that he's a hitman Haru assumes Tsuna is teaching him bad behaviors) Babies are angels with pure white hearts! ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTROY THAT PURENESS WITH YOUR ROTTEN HEART!?


  • (Sweet/Infatuated; after Tsuna saves her from drowning she develops a crush on him) It was very wonderful of you to jump in, in Reborn's place. 10th~


    (Distressed/Weirdly supportive; under the assumption Tsuna has killed someone Haru proclaims her devotion) Haru will wait for you to get out of jail, Tsuna! I'll write you lots of letters!!


  • (Haru's signature exclamation of surprise, distress or excitement) Hahii!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ryohei Sasagawa
cast offsite

Captain of the boxing club and Kyoko’s older brother, Ryohei is passionate to the extreme! Everything he does, he does with every ounce of enthusiasm, no matter what it might be. He’s especially interested in anything Tsuna and Reborn are up to. While being rather dim, forgetting important details almost as soon as he’s heard them, he’s also very loyal and reckless. He’ll put his body on the line to protect the people he cares about. He’s especially protective of women and children and doesn’t want them anywhere near harm.

Vocal Direction: Medium; Ryohei is over the top and nearly always at 110%, he speaks passionately and loud but can be reserved and patient when the moment calls for it

  • (Passionate/Intense) I'm the captain of the boxing club, Sasagawa Ryohei!! My motto is "Extreme"!!!


    (Passionate/Determined; trying to recruit Tsuna into the boxing club he challenges him to a spar) Let's go, Sawada Tsuna!! No need to hold back your strength, alright!!


  • (Surprised/Confident; Tsuna goes into Dying Will mode and declares that he'll reject the offer to join the club) Oh...? I won't inquire the details of why...since I believe men can communicate with their fists.


  • (Passionate/Sincere; even after getting pummeled into a wall Ryohei is more sure of Tsuna joining than ever) Your boxing skills are like platinum! I'll definitely welcome you in!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hibari Kyoya

Hibari is the head of Namimori Middle School’s Disciplinary Committee and takes that role very seriously. Whenever the peace at Namimori is disturbed he’ll personally deal out punishment with his tonfa. Hibari is cold and couldn’t care less about other people. Many would describe him as a beast, scary, fierce and only interested in his own satisfaction. Though he does have a soft spot for small animals. Hibari is confident in his own abilities and prefers to be alone, getting irritated and ready to beat others who start to crowd around him. He doesn’t take orders or suggestions easily, if at all, from anyone as he despises the feeling of being bound or restrained. He also doesn’t like feeling indebted to someone and will repay his debts as soon as possible.

Vocal Direction: Mid-low; Hibari never raises his voice, he always speaks calmly but with a hint of his mood coming through whether it be threatening, irritated, or amused

  • (Stern/Threatening; Tsuna and co. walk into the reception room unaware Hibari is there, agitating him) You should put out your cigarette in front of the Disciplinary Committee President. Well, either way, I won't let you get away.


    (Amused/Intimidating; Hibari is attacking Yamamoto who's managing to dodge until Hibari reads his movements) Are you injured? You seem to be protecting your right hand.


  • (Cold/Irritated; Tsuna managed to land a hit on Hibari by surprise) Hey...Can I kill you?


    (Calm/Musing; having his attack blocked effortlessly by Reborn, Hibari becomes fascinated with his strength) I want to see that baby again.


  • (Threatening; Hibari's signature phrase) I'll bite you to death!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nana Sawada

Nana is Tsuna's mother. She is a kind and compassionate woman, she is very welcoming to many of her sons friends and doesn't have any problem inviting new people into her home, she is always feeding the people who live in her house and does not think they are strange.  While she loves and cares for her son she's concerned about his future due to his lack of motivation and general incompetence. She wants the best for him, hiring Reborn as his tutor, and genuinely being happy and excited as Tsuna gains more friends.

Medium; Nana has a sweet motherly tone, welcoming and gullible

  • (Chastising; Tsuna left school early and Nana is worried about his future) You can live your entire life bored like you are right now, or live it happily. I want you to live feeling, "It's great to be alive!"


  • (Surprised/giddy; Kyoko came over to Tsuna's home and Nana is elated to see her son with a girl) My, she's cute. Tsuna's with such a cute girl~


  • (Motherly/oblivious; Nana assumes Lambo and Reborn had a "kid's" fight) Tsuna, you're older one here, so be the middle man and settle it, won't you~


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hana Kurokawa
Role assigned to: Rerenah

Hana is Kyoko’s best friend. They’re usually seen together and she’s very protective of her. She'll tease her about her ditziness but is always looking out for her. Unlike Kyoko, Hana is pretty observant and is aware of Tsuna’s crush and is suspicious of the strange things that happen around him.

Vocal Direction: Medium; Hana is pretty blunt, always speaking her mind and being snarky

  • (Smug; seeing Mochida bring Kyoko a drink she decides to leave them alone) Well, I'll be going. I don't want to intrude~


  • (Teasing; playfully teasing Kyoko about Mochida defending her honor) Mochida-senpai is getting pay back for shame you experienced yesterday. He said, "I won't forgive the guy who made Kyoko cry~"


  • (Disgusted; Mochida announced that the prize for winning the kendo duel he challenged Tsuna to is Kyoko) What a jerk...


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mochida Kensuke
Role assigned to: Gale

Captain of the kendo team, on the surface Mochida seems like a decent guy. He plays the nice guy, challenging Tsuna to a kendo match after he embarrasses Kyoko in front of the school. However, when he announces that the winner of the match will get Kyoko as the prize, it’s clear he’s just a petty jerk with an ego.

Vocal Direction: Medium; Mochida presents himself as a decent guy, but once his true colors are shown he’s boastful and full of himself

  • (Cool/Confident; bringing Kyoko a drink) Sorry to keep you waiting.


  • (Angry; just punched Tsuna after he embarrassed her in front of the school. He still seems like a decent guy) Kyoko, date you? Yeah right, perv!


  • (Cocky/Scummy; confident in his victory as he's rigged the match in his favor he brashly announces Kyoko as the prize for the match) You're a novice at kendo, so if you can get one point off me, then you win! If you can't, I win! And the prize, of course, is Sasagawa Kyoko!!



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