Final Fantasy VII FanDUB Casting Call part 2.

Final Fantasy VII FanDUB Casting Call part 2.

Project Overview

This is part 2 of a casting call for our fanDUB for the original Final Fantasy VII. This is a casting call for later characters that haven't been casted yet.

 I need to clarify that I am looking for actors that have a lot of free time on their hands and are dedicated to their roles. You will also need a good quality mic.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yuffie Kisaragi
Role assigned to: roseturneyva

Yuffie is clever and cunning, but despite this, she is not averse to heroics and is a reliable ally and caring friend. She has a cocky, proud, brash personality, and she can be aggressive. Yuffie is a tomboy and acts unashamedly towards her goals. She bestows honorific titles on herself, such as "Great Ninja Yuffie", "The Single White Rose of Wutai" and states everyone is "Dyin' to talk to a babe like [her]". Despite being the daughter of Wutai's leader, Godo Kisaragi, Yuffie has little tolerance for tradition and is rebellious to Wutai's old-fashioned ways, which lead to her clashing with her father.

  • (smugly) "I know you want my help because I'm so good!"

  • "Remember, if you piss me off... it'll cost you!!"

  • "Cloud...sign this. It's a contract that says when the war is over, all the materia will belong to me."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cid Highwind
Role assigned to: Crash Star

Cid is known for his foul mouth, as he curses a blue streak at several points. He does not bother about trivialities, and prefers going to the source of the problem, though sometimes seems wholly uncaring. Cid is always crude, but he is kindhearted. His attitude and foul language are an effect of him losing his dream of spaceflight, as he remains angry over missing out on his dream, struggling to move on, though he sacrificed it deliberately to save Shera. Cid does not always mean his insults in a negative way: he refers to Cloud and his allies as "numbskulls" for opposing Shinra Electric Power Company, but admits he likes the idea.

  • "Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and DRINK YOUR GODDAMN TEA!"

  • "This's gonna be a big splash. Hold on to your drawers, an' don't piss in 'em!!"

  • "I want you to know that I didn't dislike him. Gotta admit he was a strange dude. Just when you thought he was cool, he'd go and do some damn fool thing. And when you thought he was smart, he'd show how stupid he was. Everything about him from his movements to his speech were kinda odd."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Rebecca Rose

A prominent trait of Shera is her overcaring nature which was influenced by a past event of her life. Despite the hardships that followed the event, she is still a caring person.

  • (sad) "No... it's because of my stupid mistake. I was the one who destroyed his dream..."

  • "I was still concerned. The results of the oxygen tank test weren't satisfactory."

  • "If I can just fix this, the launch will be a success. I'm almost done." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: annlieyu

Elena has a clumsy and chatty personality which unintentionally done in a comedic way, but is loyal and serious about her job. As the new recruit, her talkativeness often gets her into trouble, such as when she accidentally gives away their orders to AVALANCHE, or gets herself kidnapped while on vacation. Despite this, Elena shows an understanding attitude toward others and is determined to succeed. She attained the highest grades in school and specializes in both firearms and martial arts.

  • "I'm the newest member of the Turks, Elena. Thanks to what you did to Reno, we're short of people. ...Although, because of that, I got promoted to the Turks... In any case, our job is to find out where Sephiroth is headed. And to try and stop you every step of the way. Wait a minute, it's the other way around... You're the ones that are getting in our way."

  • "Our orders were to seek you out and... ...Kill. Our company may be in turmoil, but an order's an order. That's the will and spirit of the Turks! Believe it!"

  • "It's so stupid! They always talk about who they like or don't like. But Tseng is different. Ah! Oh no! They're here! They're really here!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Bugenhagen is sapient and he has a thirst for knowledge, his specialty subject being the the Planet Gaia and its workings. He opposes Shinra's activities in harvesting the Lifestream for Mako energy, as the Lifestream is the Planet's life source. Bugenhagen is protective towards Red XIII, for whom he is a father figure. 

  • "I hear the cries of the planet. As if to say... "I hurt, I suffer". When it's time for the planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing."

  • "Cloud says they are trying to save the planet. Honestly, I don't think it can be done. For even if they stop every reactor on the planet, it's only going to postpone the inevitable. Even if they stop Sephiroth, everything will perish. But, Nanaki. I've been thinking lately. I've been thinking if there was anything WE could do, as a part of the planet, something to help a planet already in misery... No matter what happens, isn't it important to try? Am I just wishing against fate?"

  • "It's all Greek to me!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: goopsy91

Young Dyne was wary of outsiders and loved his old way of life. He was initially protective of the coal miners. Later on, Dyne was devastated by a number of tragic events which took everything he loved away from him, making him bitter and a nihilistic defeatist.

  • "I hear her voice.. Eleanor's voice... begging me... not to hate your rotten guts."

  • "All they give us are artillery and stupid excuses... what's left is a world of despair and emptiness..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: RedfieldSG

Although he is her father, he is thought by Yuffie to be a shell of his former self who spends the day sleeping and has let Wutai become a tourist resort. 

  • "Strength without determination means nothing... determination without strength is equally useless...!"

  • "Go! Survive till the end! And return! With the Materia!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: roseturneyva

Ifalna loves her daughter, and wishes for her to be safe, even in a world that only wants to exploit them both.

  • "Thousands of Cetra pulled together, trying to heal the Planet... But, due to the severity of the wound, it was only able to heal itself over many years."

  • (confused) "Video tape again? You just got through taping."

  • (Worried) "Please! Aerith has nothing to do with it! All you want is me, right?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lucrecia Crescent
cast offsite

Lucrecia suffers from a guilt complex. She has a kind and caring soul but tends to ignore the realities of life and convince herself to believe only what she wants to believe. Being a scientist, she is prepared to take risks for her research, something she, albeit to a lesser extent, shares with her colleague Professor Hojo. She can be emotionally volatile and stubborn.

  • "Vincent?" (scared) "Stay back!"

  • "I wanted to disappear... I couldn't be with anyone... I wanted to die... But the Jenova inside me wouldn't let me die..."

  • "I heard that he died five years ago. But I see him in my dreams so often... And I know that physically, like myself, he can't die so easily."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Crash Star

Zangan is Tifa's respected sensei. When Sephiroth kills nearly everyone in Nibelheim and sets fire to the town, Zangan and Cloud try to rescue any survivors. Zangan carries Tifa to safety, and takes her to Midgar for medical attention and departs the town sometime after, unwilling to settle down.

  • "I'm Zangan. I travel around the world teaching children martial arts."

  • "Tifa, what's happened to our town? Was it all an illusion, or just a dream?"

  • "Putting you on my back, I headed down the mountain to the village. I used the cure spell on you many times."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gast Faremis
cast offsite

A biologist, he used to be the head of Shinra's Science Research Department. Unlike his colleagues, the later successor Professor Hojo and Dr. Hollander, Gast pursued wisdom for its own sake, rather than using it to gain power. Gast is one of the few people Sephiroth respects.

  • "You see, as long as Jenova exists, the Planet will never be able to heal itself."

  • "Never say that! I will protect you and Aerith no matter what!!"

  • "Ifalna, can you comment on the thing called 'Weapon'?"


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