Final Fantasy VII FanDUB Casting Call part 2.

Matthew Narango for Bugenhagen

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Bugenhagen is sapient and he has a thirst for knowledge, his specialty subject being the the Planet Gaia and its workings. He opposes Shinra's activities in harvesting the Lifestream for Mako energy, as the Lifestream is the Planet's life source. Bugenhagen is protective towards Red XIII, for whom he is a father figure. 

  • "I hear the cries of the planet. As if to say... "I hurt, I suffer". When it's time for the planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing."

  • "Cloud says they are trying to save the planet. Honestly, I don't think it can be done. For even if they stop every reactor on the planet, it's only going to postpone the inevitable. Even if they stop Sephiroth, everything will perish. But, Nanaki. I've been thinking lately. I've been thinking if there was anything WE could do, as a part of the planet, something to help a planet already in misery... No matter what happens, isn't it important to try? Am I just wishing against fate?"

  • "It's all Greek to me!"

Matthew Narango
Final Fantasy VII FanDUB Casting Call part 2.
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