

Joined Dec 2018 55 Following37 Followers
About Gale

My name is Gale. I'm a male voice actor who specializes in high energy mid to mid-high range teen to young adult characters. I am a lover of many genres such as action, sci-fi, mecha, RPG, comedy, and visual novel type works.  I value flexibility and will work to my utmost ability in order to provide the best performances according to your needs. As a result, I tend to thrive in live direction, but have no issues working independently if needed. 

If you find my performances to be to your liking and want to reach out to me personally, you can look me up on discord: Gale#7825 or leave me a message on here and I will be sure to get back to you.

My twitter:

Equipment: S87 Microphone/ SSL2 Audio Interface

  • @mrcharles

    This is a talented voice actor. He's friendly, positive, polite and great at what he does. He's always happy to meet new people and is the most approachable person I've met to date. Couldn't recommend him more.

  • @novaarby

    Gale is quite the actor. He's got a great drive to complete any task given to him with his best effort, and it very clearly shows! If you have him on a project, you will enjoy yourself not only with his wonderful personality and overall joy to be around, but when seeing his work you will undoubtedly have a big smile on your face just from the sheer passion he puts into it. Gale 2020.

  • @arasmas

    When Gale first auditioned for my project, I was really excited to have such talent onboard. He speaks clearly and confidently, with a crisp audio quality. He's very expressive yet doesn't overdo his acting; he finds that perfect spot and thrives on it. He definitely brings each character he plays to life, and I not only recommend him, but I'd consider him for a couple future projects I have in mind. He's a great addition to the team. Upon first speaking to him, I felt like I understood the type of person he is. He works his hardest, keeps everyone motivated and just screams of passion.

  • @aspiringsinger15

    Gale played the main male love interest in my project and was absolutely wonderful at it. It sounded exactly as I had pictured it, and he was excellent at capturing the many layers to the character. He also followed my direction well and turned everything in to me in a very timely manner. Wonderful voice actor!

  • @sylleblossom

    Gale voiced Felix Fraldarius for FE3H comic dubs that I did and he did a wonderful job voicing Felix! His work ethic is also admirable. He is phenomenal and you're really missing out if he's not part of your projects.

  • @flip-d-switch

    Man, can this guy roar! Not only is he a quick worker, but he’s got the perfect voice for an intimidating warrior or a rampaging monster!