Faraway Logs - OMORI VHS Analog Series (CLOSED)

Project Overview

  1. DEADLINE : January 23 2023

    DISCLAIMER: Age requirement is 16+. While this series is wholesome and contains your average slice-of-life routine, this series will also contain sensitive topics such as depression, anxiety, and suicide.



    Hello fellow OMORI fans! We are a duo creator of the Faraway Logs series, which is a Slice of Life VHS analog series based on the game. The content within this series is a prequel to the main story of OMORI. We will try our best to keep it closely canon and will stay true to each character from the game, but we will also implement A LOT of headcanon timelines/stories while staying true to the original story. Once selected, we'll also be open to hearing your headcanon/canon ideas! If considered, there'll be a likely chance for us to bring it to life through our animations! There will be no headspace stories, but there will be a lot of headspace references.

  3. What is Faraway Logs?

    Faraway Logs is a non-profit passion project that's based on BASIL'S POV from his daily life with his friends. He records everyone's hobbies and daily routines as they go about their days. Basil is the main character of this series and the stories will heavily rely on his narrations. Follow him and his friends as they live their young, peaceful lives in Faraway Town.

  4. FARAWAY LOGS - Auditions

    We are looking for people to voice the main cast! Sunny, Basil, Aubrey, Kel, Hero, Mari, and other supporting characters. I realized the methods I've been using to create the series are very limited, so I'm reaching out to potential voice actors to voice the main characters! The series will only contain the past timelines of OMORI. Therefore, the characters will need to have young/teenage voices.

  5. Please read all the lines provided for each character in one take. You can do multiple impressions aswell. 

  6. FARAWAY LOGS - Payment

    There will be no payment, unfortunately. The Faraway Logs is a non-profit passion project. That being said, we are doing this for fun because of our love for the OMORI game and basically just to inspire people! This is an opportunity for everyone participating to improve on our talents and skills, whether that be animating, art, or voice acting. It is essentially just a project to bring inspiration!

  7. FARAWAY LOGS - Requirements

    This project will involve dialogue that will be very conversational/casual, meaning that you'll have to worry less about sounding too professional during the voice acting! We'd prefer to hear your voice acting skills through your natural day-to-day tone. Basically, just imagine you were talking to your friend at school or going about your usual day as you voice your lines!

    -Strongly recommend a decent quality microphone. No background noises, echoes, or static sounds.

    -Clear North American accent pronunciations.

    -Please don't add any pitches, reverbs, alterations, or voice changes to your auditions. We will be the ones putting the "Old Radio" voice effect ourselves

    -Discord will be our main use of communication, so please ensure to provide your discord name and tag in your entry!

    Update  1/10/2023

    Waaa, there's so many auditions and all ya'll are really dedicated. 237 of them already in 24hours!!! We really appreciate for taking your time to audition for these roles, everyone. Also, I forgot to mention this to everyone that this project will not be time-consuming. So once you're chosen for the part, it won't be IMMEDIATELY that you'll voice lines/scripts. There is no pressure here, I just want everybody to have fun and take all the time you need. I'll get scripts working starting the week after the deadline (Jan 23rd). Can't wait to hear more auditions!!!

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    Congratulations to:
    Snail-kun (BASIL)
    kuma445 (SUNNY)
    peachrumpus (AUBREY)
    zzaj (KEL)
    kwarts (HERO)
    puppetxion (MARI)

    Congratulations for being casted!!! We are excited to work with you.

    AND especially big thanks to everyone who participated/auditioned! It really means to us that you support and love this work! Give the VA's the love and support they will need for this project to bring out their fullest potential! Love you all!!!

    Thank you!!!

  • Thank you!

    Hello everyone! Thank you all for participating the audition for this project! We're letting you know we are no longer accepting submissions! We will get to the auditions asap tomorrow morning of Jan 24th and will announce the cast later that same morning. There's so many amazing talented voice actors and actresses, yall are amazing!! Please continue to support us!!! We need it!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Snail

Basil requires a lot of self-monologuing. He is the main narrator of the series, so he is going to talk a lot. He pretty much describes the things people are doing, but not extensively. He has a wobbly, nervous voice tone. He speaks slowly, similar to Sunny.

Recommend a female voice actress

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • Hello everyone. This is Basil. I just got a new camera.

  • Sunny, can you stand a little bit to the left? Yeah, right there.

  • [Wobbly Laughs] I don't think that's how you do it, Kel.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: BC Reale

Sunny doesn't speak much. He's quiet, shy, yet he can be sociable. He doesn't have high energy. He speaks slow, but understandable in his pronunciation.

Recommend a deep female voice actress

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • M-Mari? Can we go? There's too many people here.

  • I don't think my mom will like that, Kel.

  • I think Hero went that way. I d-don't know...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: peachrumpus

Aubrey has a mild energy. She can be talkative, loud, and gets really annoyed when Kel says something stupid. She has a high pitch female voice, mostly in a happy tone. 

Recommend a high pitch female voice actress (Similar to Gawr Gura)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • So once she's done with her piano lesson, we can go talk to her.

  • Oh yeah, Sunny, your birthday's coming up in five days, right? We should do something fun.

  • Kel! Can you like, move out of the way?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Zaj

Kel has a loud energy. He will talk a lot and will tease the gang, crack "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes, and will randomly bring up things. He will mostly be in an energetic tone. Uses 90's slangs the most.

Recommend a nasally young male voice actor; a rough female voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • Hey guys!!! We're back! OH Basil, I got something for you.

  • Hero, Mom said we can do rock paper scissors, whoever loses has to do the dishes!

  • NOOOOOOO! My Sandwich!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kwarts

Hero has an average energy. He is a softy, a pushover, and can be shy at times. While he's all these, he is the guardian of the gang. He watches over the four youngsters in most cases. He has a calm tone, and is down to earth most of the time. He has a crush on Mari. Yes. 

Recommend a young male voice actor

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • Kel, no. You can't. Take a shower first because you smell, bud.

  • Hey Mari, how are you? ------- That's good. I'm fine as well, haha. [Nervous laugh]

  • Oh, Sunny, if you chop it too early, it won't be as tasty. So yeah, we cut it later.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Xion XIV

Mari has a friendly vibe, and will always make you feel safe whenever she's around. She tends to give the best advice/ideas for fun things to do with the group.  She will chuckle at pretty much anything she finds funny. She has big sister energy and will always make you happy no matter what. She has a soft, peaceful, yet graceful voice tone.

Recommend a young female voice actress

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • [Hero comes sit beside her] Heyyy, how was the trip? Did you have fun?

  • Aubrey, let me tie your hair real quick.

  • Yeah, I'm making brownies for the party. I think Hero is bringing the cookies? I'm not sure.


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