Faraway Logs - OMORI VHS Analog Series (CLOSED)

Skyler !! for MARI

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Xion XIV

Mari has a friendly vibe, and will always make you feel safe whenever she's around. She tends to give the best advice/ideas for fun things to do with the group.  She will chuckle at pretty much anything she finds funny. She has big sister energy and will always make you happy no matter what. She has a soft, peaceful, yet graceful voice tone.

Recommend a young female voice actress

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • [Hero comes sit beside her] Heyyy, how was the trip? Did you have fun?

  • Aubrey, let me tie your hair real quick.

  • Yeah, I'm making brownies for the party. I think Hero is bringing the cookies? I'm not sure.

Skyler !!
Faraway Logs - OMORI VHS Analog Series (CLOSED)

This is great!!! I think you really suit Mari :3

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