DYAD: Recurring Characters [PAID]
![DYAD: Recurring Characters [PAID]](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/project/attachment/237485/665789DYAD_final_logo1_lowres.png)
Project Overview
Series Synopsis:
DYAD is about Mo & Bruce, a pair of twins who are descendants of Percy Royce, the man who created the most powerful type of magic, Astrafix. All descendants of this man have the responsibility to maintain the barriers he created to keep their kingdom safe from an ancient Demon named Delanath. Though Mo & Bruce have another problem, they are the first in their family to be half-mortal, half-magic. Because of this their parents were killed when they were young and now they live with their aunt. Mo & Bruce’s older brother Jack finds out how their parents were killed and turns his back on the kingdom leaving another void in the family. Mo and Bruce, however, are determined to find peace and forgiveness, and end the prejudice that exists between their people and mortals, right their brother's wrongs, and restore faith in their family's name. This proves no simple task, between having to balance a double life on Avovalyn and earth, keeping gullible little sister Selena out of trouble to ensure no further familial division, learn to master their power, and, all the while, Delanath prepares to unleash his most twisted, manipulative plan yet to ensure that the prophecy comes to fruition.
Be age 18+. You MUST sign a contract and NDA prior to being officially accepted onto the team.
Have a recording setup with no background noise or static and a USB or XLR microphone
Be collaborative, the team will have table reads and other meetings that you will be required to come to
Be willing to go through call-backs and be called back for a character you didn’t audition for
Have a Discord! This will be our primary means of communication once work on the project begins. We will also conduct “table” reads through here, so please be available for that!
Recording/Submission Guidelines
You don’t need to slate your audition
Raw audio with no editing/effects other than cuts
Please do 2-3 takes per line
Send your Name, Discord, Pronouns, and Demo Reel (if you have one) with your audition
For Singing Roles
Please sing at least 1 minute of a chosen audition song
You may pick a song that’s not listed, but it must be in the character’s singing range
For the singing portion, please record without a backing track
Casting Staff:
Labelless Holly
Kobe Van Bogaert
Lauren Kong
Official Project Twitter: https://twitter.com/DYADshow
DYAD Community Discord Server: https://discord.gg/tF3euaTgV7
Series IMDb Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26424911/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_1_tt_7_nm_1_q_dyad
Series Creator Nation Page: https://www.thecreatornation.com/indie-animation/dyad
DYAD Casting Email: dyadcastingofficial(at)gmail.com
You may also audition directly through email if you prefer! (You DO NOT have to email your audition and submit through CCC, one or the other will suffice!)
All information about casting call also available through this doc!
If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to leave them below or shoot us an email! A casting director will get back with you as soon as possible!
Thank you so much for your interest in the project and taking the time to audition for us! We're excited to hear you, have fun! <3
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Black Actors Only
Natalie is an upbeat, positive individual, who is highly involved in her school. She is usually one of the top of her class and is very intelligent. Her parents also attended Sommersdale High, and tend to be bad about pushing her to get involved in things they did, whether or not it's necessarily something that would be up Nat's alley. She has an after-school job at a local ice cream place. Though she appears outwardly confident, she hides a lot of self-doubt and insecurities, and often will pursue a lot of activities upon the request of her parents out of a need to please them, but also out of a subconscious need to prove to herself that she is capable.
Vocal Description: Medium toned voice; should sound fairly perky and happy
Singing Requirement: Natalie will sing, so singing samples are encouraged!
Range: Mezzo Soprano
Song Options:
Wind in my Hair - Tangled the Musical
Firework - Katy Perry
Jolene - Dolly Parton
- female teen
(Teasing, trying to annoy Flynn) “Why do you keep pestering Bruce? Isn't the school newspaper about more important things than snooping in friends' personal lives?”
(Excited) “I guess this makes us official now! Come on, let's hurry and get our uniforms ordered!”
(Being encouraging) “Hey, just trust me on this, okay? I know it's scary, but you and I have been through a lot together! We're capable of persevering through this! I'll be here for you the whole way!”

Tyr is a teenage recruit of The Resistance. They are under Shay’s command in her squadron, though as things start falling apart for Shay as her reputation wilts, they become an outspoken opponent of hers even while still technically serving her. Tyr claims to be a hardcore supporter of Avovalyn law and is willing to bend rules to prove their point. Tyr is sneaky, self-righteous, and arrogant.
Accent: Transatlantic (REQUIRED) https://drive.google.com/file/d/143OfVSMUBhsDGTR3CrDTIh0bbQbSigku/view?usp=sharing
Vocal Description: Medium toned, soothing/ambiguous voice that can sound convincing lying
Singing Requirement: There will be no singing in their main short, but since Tyr will be recurring in the main series, it’s preferred that you do send in a singing sample of your choice.
Range: Alto/Tenor
Song Options:
Ready as I’ll Ever Be - Tangled the Series (First minute)
Proud of Your Boy - Aladdin the Musical
If it’s True - Hadestown
Rain on my Parade - Barbra Streisand
- androgynous
- transatlantic
(Being pleasant in a sarcastic manner) “You know, commander, it's quite dangerous to be amidst all these potions alone, is it not? I'll stay here, keep an eye out in case anything goes awry.”
(Making fun, annoyed) “HAH! Have trust? In you? How rich.”
(Angry, losing their temper) “The best sword in The Resistance, and what did you do with it?! [angry pause] Baxter Meyer was the best leader this organization ever had; to think that his own daughter–”

Mo's frenemy. She comes from a rich family who spoils her, but she doesn't really take much notice of how blessed she is. She usually comes across very deadpan and bored. A running gag with her is that she just seems to be gifted great honors and expensive gifts without ever really having to have worked for it. She has a tendency to say exactly what she’s thinking, without worry of how it may come across, and is very blunt as a result. Very obsessed with social media and can be a bit vain–it’s quite common to see her glued to her phone.
Vocal Description: Medium-deep tone; should sound mostly very monotone and deadpan–performance can have just slight inflections, but should remain fairly monotone throughout.
Singing Requirement: Elouise will sing, so it is preferred that you include a singing sample!
Range: Alto/Tenor
Song Options:
1. Nothing Left to Lose - Tangled the Series
2. Put You in Your Place - Percy Jackson the Musical (Clarisse’s Part)
3. Rain on my Parade - Barbra Streisand
- female teen
(Slight surprise (but still not impressed), not paying attention) “Oh, my dad bought more stuff for the school? Mmk, whatever. [looks back at her phone] You should know by now that I usually just tune out whenever his name comes up.”
(Bragging, but still deadpan) “Well, I hate to brag, but I knew it was meant to be. Besides, everyone knows how passionate I am about cheer. My dad told me I’d make it if I tried, and I’m glad I could prove him right.”
(Slightly annoyed) “Who knows? But you’re right, the sooner she gets here the sooner we can get this over with.”

Mo's school pal who is extremely outgoing and very friendly, even to a fault. He is a transfer student from Australia, and joined the school newspaper right away to make friends and get to know as much about his new school as possible. He is known for being up-to-date on all the latest happenings and gossip. His favorite things to do are hanging out with his friends, going to/helping plan school events, and listening to and making music.
Vocal Description: Medium toned; should have an Australian accent (can be any dialect of Australian and doesn’t have to be super strong). Should sound bright, bubbly, and friendly. Tends to speak quickly when excited
Singing Requirement: Flynn will sing, so it is preferred that you include a singing sample!
Range: Tenor
Song Suggestions
Good Kid - Percy Jackson the Musical
Grow for Me - Little Shop of Horror
Singin’ in the Rain - Singin’ in the Rain
- male teen
- general australian
(Slightly silly, trying to get info for the school newspaper) “Don't think I forgot what we were talking about. Come on, sometimes it feels like I barely know anything about you.”
(Excited, teasing) “Isn’t it obvious? I’m here to take pictures! You know, for the school paper? And to support all of you, obviously.”
(With a sense of determination) “The kids at this school like to put on like nothing big is happening here, but I like to think there's some....secrets...being hidden right before our very eyes! And I'm gonna be the one who gets to the bottom of it all!”

Hispanic/latino Actors Only, speaks a little Spanish
Wilma is a shy, but very sweet individual. She struggles a lot with self-confidence, and her reputation around school as being a loner. She has a hard time opening up to people, but is fiercely loyal to anyone she does make friends. She is a very goal-driven person, and maintains good grades in school and cares about her work. She is bilingual, being fluent in both English and Spanish. In her free time, she's pretty big into gaming and cartoons. She becomes Bruce’s love interest, despite the rules that forbid romance between earth mortals and Avovalyn mages.
Vocal Description: High-medium voice; gentle and soft spoken usually, but can get loud and unhinged when mad or scared.
Singing Requirement: Wilma will sing, so it is preferred that you include a singing sample!
Other Notes: Wilma is Latina, and speaks fluent English and Spanish. She speaks Spanish primarily with her father and grandmother at home, so it is preferred that VAs trying out for Wilma be comfortable speaking/fluent in Spanish!Range: Mezzo Soprano
Song Options:
Wind in my Hair - Tangled the Musical
Firework - Katy Perry
Jolene - Dolly Parton
- female teen
- puerto rican
(Nervous and embarrassed, approaching Bruce nervously about being partnered for the school project) “H-hey, s-sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you--I didn't see you there and I was just trying to see the list, and I saw that you and I were partners for the assignment, and ummm, I just wanted to see if you would like to--I mean, if y-you wouldn't mind giving me your number so we could meet up and work on it sometime, and...and....yeah....I'm sorry....”
(Slightly embarrassed, but trying to be encouraging) “Sorry about my dad--he means well, but he's definitely always been a bit overprotective like this. You don't have anything to worry about though--he could never hate someone like you.”
(In shock and unsure how to comprehend the situation) “Okay--okay! So, magic is real?? And this has just always been a thing that's existed under our noses and no one knew about it? And walking through portals and going to a magical kingdom to fight criminals, monsters, and evil overlords is just a casual after-school activity for you guys??? Okay....okay....Imma need to sit down cuz this is......a lot, it's so much....”

Delanath is a banished ancient demon-like monster that controls a group called the Death Alliance. Delanath creates evil goals to make sure the prophecy that would free him from his imprisonment comes true. He is the main antagonist of the series, and is a master of manipulation and an expert strategist. His presence is known more through his minions, but his name has the power to strike fear into all in Avovalyn. Despite his reputation and evil nature, he is usually very elegant when he speaks and comes across very formal.
Vocal Description: Should have a British-like accent, and his voice should sound deep and commanding. Should be calm and sound slightly condescending as he speaks.
Voice Example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RyRH2k4kWG2ivp55I0v54eF3qW4sqKzx/view?usp=sharing
Singing Requirement: Delanath will sing, so singing samples are encouraged!
Range: Bass
Song Options:
He Kiss the Riot - Hadestown
The Music of the Night - Phantom of the Opera
- monster
- male adult
- aristocratic british
(Trying to be convincing, sweet talking to get his way) “Well, if they truly have a brain in their heads, then it shouldn’t take too much convincing. Nothing anyone else could offer you could ever benefit you in the ways that my plan will. I’m offering you the chance to rule alongside me, to become one of the most powerful people in this whole kingdom! Don’t you want that—power and FORTUNE?!”
(Growing impatient, turning more sinister) “The fact of the matter is that it will only be a matter of time before she convinces them to turn their backs on you completely. (pauses) But it doesn’t have to be that way. You just have to make up your mind that you won’t let her have that kind of control over you. If you want to step up to the plate and prove that YOU can be a leader, then this is your chance to do it. And a strong, effective leader doesn’t consult those under his charge when making a big decision—(evil, manipulative) so quite frankly, if you can’t figure out what you should do on your own, then perhaps Shay was right. Maybe SHE should take over as leader. Perhaps you’re not as competent as she is, you’re not FIT.”
(Pleased, knowing he’s getting his way) “ Ahh, excellent. So then, (chillingly, dramatic pause as he extends his hand) do we have a deal?”

Deaf/hard of hearing Actors Only, preferably Hispanic/Latino
He's Bruce's best friend on earth, and is pretty similar to Bruce in a lot of manners. They're both really invested in their school work and also enjoy geeking out over new video games and cartoons together. Mateo is kind and outgoing, and has an interest in race cars as well since his dad used to be a race car driver. He is hard of hearing and wears a cochlear implant. He comes from a large family, and is used to kind of just blending into the background, which is why he tries to be more outgoing and make friends at school.
Vocal Description: Medium-tone voice, with just a slight hint of a rasp.
Singing Requirement: Mateo will sing, so it is preferred that you include a singing sample!
Other Notes: Mateo is Latino, and speaks fluent English and Spanish. He speaks primarily Spanish at home, so it is preferred that VAs trying out for Mateo be comfortable speaking/fluent in Spanish!
Range: Tenor
Song Suggestions
Good Kid - Percy Jackson the Musical
Santa Fe - Newsies
Singin’ in the Rain - Singin’ in the Rain
- male teen
- colombian (spanish)
- raspy
[joking, jovial] "Hey, you're still planning on coming over to my place tonight, right? Cause there's no way I'm gonna let you beat level 11 and just leave me behind!"
[hurt, a bit depressed] "I don't know man, I kind of feel like he has a point. I know it's not really my business, but you have felt kinda...distant lately? You're always running off, and you never really ever tell any of us why. [sighs] It's just kinda hard to believe you when you say your friends are a priority, but you run off every chance you get."
[laughing] "Bro, I can't believe you let your sister talk herself into directing a video for the science project! [laughs] I can't WAIT to see how that turns out! If it's anything like her submission to the film festival last night, it's about to be crazy as heck!"

Callista is the valedictorian hopeful of her class, and takes great pride in her studies and being seen as the smartest person in the room. However, she is just as much into gossip and knowing all the nitty-gritty details about everyone’s lives. She maintains a spot at the top of the social hierarchy of their school, if for no reason other than everyone is slightly scared of her and not giving her what she wants. She is excellent at manipulating people into getting what she wants, and is a force to be reckoned with. Her mother is the mayor, which ups her family’s influence. Because of this, her and Elouise’s families are somewhat close, even if Callista and Elouise themselves maintain some distance from one another.
Vocal Description: Medium/Low Female Voice
Singing Requirement: Callista will sing, so it is suggested to include a singing take with your audition!
Range: Alto/Tenor
Song Suggestions
Ready as I’ll Ever Be - Tangled the Series (First minute)
Proud of Your Boy - Aladdin the Musical
If it’s True - Hadestown
Rain on my Parade - Barbra Streisand
- female teen
(on camera, sassy, being asked questions by Flynn) “Look, if there was really something going on at this school, you can bet I would be the first to know about it. So I suggest you shut that little camera off and leave me alone. Besides, I don’t owe it to you to tell you anything, to begin with.”
(sarcastic, annoyed) “Oh, Ellie, you’re so hilarious. But don’t forget, you’re not the only one with an influential family around here.”
(Manipulative, trying to get her way) “I know we’ve had our…disagreements. And we certainly haven’t seen eye to eye on everything. But…I think it’s pretty clear that we’re the only ones who can help each other out here. You have information I want, but I have information you need. So what do you say?”
Public Submissions