DragonLight Online AudioBook (Audio Adaptation of Fantasy Novel)(New Main Roles Needed!)

Project Overview
So, my name is Anikan, though my formal user is AnikanDarkness, and I am a teen writer. I'm only sixteen at the moment, but for the past eight years I've wanted to become an author. To be able to convey my imagination, ideas and stories through words, visuals, and to share it all with the world. I want to make my stories come to life and eventually publish them in the future. My dream is to become an author, and publish at least one of my books. So for now, I am here.
Currently I am writing two different series. The Omega Event, a post apocalyptic book following a group of survivors traversing across the wasteland trying to survive a mutant plague, and then another series called DragonLight Online, a more anime styled series that follows Aldren and his group of friends in an online MMORPG, where they go on a quest to become the sole Champion of the Game, fighting the five bosses hidden across the map and conquering Dominus Tower. This casting call is for DragonLight Online, and maybe in the future I'll do a little casting call for the other series.
So DragonLight Online is mainly focused on a boy named Dylan (IGN: Aldren) who is living in the country True Korea (a society created after a large event destroyed half of the world) and is bullied in school by pretty much everyone save for a few select people for being America, as the former leader of the country started a purge of any Americans after the USA was destroyed (by them). He contemplates committing suicide one day, until he discovers a video game sitting in the window of a store. DragonLight Online, an online MMORPG playable on the Virtual Reality console, the 5Vision. He enters the new reality, discovering an entirely new realm full of lush green forests, an array of furry little tameable creatures, and a quest that nobody has completed since the game's launch three years prior. The quest to defeat all five bosses, claim the Champion Weapons, and conquer Dominus Tower, a dungeon with a hundred floors full of the games hardest enemies, with the Champion Armor waiting at the top. Whoever claims the weapons and armor for themselves becomes the True Champion of the game, and that is what Aldren strives to be. He travels across the map to complete his quest, new friends and players joining him along the way. A fox girl named Kira, with a knack for magic. Her cold sister Liru, the anti-social leader of the group. A healer named Kieren, who helps the group with his large array of spells. A ninja named Jack, who wields a scythe and mentors Aldren through the world. And a succubus named Kora, who uses her demon abilities to help the others in any way possible. Them, along with several others they meet, go on the quest nobody else has ever completed, while a dark entity lurks in the background...
DragonLight 2 focuses on the same group several months later as they apply to DragonLight Academy, a new school specifically for DragonLight players. They all meet in real life and get in the same class, where they live out a better high school life from before. Meanwhile, they decide to play on the new DragonLight Realm, as they had been playing the Etolan Realm up until now. They try out the Zenith Realm, a sci-fi dystopian world consisting of a floating high tech city over a wrecked city known as the UnderHaven, and both cities are surrounded by an endless desert. They enter a tournament known as the Bullet Legion together, and meanwhile Aldren discovers a group of mysterious criminals known as Phantom Thieves, who are currently working to stop a threat known as the Wasteland Walkers, who are plotting to destroy the Zenith Realm from within, and destroy the game servers. This book is currently in progress, but has been planned out entirely.
The book consists of 70 chapters in total, along with a prologue and epilogue. It is in first person style, so each VA will be required to read the entirety of their POV, while other characters speaking during another characters POV will have to read their lines as well. Not every single character gets their own POV at some point, but most do. The chapters range from 2k words to 6k words, and are decently long in length depending on the plot of each chapter. DragonLight Online is also planned out to span into an entire series, currently going up to six books in total in the planning stages. Books 1-3 have been fully planned out, and book one is finished while book two is currently being worked on. While not all chapters in book one have been published on the site I upload them to, they are all completed. This is a long term project, so if you aren't planning on being committed through the entire project, then please do not audition.
If your audition is accepted, I will invite you to the discord where all the voice actors will be. I will be able to coordinate everyone and post deadlines, scripts, and other info in the different chats. Any questions about future arcs, character ideas, information or anything about either series can also be answered by me. Several auditions for future characters have also been posted below, as not all characters are in book 1.
Link to Book One of DragonLight Online:
1. Have a discord
2. Have a decent enough mic. Doesn’t need to be high class or anything but keep the background noise and random sounds to a minimum.
3. Cooperate and be able to turn in voice lines. I won’t rush but we will have dates for lines to be done after the first few chapters.
When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.
Latest Updates
So, I don't know how many people will see this, but I wanted to post this to let people know how the project is going and to let them know that it is heading in a forward direction. We've had some casting changes since the project began a little over a year ago, but so far we've gotten nine chapters adapted into audiobook form by me and my team of voice actors, and are currently working on chapter ten to be released in the following weeks. If you'd like to support this project, then subscribe to the Youtube channel where these videos are posted (alongside audiobook adaptations of our second project, The Omega Event). Link is here: https://rb.gy/hwqwt3
Main Roles RE-OPENED
Several main roles have been re-opened, including: Kora Ethan Kieren Drake If you wish to audition for these roles, please do so. I will close the auditions and make casting decisions in about a week, maybe more depending on how many I get. If you choose to audition for one of these roles, make sure you are able to commit to a LONG TERM PROJECT! -
Main Roles RE-OPENED
Several main roles have been re-opened, including: Kora Ethan Kieren Drake If you wish to audition for these roles, please do so. I will close the auditions and make casting decisions in about a week, maybe more depending on how many I get. If you choose to audition for one of these roles, make sure you are able to commit to a LONG TERM PROJECT! -
Main Roles RE-OPENED
Several main roles have been re-opened, including: Kora Ethan Kieren Drake If you wish to audition for these roles, please do so. I will close the auditions and make casting decisions in about a week, maybe more depending on how many I get. If you choose to audition for one of these roles, make sure you are able to commit to a LONG TERM PROJECT! -
Main Roles RE-OPENED
Several main roles have been re-opened, including: Kora Ethan Kieren Drake If you wish to audition for these roles, please do so. I will close the auditions and make casting decisions in about a week, maybe more depending on how many I get. If you choose to audition for one of these roles, make sure you are able to commit to a LONG TERM PROJECT!

The protagonist of DragonLight Online. Aldren is a young boy who lives with his mother and sister, and spends every day going to school and being tortured, before coming home and crying himself to sleep. He has suicidal tendencies, until he goes online and meets the others on DragonLight Online. He has a crush on Kira, and soon begins to fall in love with her over the span of time they're traveling together. He is jealous of Drake, but keeps it inside after seeing Drake and Kira get along so well. He's very clumsy and not the best fighter, his luck outweighing his skills. As they continue on their quest, he gets stronger and stronger, and becomes less incompetent. He becomes the first to unlock the secret of the StarBlade (the weakest sword in the game) and activates its hidden ability known as "Sword Split" which duplicates the blade. Age - 15
(Nervous) "Oh um I'm uh... uh Aldren. I think," (2x)
(Threatening, Angered) "Dude put down the sword and accept what you're doing. Kira trusted you and you betrayed that! Until you realize what you've done, you don't deserve to wield that sword. Hell you don't ever deserve to wield a sword. With what you've done you don't deserve to live!"
(Sad, Crying) "I could've saved you... there had to be some way. I let you down," (2x)

Kira is the definition of both adorable and deadly in a nutshell. Using her magic powers, focused into her crystal wand, she can fend off enemies with ease, while still having time to munch down a few chocolate chip cookies. Unlike her generally cold sister, Kira is more fun loving and trusting of new people, and is quick to befriend Aldren and everyone else they meet on their journey. She absolutely loves cookies and other sweets, and half of her inventory is usually just filled with snacks. She owns a cat in-game named Midori, who's revival powers assist them in battles. Age - 15
Kira's voice is generally kinda cutesy, kind of high pitch bordering a loli-ish sort of voice but not entirely. She is a very polite and positive person and also a tsundere of sorts (not to the point of being a tsundere stereotype but having romantic anxiety a bit and is easily embarrassed).
(Happy) "Hoi! I'm Kira."
(Happy, Sincere) "Of course Aldren-kun. I want to be with you and I want you to be with me... if it was up to me I'd just want to hug you and never let go. Well actually I'd take a break from time to time to go grab some cookies but then I'd come back and eat them while hugging you,"
(Sad, Depressed) "Aldren-kun you didn't fail... there was nothing you could've done." (2x)
Casting Spell (Shouting)-"Metallum Bellator!" (2x)

The cold harsh leader of the group, and the sister to Kira. She's usually conflicted on whether or not to trust other players, after a seemingly deadly encounter with an old "friend" she had beforehand. She wields a simple silver katana at first, before crafting herself a new gold and purple katana using her blacksmithing skills. She owns a blacksmith in the capital city of Bandora, though usually leaves it unattended while she goes off with the others on their journey. With a higher level and skillset than everyone other than Jack, and definitely more maturity, she is able to lead the others sufficiently, and is no stranger to facing unspeakable dangers. Real name: Brooke. Age - 16
(Threatening) "If you don't fucking go up those stairs I'll cut off your dick with a cheese grater."
(Embarrassed, Happy) "Thank you Aldren... I was kinda wrong about you... so can we be friends now?" (2x)

A generally nervous wizard with a lack of confidence and abilities. He's an astounding breeder though, and uses his magic ability for more passive things, such as healing, defensive maneuvers, and mind control. But when he needs to, he excels at Lightning Elemental spells, and combines that with his enchanted hatchet to take out large numbers of enemies when needed. Otherwise, Kieren is a generally average wizard, and likes spending his time helping the others and doing what is best for the group. Though most of the time he is the brunt of Kora's teasing, though despite her succubus magic he is never attracted to her. Has a boyfriend by the name of David, who is seemingly missing for most of the first book.
Kieren is a very quiet person, but is also very diplomatic. He chooses to solve conflicts with words rather than actions, though will not hesitate to use his magic offensively during a fight. He often feels alone, due to having not bonded personally with anyone else in the group (examples: Aldren and Kira, Kira and Liru, Ethan and Kora) and due to that runs off on his own from time to time. However, he is very smart and skilled, using his abilities to his advantage. His boyfriend David is attacked by Zaria early on, causing him to disappear after his account is wiped clean. He reunites with his boyfriend at the end of the first book, but their relationship doesn't last much longer. On the first day of school at DragonLight Academy several months later, where Kieren was supposed to meet David IRL, he is informed that he was pushed to suicide by his homophobic parents. Kieren goes on a long depressive state for awhile, only breaking out of it when Aldren is stabbed trying to help him. Age - 16
(Happy, Nervous) "Greetings my name is... wait should I be formal or just say hi? I'll just say hi. So um... hi I'm Kieren."
(Threatening) "You will fall to Poseidon's Storm!" (2x)
(Focused, Serious) "Alright I'll create a forcefield while Aldren and Liru attack the hornets from inside. Kira use your magic to fend off any hornets that try to slip past our defenses."

A young boy who Aldren meets at the beginning of book two. He is heavily depressed, but never shows it to anyone. Everyone thinks he's this happy guy that everyone likes, when in actuality he is dealing with heavy depression and has attempted suicide several times. Aldren and him become quick friends and help each other out, Aldren teaching Ethan how to swim and talk to Kora, while Ethan helps Aldren with his relationship, school, and the basics of the Zenith Realm on DragonLight Online. In book three, he accidentally pulls the legendary sword Excalibur from the stone and later starts a relationship with the succubus Kora, saving her from her abusive mother in the real world.
Ethan is very ambitious, acting as a foil to Aldren's social insecurities and inability to try new things. However, he still has doubts about himself, and is too blunt to realize that Kora's fallen in love with him until long after. Ethan enrolled in DragonLight Academy where he met the others after being drugged and raped by a mutual classmate, who turned his school against him after accusing him of the latter. His name was cleared, but he chose to leave anyways. He feels an attraction towards Kora, but does not realize she loves him back until book three, where the two begin his relationship. Soon after, Ethan risks his life to save her after her mother pulls her out of school in order to resume selling her body to promote her own selfish needs. Age - 16
(Happy, Polite) "Oh are you guys my new classmates? I"m Ethan, I think. Sorry I'm just a bit tired." (2x)
(Serious, Focused, Shouting) "Liru and Kira, you flank the dude with the minigun! Kora and Naomi, take out the sniper! Aldren, you're with me!"
(Calm, Sad) "I don't know what's wrong with me... I just don't feel happy. This school is amazing and so is everyone else... but it's just been so long since I've had a real friend. (2x)

The lonely succubus who spent most of her time wandering the map looking for a group. She has no problem blurting out whatever’s on her mind, and usually that ends up being the problem. She enjoys teasing Aldren, Jack and Kieren, and since she is half succubus and half vampire, she drinks their blood sometimes to keep herself from falling to her desires. She has a lot of perverted remarks and dirty jokes. Kora can change from her normal form to a winged succubus form and also wields a bow staff in her normal form.
Her personality is more of the flirty type, making sexual advances towards her friends in a teasing and suggestive manner. However, she is much more submissive to Ethan, as she has a crush on him. However, Kora's perversive personality stems from her mother, who abused her since she was young. She manipulated her daughter's mind into being a perfect slave, planning on forcing her into medical school to "support the family" and in the meantime selling her body to the highest bidder. At one point, Kora's mother sold her daughter's unnecessary organs to pay for a trip to Cuba. Eventually she escapes from her mother, Ethan, Aldren, Kieren and Mr. Sears mounting a rescue mission to save her. She starts a relationship with Ethan immediately after. I would imagine her having a similar voice to someone along the lines of Miu Iruma. Age - 15
(Sad, crying) "He left me in the rain, put a knife in my leg, stole at my loot, and just ran away! I had to fight off two armored bears with a stick!" (2x)
(Flirty, Sexual) "Do you like big boobs or small ones? Don't worry, I got both"
(Laughing, Happy,) "That hole is smaller then Jack's one inch wonder!" (2x)

A thief, but a cute one. Claire spent most of her time on DragonLight Online camping boss areas and attacking other groups. She gathered enough money for her entire band of robbers, until the others came along. Jack wiped out her entire team, and the group decided to keep her captive since she had all the money they stole. In the end they decided to release her, but she had to join the group. While she may be a thief, she can be adorable at times and has the ability to turn into a cat. Wields a silver bow and two black poison daggers. Race: Nekojin Age - 16
(Irritated, Threatening) "I swear to god if you spend all my money on hoverboards and silly hats I will rip your skull off and put an arrow in your eye!"
(Embarrassed) "Nyahhhh! Don't grab my tail you pervert!"
(Happy, Thankful) "You people are really cool.... you know I was thinking of going back to my old group. But maybe I'll stick around with you guys. If you really end up as Champion of DragonLight then I'll be known as one of the people that made it possible. (2x)

Zoe is a typical teenage girl, less of a cutesy anime girl or a shy tsundere. However her voice is soft, and very distinctive of an actual high pitched anime girl. In the real world she's relaxed and laid back, and spends most of her time watching Netflix, hanging out with friends or working on whatever schoolwork she has at the last minute. But in the online world, she's enlisted in the Galactic Police Force as a Special Forces Officer who hunts down criminals, Phantom Thieves in specific. Her and her squad train to fight the worst enemies can throw at her, and she's an expert at using her special Plasma Handgun. Later on, in the Etolan Realm, she becomes an angel and uses healing magic similar to Kieren, and helps the group the best she can. Though behind all of that is a dark secret relating to her former life as a famous singer from Japan, one she refuses to let leak out to her classmates.... (note: being able to sing is preferable, but not required. There will be a few songs planned out to be sung during the course of the series, but if singing is not possible, a secondary voice actor to perform the songs will be casted)
Age - 16
(Happy, Relaxed) "Are you guys my new roommates? I'm Zoe by the way."
(Bored) "Relax Kora, once we get to the vault then we can grab the loot and get back to the city. I just hope it doesn't take much longer, my legs are sore from all this walking"
(Angered, Shouting) "Stop in the name of the law! Put the weapon down and surrender!"

The older brother than the rest of the group, but definitely not the most mature. Jack is an more skilled veteran to the group, and one of the more mysterious members of their small band of misfits. Most of his past is shrouded in secret, other than a few select conversations with his partner, Katie. He wields an enchanted scythe and usually stays masked during battles, only taking it off after being comfortable with his new surroundings. He acts as a mentor towards Aldren, and teaches him and the others several of his skills, such as Shadow Stepping. He also has a major crush on Katie, though his attempts at romance usually end in an NPC known only as "Eli" sweeping her off her feet. Though he may be a bit of a pervert, he is a good man at heart, and only wants the best for the others. Real name: Spencer. Age - 20
Ultimate Comic Relief Character, so if you wanna constantly blurt out things that make no sense, flirt with lolis, and be the most dumbest badass in the game, then audition for this guy! Mysterious emo kid one second, and a dumbass proposing to people with ring pops the next!
(Bored, Mysterious) "Call me Lance. Or Jack. I have too many names, too many users..." (2x)
(Angered, annoyed) "Give me back my crayons you goddamn muffinsack!"
(Focused) "Shadow Stepping is a ability few can learn. You must blank your mind, and picture just darkness around you. Then everything will become slow... and time will stop. You'll only have a few seconds before your mind wanders and the spell breaks."

An adorable but deadly loli. Katie is the partner of Jack, though usually wanders off without him and is able to take care of them both on her own. She loves cake, maybe a little too much, and is obsessed with an NPC by the name of “Eli”. People constantly make fun of her height and the fact she looks like a child, though she has the power to shift into a large dragon. She wields two dual katanas and keeps ninja stars in her outfit. Age 20
(Angered, Annoyed) "I am not a loli!"
(Confused) "Spencer are you proposing to me with a fucking chicken nugget?"
(Calm, Happy) "I may be desperate and short, but Jack is a friend and he will stay that way. The day I say yes to him is the day the world ends... well I mean he's kind cute... just shut up Kira!"

Sharon is the new girl in class after the group enrolls in DragonLight Academy, and switches class after a few days due to a computer glitch. Beforehand, she was put in an upper class level, studying with rich and smart students like her. And then she was forced to enroll in Aldren's group's class, despite her pleas to stay in her old one. She quickly grows to despise the other students, only one of whom comes from a similar background like hers. After an investigation from Aldren, he confronts her and she admits she's technically poor, and her father underwent expensive cancer treatments that drained their wealth. Not wanting to give up the rich lifestyle, she sells her body for money which prevents her from making attachments. Aldren then invites her into the group, and her whole view on others changes drastically.... age - 16
(Annoyed) "Get away from me. I shouldn't even be in this class with you people."
(Nervous, Crying) "Did... did you hear all of that? Aldren please... please tell me you didn't hear any of that..."
(Surprised, Embarrassed) "Is it really okay if I hang out with you guys?"

Naomi is a very weird girl and has a weird obsession with foxes. She spends most of her time around Chloe, or teasing Aldren about his escapades with Kira in the game. But when she’s not with Dylan irl, she’s in game as a dryad named Xyris. She joins the group after tracking down Aldren in the jungle, and assists them in defeating the Jungle Boss before joining up with their group and assisting them with her nature magic. Age 15
(Happy, Flirty) "Kinky. I hope everything works out between you two."
(Threatening) "Get away from my friend before tear out your eyes and chain you to the bottom of the pool!"
(Embarrassed, Sad) "I didn't tell you who I was because I knew you'd treat me like you do in the real world. I wanted to start fresh, like how it was before you were comfortable admitting to me you had a hentai drawer. I just wanted a new friend, and an old one."

Tren is at the least... weird. He's a bit more assertive then the rest of the group, and chooses fighting over words in most arguments. Like Naomi and Kira, he has an obsession with foxes and that leads him to spend most of his time with Naomi. Him and Deon quickly become best friends, and despite his best attempts not to make connections, he befriends the rest of the group shortly after their meeting. Soon after joining the group, he and Deon both begin crushing on Naomi, which leads into a feud later on between the two. During his adventures with the group, he ends up getting attacked by a werewolf and becomes one himself, having to deal with the curse that begins to affect both his online life and his real life. Age - 16
(Angered, Shouting) "Shut up you loli fucker!"
(Happy, Laughing) "You actually burnt his eyebrows off? You're the most amazing dumbass I've ever met!"
(Panicking) "Naomi this aren't bandages this is a goddamn potato! Come on she's bleeding out we need to do something!"

Older than everyone else, and the one with the most unique weapons. Anton is engaged to a girl outside of the game, and spends most of his time while he’s not with her messing around in the Crystal Desert. He isn’t as powerful as Aldren and Liru, and is jealous of them being better despite being very much younger. He wields two energy cell powered revolvers, along with a crystal dagger. Age - 26
(Shouting, Angered) "Get behind me! I'll take care of these fuckers!"
(Laughing, Provoked) "Hahahahaha! Just great! First you knock over my beer, then you disrespect my hat! You wanna go bud? Want a bullet in your skull?!"
(Curious, Serious) "So what's your story?"

Drake is two faced. One side, a cute guy with a really cool sword that everyone likes. The other, the leader of a guild of killers and criminals who only wish to ruin others lives. He's a bit of a show off, and has an infatuation for Kira. Drake is also very jealous, and hates whenever Aldren and Kira hang out together. He tries to supress the demon form inside of him, but it eventually comes out after seeing Aldren and Kira kiss after a dare. He lures the group out into the wild, kills everyone but Aldren and Kira, and rapes Kira in front of Aldren while his fellow guild members hold him down and torture him. He's truly a monster. Age - 17
(Happy) "You guys looking for another member for your crew?" (2x)
(Cocky) "Ah now you should back off. You guys wouldn't wanna get hurt would you? Only twenty of you versus me? Child's play."
(Threatening, Angered, Infuriated) "Shut up you little bitch! Get on the ground before I rip your fucking tail off!" (2x)
A young girl found wandering the map, with no memory or ability to open her inventory. She has all the aspects of an NPC, but her mind is too complex to be just a computer program. At least it seems that way. The group takes her along with them, until the developers of the game find and capture her, imprisoning her in Dominus Tower. She is revealed to be a computer program, an AI, that was created as part of the game's lore and backstory. She still can't remember has past, but does know she was blessed with magic abilities and has a high amount of light energy inside of her. Age - 9
(Sad, Scared) "My daddy... his name starts with A... uh... I can't remember it all. My mommy's name is... I can't remember... but it starts with an A too!"
(Serious, Focused)"Stop struggling and smoothly move down through their grasp! The vines won't kill you unless you provoke it!"
(Happy) "You're the only family I've ever known... and for that I thank you." (2x)

One of Aldren's classmates, and one of the few people who don't treat him like trash. He goes out of his way to help Aldren, but doesn't tell Aldren much about himself, other than his name after awhile. He's dating Rose, another girl in school who he's friends with. He goes by Cade on DragonLight Online, but is a solo player and doesn't interact with Aldren's group very much. Major Character from The Omega Event. Age - 17
(Concerned) "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"
(Happy, Urgent) "Get in here. If you want to pass that test, you're gonna need to study. Or cheat. But I left my cheat sheets at home so I'll have to teach you everything."
(Mysterious, Calm) "There's a lot you don't know about me. You wouldn't want to know anyways."

Rose, a young girl with an intuitive mind and a love for mystery novels. Not much is known about her other than she's dating Aldren and like him, helps Aldren whenever she can. Major character from The Omega Event. Age - 18
(Annoyed, Happy) "Come on let's get to class already."
(Serious) "You may be a hero in your virtual world, but I'm a hero in this one. Look me up." (2x)
(Crying, Tearful) "I was too late... and now he's gone."

Aldren’s twin sister. While they don’t exactly look alike, Aldren having black hair and Chloe having blonde hair, they both get along through their messy lives. Chloe usually snoops into Aldren’s business, and is jealous when he buys the 5Vision and gets away with it. She tries to learn about his online life so one day she can get a 5Vision too, and join him in his fantasy adventures. She spends most of her time hanging out with Naomi, or with Aldren watching his screen while in-game. Age - 15
(Annoyed, Disappointing) "Aldren you're always on that damn headset. Come with me and Naomi to the park for once. Feel the sunlight... stare at something other then cute anime girls. Half of them are probably guys anyways."
(Happy, Excited) "C'mon let's go swimming already."
(Curious, Confused) "She forgot to lock the door? I have a feeling she's just asking for someone to walk in on her." (2x)
The big bully for Dylan's school. Targets Dylan over most and hangs out with his little friend group consisting of himself, Logan and Bob
(Mocking) "Little kid wants to cut huh? You wanna commit suicide then go for it! Slit your wrists!"
(Mocking) "Aww. Kid can't find any friends here so he has to find fake ones. Virtual world... ha! Probably just a bunch of sex crazed nerds!"
(Mocking) "Kira... huh she looks hot. Bet you wanna hit that... HA! Even in a virtual world you can't get a girl, let alone a simple friend. Probably just people feeling bad for you. Oh oh, maybe you made multiple accounts and friended yourself just to look cool!"

A boy Liru meets one day. Their friendship quickly flourishes into a lovely relationship. That is, until he reveals his true intentions. The reason behind Liru's refusal to make friends or be close to anyone is because he was the first friend she ever had, and he betrayed her trust and abused her. She finally escaped from her relationship with him one night, but the scars stayed with her. The physical ones, and the mental ones. Warning: This chapter is in several short and not detailed rape scenes so yeah caution about that before you audition for this.
(Happy, Polite) "I'm Nick... I live across the street"
(Evil, Flirty) "Just don't speak... let it happen."
(Devious, Happy) "I'll be inside. Come in and we can watch a bit. Don't worry I'll tell your sister you're just taking some pictures for Snapchat."
A helpful and generous player who spends a majority of his time in DragonLight Online living in the starter village greeting new players and introducing them to game mechanics. He considers himself a more helpful tutorial. Age - 24
(Happy) "Sup newbie."
(Focused, Polite) "This is where we are. Varlan Village. Outside here is the Warlock Forest, we're completely surrounded by it so it's a bit hard to get out of here for new players."
(Explanation, Happy)"Warlock Forest, a place of centaurs, Gnomes and Golems. The boss in the forest is a Master Warlock, though it's the weakest boss considering it's so close to the spawn area. I followed a party there that went to defeat it and they all got decimated in minutes. Though that boss drops the Champions Wand."

An incubus living in Naomi/Xyris' town, who helps out Naomi whenever she needs to. He supposedly hit the wrong button and wanted to be an elf, but ended up an incubus instead. He only appears for a few chapters.
(Annoyed, Irritated) "Yeah I know what you're thinking. No I'm not a perv, I just hit the wrong button,"
(Confused) "Is this normal for you two!?"
(Curious, Confused) "Uh... isn't this gonna hurt when we hit the ground?"
A high intelligence AI and the boss of the Mordere Swamps. Unlike other bosses, she has the power to roam the map and causes trouble with a knife of hers, which is a glitched item that can erase people's accounts. Using this she attempts to cause trouble in different areas, terrorizing groups and other players. Her boss fight involves her taking control of other players, and players must traverse through her maze, where she can manipulate your surroundings and memories.
(Devious, Mocking) "Well well well..... look who we have here.... the little fox and her friends."
(Threatening, Angered) "OPEN THE GATES! OR YOUR LEADER DIES!"
(Mocking) "Finally back? You don't look much stronger than last time I saw you. I think I'll just wipe the floor with you now and see how it goes." (2x)

The de-facto leader of WildBand Town, a small town sitting in the grass plains outside Bandora City. It specializes in pets and creatures, and is the main place where players can buy a pet, mount or companion for their journey. Everyone knows GR just by those initials, and he doesn't reveal a thing besides his several snake companions he keeps with him. Major Character from The Omega Event
(Mysterious) "Name's GR. I usually spend my time around here, so if you're looking to stick around I suggest buying some... anti-venom."
(Angered, Shouting) "CLOSE THE GATES!"
(Serious) "Kieren, I expect you'll be around for tonight?"
Zoe's partner and girlfriend in the Galactic Police Force. She spends most of her time in the Zenith Realm, usually assisting Zoe and the rest of her squad in their attempts to capture the pink and red Phantom Thieves, and occasionally the gold. She's very calm, the opposite from her angry girlfriend, and is usually the one to calm her down after she gets worked up about them. Her goal, like Zoe, is to capture the remainder of the Phantom Thieves, but she is much less dedicated to it, and has even called out Zoe on her obsession with them.
"Zoe! Are you okay!?" (serious, worried, shouting)
"Our leader is gone, but we will prevail. We will find her, and we will get her back. Now grab your weapons, start the cars, and let's go kill that son of a bitch," (angry, serious)
"I know you don't have much time left... but I still love you" (crying)
Another member of Zoe's squad. However, he stays at HQ most of the time, running statistics, diagnostics, and helping the rest of the team by being the "guy in the chair". He is an expert coder and computer specialist, and prefers sitting at a desk than running out in the field. In book two, Chad tries to help Zoe deal with her anger against the Phantom Thieves, and comforts her after their streak of losses. He tries to be a good friend, but she isn't open with him or anyone else. In book four, he returns briefly during the bombing of the Galactic Police Force HQ, and helps Liru and the group find a way out of the Zenith Realm. In book five, he is one of the primary antagonists, having been manipulated by a mysterious internet cult to kill Aldren and the others.
"By my calculations, I predict there are about 462 Phantom Thieves left in the Zenith Realm. Give or take a few" (concentrated)
"Zoe watch out! There's too many! Get out of there now!" (scared, shouting)
"Oh... huh... nevermind then..." (embarrassed, awkward)
Another member of Zoe's squad. Specializing in close range weaponry such as knives, batons, and shotguns, she shares the goal to capture the remainder of the Phantom Thieves plaguing the Zenith Realm.
"Are we really gonna put up these guy's bullshit? They're running around in color coded tuxedos flicking ninja stars at our faces and stealing money! Who else thinks we should shove those four in a mental asylum?" (annoyed)
"Two more over there! Josie on your left!" (shouting, in the midst of a battle)
"So many bodies... we were wrong..." (devastated, shocked)
The first boss in DragonLight, an evil Warlock who lurks deep in the Warlock Woods and challenges anyone who comes to fight him. Not someone to mess with
(Angered) "You dare defy me!? Now you will burn!"
(Mocking) "A level two? How have you survived this long? No matter...... time for you to die."
(Surprised) "She used the Devil's Shield Spell on you... why? Are you family? Friends? Lovers?"
Aldren and Chloe's mother, who is usually not around. She helps support her family all that she can, but the few jobs she has keeps her away from her children. She tries to be a good mother to the two after their fathers death the best that she can, but ultimately has to make some drastic decisions to keep them safe and alive.
(Concerned) ”Look, I don’t want my son copying a kid you barely even know. That boy is nothing but trouble. Take the hat off.”
(Happy, Curious) "Oh by the way, can you run over to Naomi's house? I texted her mom a bit ago to ask if she wanted to come to dinner but she said that Naomi's home alone. Can you go and ask her if she wants to come?"
(Angry, Irritated) "So son, what did you buy today?"
Kal is one of the leading warriors in WildBand town, and assists the group in the battle against Zaria when she attacks and attempts to burn down the town.
(Defeated, Tired) "Adam has been captured by the enemy. We... we left him outside the walls..."
(Surprised, Angered) "What the hell!? Why can't we revive them!?"
(Tired, Relaxed (Giving Aldren back his sword) "I think this is yours."
A boy Aldren encounters on his vacation who believes himself to be an amazing swordfighter. Minor character, only around for two chapters.
(Serious) "There are no rules in the online world. Only rule is, fight or die."
(Mocking, Evil) "Little boy... you don't realize when to give up! I'm a mature young adult who can fence and use a sword perfectly! You're some twelve year old kid who doesn't even know how to fight!"
(Mocking, Cocky) "I take fencing you know? Why do you expect to win this?"
Kieren's boyfriend David who resided with him in WildBand town until Zaria attacked. She wiped his account and many others, causing them to restart their game entirely. Kieren went to track him down just before the celebration ball, but David was among the first wave of victims to be comatose from the chip in the players heads. Upon waking up at the end of the game, he starts his relationship with Kieren once again, and the two are together until they both enroll in DragonLight Academy to be closer to each other and their friends. David has a traumatic experience at school and gets to the point of suicide, leaving a video message behind that Kieren receives early on in book two. He doesn't tell anyone about David until admitting it to Aldren months later, and the two mourn together.
(Relaxed, Happy) "I wish we could just lay here forever, and just stare up at the sky for the rest of our lives."
(Surprised, Scared) "Uh... w-who are you!?"
(Crying, Depressed) (Suicide video message) "Kieren I'm sorry but... I can't do this anymore. Everything is just too much... I'm ending it. I love you Kieren, and I always will...."
One of the few senior developers for DragonLight Online. Responsible for the program that implanted all the players with the suicide chips in their heads.
(Happy) "We hope you've been having a wonderful time within this world, but it may be time for that time to come to an end. But not without a bang!"
(Proud, Happy) "Listen... that's not all. To up the stakes, we have decided to announce that this is now a fight for survival! When you first put on the 5Vision you most likely came out of the game with a slight headache. Most of you put it to the side since it faded so quickly, but nobody knew it was actually the result of an implant!"
(Annoyed, Devious) "Huh... seems here we got a glitch in this little game. Was never sure anyone would find out the worst sword in the game is actually one of the best,"
One of the few senior developers for DragonLight Online. Responsible for the program that implanted all the players with the suicide chips in their heads.
(Announcing) "Welcome fellow players, to the second annual DragonLight Anniversary Ball! I hope everyone has been having a good time, and I'm sure the adults have been admiring the new decor this year,"
(Explaining, Serious) "That implant is connected to the games network. For the next three weeks, at the end of every week twenty five percent of the games population will be put into a comatose state, being trapped inside the game within any way to log out and their minds being transferred out of their avatars, which will drop dead, and their minds will be trapped in the graveyard outside Dominus Tower as ghosts! They will be forced to watch the remaining players fight for survival until everyone is dead!"
(Angered, Annoyed) "Disrespectful little runt. I never said I would let you go. You can leave... if you survive this."
So this role is for adult extras wishing to get an extra role in the project. So for your audition, you can speak all three lines in your range of voices and you can add whatever little notes or other lines you want. I will be accepting the first five I like and maybe more, depending on how many extras I need.
(Shouting) "On your left! Get that goblin before he steals our gold!"
(Happy, Polite) "Oh hello, are you lost?"
(Enthusiastic, Excited) "Hell yeah! Another round on the house muffinsacks!"
(Disappointed, Annoyed) "No Spencer, the answer to eighteen times six is not triangle. Anyone else?"
So this role is for teen extras wishing to get an extra role in the project. So for your audition, you can speak all three lines in your range of voices and you can add whatever little notes or other lines you want. I will be accepting the first five I like and maybe more, depending on how many extras I need.
(Shouting) "You're a monster! You don't deserve to go to this school!"
(Depressed, Sad) "I feel you man... sometimes I really don't wanna be here."
(Happy) "Wow... this world is amazing!"
I wish for this project to contain music to play in the background during each of the chapters/videos depending on the scene (a peaceful scene in the forest, a boss fight in the Frost Caverns, a dramatic scene in the midst of an argument, etc) and I have little to no experience composing music myself, so having someone able to compose music of the fantasy type would make creating each video much easier and improve the project greatly.
Say something you think would fit
While this isn't a required role, I am looking for artists willing to lend their services. The art I have so far is from me commissioning a specific person online to draw the main characters, but if you wanna take a shot an draw a few characters or help with illustrating little scenes in the book like fight scenes, death scenes or anything like that you can. Not required but I always love seeing my characters in a physical form other than words and I love visuals. (Submit your portfolio or work down below and I will invite you to the discord shortly after)
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions