Final Fantasy VII FanDUB Casting Call part 2.

annlieyu for Lucrecia Crescent

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lucrecia Crescent
cast offsite

Lucrecia suffers from a guilt complex. She has a kind and caring soul but tends to ignore the realities of life and convince herself to believe only what she wants to believe. Being a scientist, she is prepared to take risks for her research, something she, albeit to a lesser extent, shares with her colleague Professor Hojo. She can be emotionally volatile and stubborn.

  • "Vincent?" (scared) "Stay back!"

  • "I wanted to disappear... I couldn't be with anyone... I wanted to die... But the Jenova inside me wouldn't let me die..."

  • "I heard that he died five years ago. But I see him in my dreams so often... And I know that physically, like myself, he can't die so easily."

Final Fantasy VII FanDUB Casting Call part 2.
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