DYAD: Recurring Characters [PAID]
Michelle J for Wilma

Hispanic/latino Actors Only, speaks a little Spanish
Wilma is a shy, but very sweet individual. She struggles a lot with self-confidence, and her reputation around school as being a loner. She has a hard time opening up to people, but is fiercely loyal to anyone she does make friends. She is a very goal-driven person, and maintains good grades in school and cares about her work. She is bilingual, being fluent in both English and Spanish. In her free time, she's pretty big into gaming and cartoons. She becomes Bruce’s love interest, despite the rules that forbid romance between earth mortals and Avovalyn mages.
Vocal Description: High-medium voice; gentle and soft spoken usually, but can get loud and unhinged when mad or scared.
Singing Requirement: Wilma will sing, so it is preferred that you include a singing sample!
Other Notes: Wilma is Latina, and speaks fluent English and Spanish. She speaks Spanish primarily with her father and grandmother at home, so it is preferred that VAs trying out for Wilma be comfortable speaking/fluent in Spanish!Range: Mezzo Soprano
Song Options:
Wind in my Hair - Tangled the Musical
Firework - Katy Perry
Jolene - Dolly Parton
- female teen
- puerto rican
(Nervous and embarrassed, approaching Bruce nervously about being partnered for the school project) “H-hey, s-sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you--I didn't see you there and I was just trying to see the list, and I saw that you and I were partners for the assignment, and ummm, I just wanted to see if you would like to--I mean, if y-you wouldn't mind giving me your number so we could meet up and work on it sometime, and...and....yeah....I'm sorry....”
(Slightly embarrassed, but trying to be encouraging) “Sorry about my dad--he means well, but he's definitely always been a bit overprotective like this. You don't have anything to worry about though--he could never hate someone like you.”
(In shock and unsure how to comprehend the situation) “Okay--okay! So, magic is real?? And this has just always been a thing that's existed under our noses and no one knew about it? And walking through portals and going to a magical kingdom to fight criminals, monsters, and evil overlords is just a casual after-school activity for you guys??? Okay....okay....Imma need to sit down cuz this is......a lot, it's so much....”