Excerpts from "The Maretian" (Friendship is Magic + The Martian crossover)
GalanDun for Cherry tree #1 in Cherry Berry's dream

In Cherry Berry's dream on Sol 450, she dreams she's in a cherry orchard in Equestria, when suddenly the trees start to come to life and talk to her. They speak with exaggerated "wise plant" voices. If you'd like to read the original passage or the screenplay I wrote for more context, please let me know. They can be either male or female, and any age or voice you think would be right. I recorded an example performance of their lines if you would like to hear that, as well.
Tree number 1 has more lines than the others.
Cherry Berry dreamed.
She walked along the rows of the cherry orchard, wagon hitched to her barrel. This was her life now- the odd jobs she’d done so often, so many times before, in order to pay for her passion.
That passion was gone now. Flying was over. This was her new reality. The earth had reclaimed its own.
“Good morning, little bird,” a slow, lugubrious voice said. A limb which might have been a tree branch or an arm reached out to pick up the pony, wagon and all, and lift her up.
“What- oh- oh, oh my,” Cherry gasped. She looked down at a face surrounded by white blooms, pale bark shining in the sunlight. “You’re- you- are you an ent?”
“What are you doing down there, Cherry?” the cherry-tree ent rumbled. “Don’t you know you belong in the sky?”
“Oh.” Cherry shuffled her hooves on the ent’s spread palm. “But I’m not a pegasus,” she said sadly. “I’m an earth pony. Earth ponies don’t fly.”
“*Hoom hoom*! That never stopped you before!” the ent rumbled, obviously amused.

I like this one! I think you'll definitely be one of the cherry trees. There was a private message I thought I sent to you, but for some reason, it seems I sent it to myself (?!). I'll make sure I re-send it to you.

Okay, so I'm casting Tree #1 to you. Still haven't decided on trees 2 through 4, but #1 has the most lines.