DYAD: Recurring Characters [PAID]
SweetTree8YT for Tyr

Tyr is a teenage recruit of The Resistance. They are under Shay’s command in her squadron, though as things start falling apart for Shay as her reputation wilts, they become an outspoken opponent of hers even while still technically serving her. Tyr claims to be a hardcore supporter of Avovalyn law and is willing to bend rules to prove their point. Tyr is sneaky, self-righteous, and arrogant.
Accent: Transatlantic (REQUIRED) https://drive.google.com/file/d/143OfVSMUBhsDGTR3CrDTIh0bbQbSigku/view?usp=sharing
Vocal Description: Medium toned, soothing/ambiguous voice that can sound convincing lying
Singing Requirement: There will be no singing in their main short, but since Tyr will be recurring in the main series, it’s preferred that you do send in a singing sample of your choice.
Range: Alto/Tenor
Song Options:
Ready as I’ll Ever Be - Tangled the Series (First minute)
Proud of Your Boy - Aladdin the Musical
If it’s True - Hadestown
Rain on my Parade - Barbra Streisand
- androgynous
- transatlantic
(Being pleasant in a sarcastic manner) “You know, commander, it's quite dangerous to be amidst all these potions alone, is it not? I'll stay here, keep an eye out in case anything goes awry.”
(Making fun, annoyed) “HAH! Have trust? In you? How rich.”
(Angry, losing their temper) “The best sword in The Resistance, and what did you do with it?! [angry pause] Baxter Meyer was the best leader this organization ever had; to think that his own daughter–”