DYAD: Recurring Characters [PAID]
CharmyFive for Elouise

Mo's frenemy. She comes from a rich family who spoils her, but she doesn't really take much notice of how blessed she is. She usually comes across very deadpan and bored. A running gag with her is that she just seems to be gifted great honors and expensive gifts without ever really having to have worked for it. She has a tendency to say exactly what she’s thinking, without worry of how it may come across, and is very blunt as a result. Very obsessed with social media and can be a bit vain–it’s quite common to see her glued to her phone.
Vocal Description: Medium-deep tone; should sound mostly very monotone and deadpan–performance can have just slight inflections, but should remain fairly monotone throughout.
Singing Requirement: Elouise will sing, so it is preferred that you include a singing sample!
Range: Alto/Tenor
Song Options:
1. Nothing Left to Lose - Tangled the Series
2. Put You in Your Place - Percy Jackson the Musical (Clarisse’s Part)
3. Rain on my Parade - Barbra Streisand
- female teen
(Slight surprise (but still not impressed), not paying attention) “Oh, my dad bought more stuff for the school? Mmk, whatever. [looks back at her phone] You should know by now that I usually just tune out whenever his name comes up.”
(Bragging, but still deadpan) “Well, I hate to brag, but I knew it was meant to be. Besides, everyone knows how passionate I am about cheer. My dad told me I’d make it if I tried, and I’m glad I could prove him right.”
(Slightly annoyed) “Who knows? But you’re right, the sooner she gets here the sooner we can get this over with.”

Hello! Just wanted to let you know that this role will not require use of profanity, no worries! Thank you for your audition!