Final Fantasy VII FanDUB Casting Call part 2.

Crash Star for Cid Highwind

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cid Highwind
Role assigned to: Crash Star

Cid is known for his foul mouth, as he curses a blue streak at several points. He does not bother about trivialities, and prefers going to the source of the problem, though sometimes seems wholly uncaring. Cid is always crude, but he is kindhearted. His attitude and foul language are an effect of him losing his dream of spaceflight, as he remains angry over missing out on his dream, struggling to move on, though he sacrificed it deliberately to save Shera. Cid does not always mean his insults in a negative way: he refers to Cloud and his allies as "numbskulls" for opposing Shinra Electric Power Company, but admits he likes the idea.

  • "Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and DRINK YOUR GODDAMN TEA!"

  • "This's gonna be a big splash. Hold on to your drawers, an' don't piss in 'em!!"

  • "I want you to know that I didn't dislike him. Gotta admit he was a strange dude. Just when you thought he was cool, he'd go and do some damn fool thing. And when you thought he was smart, he'd show how stupid he was. Everything about him from his movements to his speech were kinda odd."

Crash Star
Final Fantasy VII FanDUB Casting Call part 2.
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