Excerpts from "The Maretian" (Friendship is Magic + The Martian crossover)
Rizabits for Canterlot mare 3

In Spitfire's dream on Sol (Martian day) 450, three ponies walk past her in Canterlot. Think of the typical "Canterlot" character, and what kind of voice they might have.
1: “Say, who is that pony?”
2: “Don’t know. Should I recognize her?”
1: “She seems a little familiar.”
3: “Oh, her? That’s Spitfire. She used to be a flyer.”

I like your voice, and I'm very glad you auditioned! I had reached the number of private messages I could send in a month, so I wasn't sure if I'd be able to send you a PM, but I did. Anyway, regarding this role, your voice is good, but I had a different inflection in mind for the character. That can come later in some direction. For now, go ahead and add me on Discord and I'll add you to the server when I get back home. Dogman15#6007