DragonLight Online AudioBook (Audio Adaptation of Fantasy Novel)(New Main Roles Needed!)
Will Rice for Drake (RE-OPENED)

Drake is two faced. One side, a cute guy with a really cool sword that everyone likes. The other, the leader of a guild of killers and criminals who only wish to ruin others lives. He's a bit of a show off, and has an infatuation for Kira. Drake is also very jealous, and hates whenever Aldren and Kira hang out together. He tries to supress the demon form inside of him, but it eventually comes out after seeing Aldren and Kira kiss after a dare. He lures the group out into the wild, kills everyone but Aldren and Kira, and rapes Kira in front of Aldren while his fellow guild members hold him down and torture him. He's truly a monster. Age - 17
(Happy) "You guys looking for another member for your crew?" (2x)
(Cocky) "Ah now you should back off. You guys wouldn't wanna get hurt would you? Only twenty of you versus me? Child's play."
(Threatening, Angered, Infuriated) "Shut up you little bitch! Get on the ground before I rip your fucking tail off!" (2x)

I like your rendition and your voice is clear. Hope you get this.

Thanks for the kind words! Hope your endeavors are going well :)