Final Fantasy VII FanDUB Casting Call part 2.

roseturneyva for Elena

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: annlieyu

Elena has a clumsy and chatty personality which unintentionally done in a comedic way, but is loyal and serious about her job. As the new recruit, her talkativeness often gets her into trouble, such as when she accidentally gives away their orders to AVALANCHE, or gets herself kidnapped while on vacation. Despite this, Elena shows an understanding attitude toward others and is determined to succeed. She attained the highest grades in school and specializes in both firearms and martial arts.

  • "I'm the newest member of the Turks, Elena. Thanks to what you did to Reno, we're short of people. ...Although, because of that, I got promoted to the Turks... In any case, our job is to find out where Sephiroth is headed. And to try and stop you every step of the way. Wait a minute, it's the other way around... You're the ones that are getting in our way."

  • "Our orders were to seek you out and... ...Kill. Our company may be in turmoil, but an order's an order. That's the will and spirit of the Turks! Believe it!"

  • "It's so stupid! They always talk about who they like or don't like. But Tseng is different. Ah! Oh no! They're here! They're really here!"

Final Fantasy VII FanDUB Casting Call part 2.
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