Excerpts from "The Maretian" (Friendship is Magic + The Martian crossover)

Project Overview
November 2019 update: This is a long-term project, not a little short thing, so if you audition, I expect that you will be regularly reachable. Thanks!
This project is an effort to adapt into audio certain portions of The Maretian, by Kris Overstreet: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/396744/the-maretian It is a crossover between My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and The Martian, a book by Andy Weir that was made into a movie directed by Ridley Scott and starring Matt Damon as Mark Watney. It takes place on Mars in the year 2035. A tiny speck of dust in space causes the Amicitas (the Equestrian Space Agency's ship) to unexpectedly teleport sideways into another universe (ours) and crash land on Mars, where they have to survive with Mark Watney shortly after his accidental exile.
The role I am currently trying to fill, Cherry Berry, also needs to be able to sing. (I will pay you, but it's a little complicated, so we can hash that out in PMs.)
Additionally, I may in the future be looking for people to voice Spitfire or Dragonfly, if the people I'm currently seeking for those roles either can't or don't want to do their voice/singing. Lastly, there is a possibility that other voice roles may open up in the future, depending on what parts of the story we want to adapt.
And finally, there isn't really a deadline on this project; that's just what the website makes me say. Ignore the listed deadline. Contact me privately for more details on this, as well.
Most of the other roles this project has (artists, music assistance, etc.) have been filled by me or other people I have specifically sought out, or recruited, or plan to recruit/hire in the future.
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...I feel like I owe it to everyone, including those just following the project publicly who aren't in the Discord server, what my thoughts are. I'm so happy and grateful for all of the amazing auditions I've received, and all the talented people who are interested in helping me make this project a reality - my first ever time directing something! Here's what I'm thinking for the three remaining uncast roles. For Canterlot Mare #3, I would like to cast OrchidTale (based on her auditions for other parts, and she did get cast in a few), but I'm just waiting on her "official" audition for mare #3. For the pre-teen girl, I would like to cast my younger sister, who is 23 years old. She doesn't have an account on this site, but it's just a small line, so recording her here at home shouldn't be hard. For the young(est) girl, I'm undecided, and so within the Discord server for this project, I put out a call to a selection of some other females working on my project, if any of them would like to take on the minor two-line role. After that, every part will be cast. We're ignoring the story's NASA characters on Earth, because they're not in any of the scenes that I'm adapting for this project, at least, there aren't any plans for that right now. If this gets popular in the future, which I'm not counting on, then maybe we'll revisit the possibility of adapting more scenes.
Almost all of the roles have been filled now.
I'm just trying to cast the remaining human kids in Spitfire's and Starlight's dreams, as well as a new role that just opened up for Filthy Fred. Filthy Fred has a lot of swear words and VERY crude sexual jokes and references in his part. Take a look at that if you're a guy and are okay with voicing a vulgar character. -
Things are going well!
I already have three auditions, and I'm expecting a fourth from someone who is recovering from a sickness. I'm already leaning towards giving the role of Cherry to one of them, but the good news is that there are other roles in this story that I haven't officially made slots for on this page! There's also Melissa Lewis, Beth Johanssen, and some minor characters in the dreams on Sol 450. This is good! Thank you for the response so far.

More information available in this Google Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tuBc5_5zXEMNXAhbWIs9BcUzHey1itYGVHhsFUfvHBY/edit
I need you to be able to both sing on key (read sheet music) in addition to voice act. And I do intend to pay you, but not all in one lump sum. We can negotiate how much you'll get paid for each portion of the project later. I can be contacted on Discord: Dogman15#6007
The job in the game [of Dungeons & Dragons] was better than several I really had before the space race. Let's just say Ponyville isn't always the bright, shiny, smiling friendly face the tourist board makes it out to be.
What is your name? [pause] Cherry Berry. [pause] What did you do on your ship? [pause] I am the commander and pilot. [pause] How did you get into space flight? [pause] At home only pegasi fly. But I began with balloons, then other things. When the space thing happened, I found a program which would let me fly rockets.
"Try to land the sp-sp-spiders on the web." or “Aah! I can’t get the taste off my tongue!”

More details available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kdptSUXKXWQsPTOhs_rE0ONxH1tiqrNvbGIt8gtsJzs/edit
In The Maretian, Spitfire starts out mostly the same as she appears on the show. She was brought on partially because of her experience in running the Wonderbolts, and partially for political reasons. They already had Starlight Glimmer because she helped build the Sparkle Drive, and worked with the Equestrian Space Agency, and Cherry Berry from the Changeling Space program, the pilot. That’s a unicorn and an earth pony, so Spitfire rounds it out with a pegasus on the crew. She’s the team medic, as well, but past that, doesn’t have much to do early on.
When the Equestrians start learning how to speak English for Mark Watney’s benefit, Spitfire takes the longest to learn, and even by the time they get to Schiaparelli crater where the Mars Ascent Vehicle is, her English is still a little bit broken. (Her Equestrian is completely natural, obviously.) Most of the lines we need for The Maretian right now are of Spitfire speaking English, but there might be times in the future where she speaks in Equestrian.
Here are some notes on Spitfire directly from Kris Overstreet, the author:
In the story, Spitfire's story arc is her need to feel needed. When she starts off, she's bummed because she's gone from a command to being the oldest and lowest-ranked member of the crew, put in a role she's only marginally qualified to fulfill, and deprived of her single greatest natural talent (flight). By the end of the story she's saved the mission at least twice, grown into her duties, and established herself as equal to the others, but at the cost of losing her competitive edge (and possibly other long-term health issues, hinted but not addressed in-story).
(incidentally, the majority of the reason why she continually rode Starlight on health issues was so she could feel like she was doing something positive. Patient = purpose.) (and her feeling of being the least qualified member of the crew is why she was the most sensitive on the subject of being talked down to / infantilized by Mark.)
For Equestrian, just act as Spitfire normally (in real world English), but for English from Spitfire, you have to act like it’s a foreign language to you and you’re struggling to form words. Reading English is also difficult for Spitfire.
[from “The Best Night Ever”, S1E26] Always hungry after a show. Eh, Soarin? [to Rainbow Dash] Hey! I know you. You're the pony that saved us in Cloudsdale and won The Best Flyer Competition. Well, Rainbow Dash. Looks like your skills saved us again. Oh, well, at least they saved Soarin's apple pie. Wanna come hang out with us?
[from “Hurricane Fluttershy”, S2E22] Nice job, Rainbow Dash. You may not have set a new record, but you showed a lot of guts.
[from this fan fiction] [struggling with English; she may have read the questions ahead of time and practiced saying them.] What is your name? [pause] Spitfire. [pause] What did you do on your ship? [pause] Junior pilot, medical. [what Spitfire means by this is that she was the co-pilot and medic.]
Sing this verse as Spitfire [the magic of the song makes it so that language barriers aren’t an issue]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/554247620583751681/555236622627635201/unknown.png
Here's what it sounds like: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/449825117611098114/491398170669219840/Spitfire_first_verse.mp3

Dragonfly is a changeling with the old appearance (black, holes in legs) that was before the Season 6 finale where the changelings were reformed. Despite this, she is not evil. Queen Chrysalis decided she wanted to go to space, and they started doing anything they could to launch into space, like the video game Kerbal Space Program. The first story Kris Overstreet wrote in this universe was “Changeling Space Program”. “The Maretian” is its sequel. Eventually the CSP partnered with the Equestrian Space Agency (ESA), and that eventually led to Dragonfly and Cherry Berry (CSP) joining with Starlight and Spitfire (ESA) and Fireball on a mission together. An accident in space teleported them sideways in dimensions to Mark Watney’s universe. For a starting point on Dragonfly’s voice, consider Ocellus (pronounced “ah-SELL-us”, voiced by Devyn Dalton) from Season 8. Dragonfly is similar to, but still very different from, Ocellus. They have a similar cheerfulness, for example, but Dragonfly is not as shy as Ocellus.
Dragonfly is the mission engineer, computer officer, and backup pilot. Dragonfly learns how to speak English surprisingly quickly. Faster than Cherry and especially Spitfire, and about at the same speed as Starlight takes to learn English. She’s very intelligent. (They all speak Equestrian, Mark Watney speaks English.)
It helps if you also have read or watched The Martian (book or film), to know what this story is crossing over with.
[It is Dragonfly’s turn at the radio, giving an "interview" to the Hermes, which will relay it to Earth. The long transmission time from Mars means that a live interview can not happen, so NASA sends the astronauts on Mars questions ahead of time, and each day, they take a turn in the Amicitas using its traditional radio to broadcast audio to the Hermes, which then sends it to Earth.] [Dragonfly reads the questions provided to her, pauses to signal the end of the question, and then gives her answer.] What is your name? [pause] Dragonfly! [pause] What did you do on your ship? [pause] I was the ship's engineer. If anything broke besides the Sparkle Drive, it was my job to fix it. Also, I'm helping with the other crew members' English. [pause] How did you get into space flight? [pause] My queen said we were going to space, so I volunteered immediately! I'm the fastest bug-pony flier in the group! [the interview continues, but that's enough for this audition]
[during a game of Dungeons & Dragons at the Ares III Hab on Mars, in response to Starlight (the DM) protesting that the enemy in their game is "held in place by the Elements of Harmony!"] You mean the piles of dust we carry in our saddlebags? I don't think they're holding anything anymore.
[On Sol 450, Dragonfly has a dream she is talking with an unseen personification of the planet Mars, in darkness] At least I know what my mind's cooking up this time. You have got to be my cracked head's idea of Mars. Well, go away. We've stopped all your attacks already, and in a hundred days we'll be gone, off your stupid soil forever. So just shut up and go away, all right? I have enough voices in my head. No vacancy. [Mars: No. You will go. Others will come. There must be none. You must die. I will kill you.] [Dragonfly is now angry and shouting] Oh yeah? You've done a lousy job of it so far, pal! We survived your perchlorates, your decompression, your methane, your storms, your temperature extremes, everything you could throw at us! Your attacks are weak, you stupid planet!

Melissa Lewis is the commander of the Ares III manned mission to Mars. She was played by Jessica Chastain in the 2015 film The Martian. More information on her can be found here: https://the-martian.fandom.com/wiki/Melissa_Lewis
You're recording this, right, Johanssen? And not any of us?
[in response to Rick Martinez saying "And that 'favorite disco' question? Commander, was that you?"] [Melissa tries to suppress a smile.] I plead the fifth.
Mission control. This is Hermes Actual. We are go for launch and will proceed on schedule. We are T minus eight minutes, ten seconds to launch.

Beth Johanssen is the Sysop (computer whiz) of the Ares III manned mission to Mars. She was played by Kate Mara in the 2015 film The Martian. More information on her can be found here: http://the-martian.fandom.com/wiki/Beth_Johanssen
Friendship, this is Hermes, reading you two by five. Ready for scheduled transmission, over. [pause] Affirmative.
[in reaction to Starlight saying "Everyone can be friends if everyone works at it. Where I come from, friendship is the most powerful force in the world. By working together and thinking of one another, we can accomplish anything."] [softly] That was sweet.
Fuel pressure green. Engine alignment perfect, gimbals fully operational. Communications five by five. We are ready for preflight checklist, commander.

Chris Beck is a character from the book and film The Martian, by Ridley Scott. In the film, he was played by Sebastian Stan. https://the-martian.fandom.com/wiki/Chris_Beck
He's the ship's doctor, surgeon, and EVA (extra-vehicular activity) specialist. He has a few small lines in this adaptation of *some* of the crossover fan fiction "The Maretian".
Previously, I was going to do his voice for this project, but then the Mark Watney guy dropped out, so I'm now doing Mark Watney's voice. That's where you come in! Watch Sebastian Stan talk about his role as Chris Beck here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwoMimNLeiU
Chris probably has the fewest amount of lines. Sorry about that! It's an extremely minor role.
[in response to Alex Vogel saying Starlight Glimmer's Equestrian language sounds like Welsh, and Rick Martinez recalling what Mark Watney said about their language] He [Mark] was wrong about "L" being every other consonant, though. "L" is only every fifth consonant. "Ch" is the one that comes every other one.
[after Starlight Glimmer finishes the English version of her interview, mentioning why she said it in both languages] Oh, that explains it. Good idea.
[in response to Commander Lewis going through the pre-flight checklist on Sol 551 and her calling out "Recovery."] Go. [I'm sorry, that's literally ALL of the lines I need for him right now.]
NOTICE: This character swears a lot and says very crude things. When the video for this is eventually finished, I intend to put a "viewer discretion advised" sort of warning at the beginning of it. Even though the character is crude and rude, it is my hope that you yourself are nice and friendly.
Side note: This role was previously cast, but the person I cast didn't submit every line I needed, and they have now deleted their profile; additionally, they seem to no longer be active online anywhere. Therefore, the role is open again.
Filthy Fred is a character on Earth who takes the audio from Mark Watney's "radio interview" he broadcast from Mars and pretends to have his own interview with Mark, but he edits everything to make it sound like Mark is saying dirty, raunchy things. You don't have to worry about the editing, you just need to sound like a douchebag, vulgar person. Sort of like the real-life Filthy Frank (George Miller/Joji), but not exactly. Filthy Fred also makes lots of crude sexual references and jokes. I'm not going to detail them here, but suffice to say there are lots of things you might be uncomfortable with performing. The original chapter is here, if you're curious: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/396744/76/the-maretian/sol-116 Here's a passage from the story that introduces him:
To: Mark Watney ([redacted])
From: Annie Montrose ([redacted])
Subject: Filthy Fred Interview
Mark, I’m contacting you about this in private email to try to keep you from blowing up in public about this.
Yesterday evening an Internet personality who goes by the name Filthy Fred took the audio from your interview spot and used sound bites from it to assemble a fake interview. The joke, if it can be called that, is that you have an alien harem on Mars.
This is Filthy Fred’s usual modus operandi. He’s hit celebrities, politicians, even ex-Presidents. He gets his laugh from shock, and he has a small but fanatical following. It wouldn’t be an issue except, since your name is on top of everybody’s search history, millions of people are watching Filthy Fred’s edit right now. [...] Fred would love to have you protest. It’d be mud-wrestling with a pig. He’d get more publicity, and people would begin to wonder if there’s any truth to it. So let us handle it instead. Our spin is to show photos of the ponies, with their big adorable eyes, and make the point about what kind of person you have to be to turn humanity’s first alien contacts into a crude sex joke.
Hello, you fucked-up freaks and you freaky fuckers, this is Filthy Fred again- and this time I’ve got the best interview EVER! Yours truly has scored an interview with our favorite Martian himself, Mark Watney! Say hi to our listeners, Mark!
Now, I’m given to understand that you’re just hangin’ out on Mars with five aliens, four of which are females who prefer to go around naked. Are you gonna tell me there’s nothin’ goin’ on up there?
Words of wisdom, Mark. Your transmission’s breaking up. Any last words of wisdom for Earth? [five different clips from Mark's interview to make it sound like he's giving an answer] Thanks again, astronaut Mark Watney! And let’s hope you get rescued soon… but not TOO soon! (lewd laughter)

In Spitfire's dream on Sol (Martian day) 450, three ponies walk past her in Canterlot. Think of the typical "Canterlot" character, and what kind of voice they might have.
Say, who is that pony?
Don't know. Should I recognize her?
She seems a little familiar.

In Spitfire's dream on Sol (Martian day) 450, three ponies walk past her in Canterlot. Think of the typical "Canterlot" character, and what kind of voice they might have.
“Say, who is that pony?”
“Don’t know. Should I recognize her?”
“She seems a little familiar.”

In Spitfire's dream on Sol (Martian day) 450, three ponies walk past her in Canterlot. Think of the typical "Canterlot" character, and what kind of voice they might have.
1: “Say, who is that pony?”
2: “Don’t know. Should I recognize her?”
1: “She seems a little familiar.”
3: “Oh, her? That’s Spitfire. She used to be a flyer.”
In Spitfire's dream on Sol (Martian day) 450, some human kids run up to her and speak with her. Spitfire knows about humans from the videos and pictures she has seen from Earth, sent by NASA. While she struggles with English in reality, in her dream, there is no language barrier, so the kids speak the same language as her. Spitfire has physically languished on Mars, not being able to fly or exercise much. Her depression stems from the fact that once back in Equestria, she isn't as strong as she used to be, and she thinks she's worthless. There are four kids: A young girl, a young boy, an older girl, and a girl older than that - a teenager.
And then a group of kids- human kids, with human clothes, with incredibly familiar human faces, running on the streets of Canterlot- ran up to her. “Hey, look!” shouted the youngest girl. “It’s a pony!”
Young boy: That's a Pegasus!
“Wow!” the girl said. “Can you fly, Ms. Pegasus?”
In Spitfire's dream on Sol (Martian day) 450, some human kids run up to her and speak with her. Spitfire knows about humans from the videos and pictures she has seen from Earth, sent by NASA. While she struggles with English in reality, in her dream, there is no language barrier, so the kids speak the same language as her. Spitfire has physically languished on Mars, not being able to fly or exercise much. Her depression stems from the fact that once back in Equestria, she isn't as strong as she used to be, and she thinks she's worthless. There are four kids: A young girl, a young boy, an older girl, and a girl older than that - a teenager.
And then a group of kids- human kids, with human clothes, with incredibly familiar human faces, running on the streets of Canterlot- ran up to her. “Hey, look!” shouted the youngest girl. “It’s a pony!”
“That’s a pegasus!” a boy hardly older than the little girl snapped, the 'You Idiot' tone drenching the words.
In Spitfire's dream on Sol (Martian day) 450, some human kids run up to her and speak with her. Spitfire knows about humans from the videos and pictures she has seen from Earth, sent by NASA. While she struggles with English in reality, in her dream, there is no language barrier, so the kids speak the same language as her. Spitfire has physically languished on Mars, not being able to fly or exercise much. Her depression stems from the fact that once back in Equestria, she isn't as strong as she used to be, and she thinks she's worthless. There are four kids: A young girl, a young boy, an older girl, and a girl older than that - a teenager.
“Well… yes,” Spitfire admitted, spreading her wings and flapping them enough for a slow hover. “But not as well as I used to.”
That's not right. With wings like that, you should be a fantastic flyer.
In Spitfire's dream on Sol (Martian day) 450, some human kids run up to her and speak with her. Spitfire knows about humans from the videos and pictures she has seen from Earth, sent by NASA. While she struggles with English in reality, in her dream, there is no language barrier, so the kids speak the same language as her. Spitfire has physically languished on Mars, not being able to fly or exercise much. Her depression stems from the fact that once back in Equestria, she isn't as strong as she used to be, and she thinks she's worthless. There are four kids: A young girl, a young boy, an older girl, and a girl older than that - a teenager.
“Yes,” Spitfire said quietly, “I was.”
“No,” said the oldest girl, who reached up where Spitfire hovered and stroked her orange fur. “You *will be*.”
She waved around at the alleyway, which had changed into the walls of the crystal cave, leaving only a narrow gap to the open blue sky. “We watched you practice here, all the time. Why did you do that if you weren’t going to fly again?”
In Starlight Glimmer's dream on Sol 450, she dreams that she's on the surface of Mars and has to play a "Cookie Clicker" type game on a laptop. The game in her dream slowly terraforms Mars, showing all of the things that could now happen because of the work she and the other astronauts have done during their time on Mars. The boy shows up near the end of her dream. He is described as being young, but having unusually wise-looking eyes.
What do you think?
[Starlight: "This isn't real."] It could be, someday.
[Starlight: "But I didn't do this. I'm just one pony. I can't do this!"] You don't have to. [quietly] The process will go on without you, but it needed someone to make the first click.

In Cherry Berry's dream on Sol 450, she dreams she's in a cherry orchard in Equestria, when suddenly the trees start to come to life and talk to her. They speak with exaggerated "wise plant" voices. If you'd like to read the original passage or the screenplay I wrote for more context, please let me know. They can be either male or female, and any age or voice you think would be right. I recorded an example performance of their lines if you would like to hear that, as well.
Tree number 1 has more lines than the others.
Cherry Berry dreamed.
She walked along the rows of the cherry orchard, wagon hitched to her barrel. This was her life now- the odd jobs she’d done so often, so many times before, in order to pay for her passion.
That passion was gone now. Flying was over. This was her new reality. The earth had reclaimed its own.
“Good morning, little bird,” a slow, lugubrious voice said. A limb which might have been a tree branch or an arm reached out to pick up the pony, wagon and all, and lift her up.
“What- oh- oh, oh my,” Cherry gasped. She looked down at a face surrounded by white blooms, pale bark shining in the sunlight. “You’re- you- are you an ent?”
“What are you doing down there, Cherry?” the cherry-tree ent rumbled. “Don’t you know you belong in the sky?”
“Oh.” Cherry shuffled her hooves on the ent’s spread palm. “But I’m not a pegasus,” she said sadly. “I’m an earth pony. Earth ponies don’t fly.”
“*Hoom hoom*! That never stopped you before!” the ent rumbled, obviously amused.

In Cherry Berry's dream on Sol 450, she dreams she's in a cherry orchard in Equestria, when suddenly the trees start to come to life and talk to her. They speak with exaggerated "wise plant" voices. If you'd like to read the original passage or the screenplay I wrote for more context, please let me know. They can be either male or female, and any age or voice you think would be right. I recorded an example performance of their lines if you would like to hear that, as well.
Tree #2 (younger than the others) only has 1 line.
“That was then!” Cherry waved a hoof at the row of trees, which now stood in front of a wall of crystal. “Now I grow things! I’ve been doing nothing but growing things for over a year! Maybe… maybe I should have been growing things all along.” She looked down at her hooves. “Maybe I don’t belong in the sky.”
One of the trees turned into another ent, smaller and younger than the great creature holding her up. “Well, *ha, hm,* let’s don’t be hasty,” it said. “After all, we owe our lives to you, do we not?”

In Cherry Berry's dream on Sol 450, she dreams she's in a cherry orchard in Equestria, when suddenly the trees start to come to life and talk to her. They speak with exaggerated "wise plant" voices. If you'd like to read the original passage or the screenplay I wrote for more context, please let me know. They can be either male or female, and any age or voice you think would be right. I recorded an example performance of their lines if you would like to hear that, as well.
Tree #3 only has 1 line.
Another tree stood up, its features becoming another entish face. “Certainly we would not exist if not for you, even if our existence is only for a brief time.”

In Cherry Berry's dream on Sol 450, she dreams she's in a cherry orchard in Equestria, when suddenly the trees start to come to life and talk to her. They speak with exaggerated "wise plant" voices. If you'd like to read the original passage or the screenplay I wrote for more context, please let me know. They can be either male or female, and any age or voice you think would be right. I recorded an example performance of their lines if you would like to hear that, as well.
Tree #4 only has 1 line.
But one could say that we belong in an orchard, on a proper planet, not a cave on, ha hm, a glorified asteroid.

In FIreball's dream on Sol 450, he dreams that he is an older, larger dragon sleeping in a cave on top of a large pile of treasures and gemstones, including things he has brought back from his time on Mars. Ember wears a fake beard and imparts some wisdom to him.
Good morning! I'm looking for a dragon who might be interested in having an adventure.
Haven't you heard? Adventures don't really have an end.
As you wish. But remember that there are adventures yet to come, and deeds to do, before you may enjoy either treasure or mementos.
On Sol 551, the day of the launch off of Mars, Cathy Warner gives the report from outside NASA. She is a character from the book (The Martian), where she hosts "CNN's Mark Watney Report". It would be good to have someone who can sound like a news reporter for this role. https://the-martian.fandom.com/wiki/Cathy_Warner
Hello, everyone. This is CNN, and I'm Cathy Warner. In less than an hour, Mark Watney and his five alien comrades will launch in their modified Ares MAV, the Phoenix, in their one and only chance to meet the rest of the Ares III crew on Hermes. If that attempt fails, their only backup option will be to attempt to fly directly to Earth using an untested reproduction of the same experimental drive system that stranded the aliens on Mars in the first place.
I won't need an editor until all the audio is done, and I don't know how long that will take, but eventually, I will need some help with that. I have some video editing skills myself, but not the best tools to do it with. Payment can be discussed in PMs.
Say something you think would fit
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