Faraway Logs - OMORI VHS Analog Series (CLOSED)

TuwiChi for HERO

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Kwarts

Hero has an average energy. He is a softy, a pushover, and can be shy at times. While he's all these, he is the guardian of the gang. He watches over the four youngsters in most cases. He has a calm tone, and is down to earth most of the time. He has a crush on Mari. Yes. 

Recommend a young male voice actor

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • Kel, no. You can't. Take a shower first because you smell, bud.

  • Hey Mari, how are you? ------- That's good. I'm fine as well, haha. [Nervous laugh]

  • Oh, Sunny, if you chop it too early, it won't be as tasty. So yeah, we cut it later.

Faraway Logs - OMORI VHS Analog Series (CLOSED)

Discord Tuwi#0213

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