DragonLight Online AudioBook (Audio Adaptation of Fantasy Novel)(New Main Roles Needed!)
V_ for Zaria
A high intelligence AI and the boss of the Mordere Swamps. Unlike other bosses, she has the power to roam the map and causes trouble with a knife of hers, which is a glitched item that can erase people's accounts. Using this she attempts to cause trouble in different areas, terrorizing groups and other players. Her boss fight involves her taking control of other players, and players must traverse through her maze, where she can manipulate your surroundings and memories.
(Devious, Mocking) "Well well well..... look who we have here.... the little fox and her friends."
(Threatening, Angered) "OPEN THE GATES! OR YOUR LEADER DIES!"
(Mocking) "Finally back? You don't look much stronger than last time I saw you. I think I'll just wipe the floor with you now and see how it goes." (2x)