Excerpts from "The Maretian" (Friendship is Magic + The Martian crossover)
elsarivrwood for Cherry tree #4 in Cherry Berry's dream

Voice Actor
Cherry tree #4 in Cherry Berry's dream
Role assigned to:
In Cherry Berry's dream on Sol 450, she dreams she's in a cherry orchard in Equestria, when suddenly the trees start to come to life and talk to her. They speak with exaggerated "wise plant" voices. If you'd like to read the original passage or the screenplay I wrote for more context, please let me know. They can be either male or female, and any age or voice you think would be right. I recorded an example performance of their lines if you would like to hear that, as well.
Tree #4 only has 1 line.
But one could say that we belong in an orchard, on a proper planet, not a cave on, ha hm, a glorified asteroid.

Excerpts from "The Maretian" (Friendship is Magic + The Martian crossover)

Good! We can revise it later, but you got the part.
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