Faraway Logs - OMORI VHS Analog Series (CLOSED)

Gudfi for BASIL

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Snail

Basil requires a lot of self-monologuing. He is the main narrator of the series, so he is going to talk a lot. He pretty much describes the things people are doing, but not extensively. He has a wobbly, nervous voice tone. He speaks slowly, similar to Sunny.

Recommend a female voice actress

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • Hello everyone. This is Basil. I just got a new camera.

  • Sunny, can you stand a little bit to the left? Yeah, right there.

  • [Wobbly Laughs] I don't think that's how you do it, Kel.

Faraway Logs - OMORI VHS Analog Series (CLOSED)
☆_HERO !! (Vyx)

I love this! Your voice acting is amazing!!^^


    Thank you so mch <3

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