Faraway Logs - OMORI VHS Analog Series (CLOSED)

Cursed with Glorious Purpose for KEL

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Zaj

Kel has a loud energy. He will talk a lot and will tease the gang, crack "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes, and will randomly bring up things. He will mostly be in an energetic tone. Uses 90's slangs the most.

Recommend a nasally young male voice actor; a rough female voice

  • english
Voice description:
  • male child
  • Hey guys!!! We're back! OH Basil, I got something for you.

  • Hero, Mom said we can do rock paper scissors, whoever loses has to do the dishes!

  • NOOOOOOO! My Sandwich!!!

Cursed with Glorious Purpose
Faraway Logs - OMORI VHS Analog Series (CLOSED)

ngl this is the best one i have seen

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