DYAD: Recurring Characters [PAID]
Cali for Natalie

Black Actors Only
Natalie is an upbeat, positive individual, who is highly involved in her school. She is usually one of the top of her class and is very intelligent. Her parents also attended Sommersdale High, and tend to be bad about pushing her to get involved in things they did, whether or not it's necessarily something that would be up Nat's alley. She has an after-school job at a local ice cream place. Though she appears outwardly confident, she hides a lot of self-doubt and insecurities, and often will pursue a lot of activities upon the request of her parents out of a need to please them, but also out of a subconscious need to prove to herself that she is capable.
Vocal Description: Medium toned voice; should sound fairly perky and happy
Singing Requirement: Natalie will sing, so singing samples are encouraged!
Range: Mezzo Soprano
Song Options:
Wind in my Hair - Tangled the Musical
Firework - Katy Perry
Jolene - Dolly Parton
- female teen
(Teasing, trying to annoy Flynn) “Why do you keep pestering Bruce? Isn't the school newspaper about more important things than snooping in friends' personal lives?”
(Excited) “I guess this makes us official now! Come on, let's hurry and get our uniforms ordered!”
(Being encouraging) “Hey, just trust me on this, okay? I know it's scary, but you and I have been through a lot together! We're capable of persevering through this! I'll be here for you the whole way!”

I added the noise reduction because I kept hitting something, I can provide the raw audio if needed!