DragonLight Online AudioBook (Audio Adaptation of Fantasy Novel)(New Main Roles Needed!)
furyzcool for Claire

A thief, but a cute one. Claire spent most of her time on DragonLight Online camping boss areas and attacking other groups. She gathered enough money for her entire band of robbers, until the others came along. Jack wiped out her entire team, and the group decided to keep her captive since she had all the money they stole. In the end they decided to release her, but she had to join the group. While she may be a thief, she can be adorable at times and has the ability to turn into a cat. Wields a silver bow and two black poison daggers. Race: Nekojin Age - 16
(Irritated, Threatening) "I swear to god if you spend all my money on hoverboards and silly hats I will rip your skull off and put an arrow in your eye!"
(Embarrassed) "Nyahhhh! Don't grab my tail you pervert!"
(Happy, Thankful) "You people are really cool.... you know I was thinking of going back to my old group. But maybe I'll stick around with you guys. If you really end up as Champion of DragonLight then I'll be known as one of the people that made it possible. (2x)

I love this. Nice job.
