DragonLight Online AudioBook (Audio Adaptation of Fantasy Novel)(New Main Roles Needed!)
chloegriff for Sharon

Sharon is the new girl in class after the group enrolls in DragonLight Academy, and switches class after a few days due to a computer glitch. Beforehand, she was put in an upper class level, studying with rich and smart students like her. And then she was forced to enroll in Aldren's group's class, despite her pleas to stay in her old one. She quickly grows to despise the other students, only one of whom comes from a similar background like hers. After an investigation from Aldren, he confronts her and she admits she's technically poor, and her father underwent expensive cancer treatments that drained their wealth. Not wanting to give up the rich lifestyle, she sells her body for money which prevents her from making attachments. Aldren then invites her into the group, and her whole view on others changes drastically.... age - 16
(Annoyed) "Get away from me. I shouldn't even be in this class with you people."
(Nervous, Crying) "Did... did you hear all of that? Aldren please... please tell me you didn't hear any of that..."
(Surprised, Embarrassed) "Is it really okay if I hang out with you guys?"