Chan Chan [Original Project]

Project Overview

Chan Chan is an original series I’ve been working on for a few years now. It started out as a Gacha series, but I want to start over, and this time make it with completely original art and a more thought-out story. 

This series will be very long. I’m not sure how the seasons will be split up, but I have about 7 to 9 arcs planned that will vary between around 6 to 14 episodes each. A single episode will be between 10 and 22 minutes long. 

In a world made up of so many different Chans there are bound to be many fights. The Apple and Lemon war spun an already tension-filled world into further chaos, but also caused the creation of the world's biggest symbol of hope, the kingdom of Chan Chan, where all Chans are welcome. Will Apple and Lemon be able to learn from the mistakes of their families and make the world a better place?

Apple and Lemon start out hating each other and not understanding one another. Over time they grow to see each other like sisters, and we follow them and their friends as they help others, fight evil, sort out their relationships and discover more about the world and themselves. 

The show has themes of family, friendship, teamwork, belonging, and identity. 

For this casting call I’m looking for writers, storyboarders, background and character designers, and artists, as well as voices for the main cast. I also threw in animators and musicians, which technically aren’t needed but would be cool if someone wanted to do that. 

If you want a more detailed look at the show to see if it’s something you want to be a part of, check the previous version out here: 

I’d like the process of creating this show to be as collaborative as possible, every step of the way. For designers and storyboarders, I may figure out something better but as of right now seems like a good place to be able to work together on art.

I’m very passionate about this story and I hope you’ll enjoy being a part of this just as much. 


  • There’s lots of fighting and action in this show, so make sure you're good at fighting noises, yelling, crying, etc. 

  • I provided a video with each character, they’re somewhat outdated but I included them to help give a better idea of the vibe of each character. 


  • Please include your DISCORD as that is how we will be communicating.

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cast offsite

  • I’m looking for someone to help write the show with me and to bounce ideas off of. We’ll be writing together most of the time. 

  • The show is very long, has a ginormous cast, they’ll be going to many different locations, there’s lots of tiny details and lore to keep track of. 

  • The show can be lighthearted and comedic but also very dark. Overall, the show is very emotional and character driven. 

  • We will likely be using google docs. 

  • For your audition you can submit any writing you’ve made. It can be a script, storyboard, ect, however you prefer to get your ideas out is fine, I can work with anything, so I’m fine with whatever. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

cast offsite

  • I’m looking for someone to help make quick and effective storyboards.

  • I want to be able to work together on storyboards. I’m still figuring things out but as of right now seems like a good option.

  • For your audition just submit your best storyboards. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Character designers
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  • I’m looking for someone to help with character designs. 

  • I prefer simpler designs with identifiable shapes and 2 to 3 colors. 

  • There are lots of characters so it’s important for all of them to feel unique. 

  • The characters are from different kingdoms, they’re based on different foods and sometimes animals, so their designs should reflect that. 

  • For your audition, submit any character designs that you think fit the vibe. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Background artists/designers
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  • I’m looking for someone to create backgrounds for Chan Chan. 

  • The characters travel to many different areas in the world with different people and cultures.

  • For your audition just submit some cool backgrounds you’ve made. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

cast offsite

  • I’m looking for artists to create the visuals for the show. 

  • You should be good with characters, emotions, poses. ect. 

  • For your audition, submit any cool art you’ve made. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

cast offsite

  • The show isn’t fully animated, but if anyone auditions to be an animator then we can have some animated sequences to add some extra flare to certain scenes. 

  • Would be extra epic if you're able to animate fights. 

  • 2D or 3D, any type of animation is fine. 

  • For your audition, just submit any animation you’ve done.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

cast offsite

  • I’m fine using music from KineMaster but if someone wanted to audition to make original music for this show that would be awesome. 

  • If you can sing that would also be epic. 

  • For your audition, submit any music you have made. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Main Protagonist 

  • Apple is a kind-hearted and stubbornly caring girl. 

  • She’s 14-15 years old. 

  • She has close friends and a loving family, but is missing her mother and father. Her parents are the king and queen of the Apple kingdom and they stayed there while the rest of Apple's family fled to Chan Chan to get away from the Apple-Lemon war. She dreams that one day they will all be able to be together as a family. 

  • She’s not great in school and especially doesn’t care about history at first. 

  • She loves joking with her friends and family and is very sarcastic. 

  • She always tries to be there for others even if they don’t want it, she tries to see the best in everyone and she tends to be a little overbearing and naive, thinking things will always turn out good in the end. She can be immature at times and will sometimes get carried away with doing something without considering how others feel. 


  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female teen
  • “I usually try to avoid her, but I couldn’t just stand back while she attacked Salt.”

  • “Fine, you can give up and stay here, but I’m doing what I can to get home.”

  • “Okay old man, your half-awake stumbling through the house didn’t wake me up absurdly early and I KNOW we still have vases you haven't broken yet. What’s going on here?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Main Protagonist

  • Lemon is very closed off and always has her guard up. She’s afraid to open up to people and hurts others before they have the chance to hurt her. 

  • She’s 14-15 years old. 

  • Her parents are the king and queen of the Lemon kingdom. She grew up neglected by her parents as they focused more on running and growing the kingdom. Her mother died in the war and shortly after Lemon demanded to leave and be able to go to Chan Chan. 

  • Since moving to Chan Chan she’s met a group of friends: Shrimp, Basil, and Mango. Although they now had people they could relate to and open up to, this friend group became very toxic very fast. The other members are very codependent on Lemon and the group adopted Lemon’s defense of hurting others before they can get hurt, resulting in them being known as bullies around the school. 


  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • “Well, I chose to walk this way, now do you plan on moving or are you just as brainless and pathetic as the mineral you’re named after?”

  • “Everyone else can think whatever they want, I don’t care anymore. And as for you.. Leave me ALONE!”

  • “She is not my friend. She’s family.” (confident, triumphant)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Main Deuteragonist

  • Celeriac is very smart and is a complete nerd. 

  • He’s 14-15 years old. 

  • He loves learning, gets very excited whenever he gets the chance to explain something to someone, and tends to ramble a lot.  

  • He grew up with just his mother, who is very book smart and education oriented.

  • His father was a knight and died fighting a battle when Celeriac was just a baby. Celeriac has always admired his father based on the stories his mother told him about, however it’s not until adventure is thrust upon him in season 1 that he realizes he’s capable of doing anything even remotely as brave as his dad. 

  • This sparks the start of his love for adventure and helping others. 

  • Asexual



  • Will talk a lot and very fast at times.

  • Must play the overenthusiastic nerd as well as the overconfident hero well. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • animation/character
  • “Well, I can’t say I blame you. The Mayonnaise queens fluffy ears and slimy tail immediately make her quite identifiable. She’s extremely interesting to look at and even outside of the Mayo kingdom, cosplays of her are very common!”

  • “No one gets left behind. We’ve already made it this far.”

  • “Now’s no time to chicken out.. It’s time to be a brave boy..” .. “BRAVE BOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYY!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite


  • Opal is Apple’s older sister. She is extremely loving and protective. 

  • She’s 16-17 years old. 

  • With her father not being a great person, having to leave her mother behind in the Apple Kingdom, Grannysmith being too old to do most things and Winter being busy at work, Opal was left to basically raise herself and Apple all on her own. 

  • She always tries to see the best in a bad situation, but she has a bit of a temper and can be quite vengeful. 

  • She has trouble allowing her sister to grow up and be more independent.


  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • animation/character
  • female teen
  • “And here we are! Bringing the world one step closer to peace!”

  • “If you ever need to talk about anything, I’m here. I’ll always be there for you, sis.”

  • “Winter wasn’t the one taking care of her every hour of the day, I was! And I was six years old!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite


  • Winter Banana is Apple and Opal’s uncle. 

  • He tries to come off as calm and together, but clearly, he’s very stressed and a complete mess. 

  • He’s in his mid 30’s and works as a teacher. 

  • He loves his family, his work and his students, and puts 100% into everything he does. 

  • He tends to put too much on himself however, and always worries about letting others down. He puts all responsibility on himself and tries to do things alone. 

  • He’s very stubborn and it takes a lot for him to accept help from others. 


  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • "I know you may not have the.. *best* perception of our family, but that's no reason to throw everything away.”

  • “Everyone will make it back safely and we *will* succeed. They’re my responsibility until we return so... I have to make sure of it.”

  • “Hey, don’t say that stuff so loud! Besides, shouldn’t *I* be the one leaving *you guys* with parting words of wisdom?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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  • Shrimp is very soft spoken, reserved, and generally non-confrontational. 

  • She’s 14-15 years old. 

  • Shrimp's parents lead a tribe along the coast of the continent. They took a risk trusting a deal from the Mushroom Chans and lost their lives, along with everyone else in the tribe aside from Shrimp herself. 

  • Lemon, in a ship taking her from the Lemon Kingdom to Chan Chan, saw this from above and begged the crew to save her. Since then, Shrimp has owed her life to Lemon. 

  • Of Lemon’s friends, Shrimp is the first to realize how toxic of an environment this friend group is, and desperately wants to leave, but is unable to stand up for herself. 

  • Throughout season 1 she forms healthier friendships and learns to use her voice, however after what happened to her parents, she still struggles to take big risks. 


  • She will start out sounding timid and become more confident as the series progresses.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • “They took the risk.. And they died. Along with every other Shrimp that night.”

  • “You’ve thrown everything away to stay loyal to a person that doesn’t exist anymore!”

  • “I guess what I’m trying to say is.. I think Chan Chan is really starting to feel like home.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Tertiary Character

  • Basil is very afraid and wants to belong. 

  • She’s 14-15 years old. 

  • Her mother left the Basil kingdom to help build Chan Chan.

  • Her father didn’t agree with the idea of Chan Chan so he brought an army to the city and destroyed half of it, killing many, including Basil’s mother. 

  • Basil was left an orphan. She spent many years homeless and has a unique skill set compared to other characters because of that experience. 

  • Eventually Lemon and Shrimp arrive in Chan Chan. Basil meets them and the three of them become friends. 

  • It takes Basil a longer time than Shrimp and Lemon to realize how toxic the friend group has gotten and stays in Mango’s grasp longer. Although Shrimp is able to get through to her before it’s too late. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • “I’ll make sure Lemon finds out about this. And when she does.. You’ll be just as lonely and pathetic as when she found you!”

  • “Shrimp is my friend. She’s OUR friend.”

  • “‘Basil’.. They must be talking about mom..”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Minor antagonist

  • Mango is incredibly lonely and desperate to be loved. 

  • She’s 16-17 years old. 

  • Her mother was neglectful of her, her first ever friend was manipulated and turned against her, the Mango kingdom was being attacked by Cotton Candy Chans and she had to leave home and move to Chan Chan. 

  • She has a hard time trusting that anyone would really care about her until she met Lemon, Shrimp and Basil. 

  • Years later, during the events of the show, as the others realize how toxic things have gotten and start leaving the friend group to build new healthier relationships, Mango is still fixated on Lemon and feels betrayed. She ends up isolating herself from everyone and acting as a minor antagonist for much of the series.

  • Possibly based on a moth



  • Will become extremely unhinged. Will be crying and screaming a LOT. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • “We’ll make sure the Apple’s pay for what they’ve done.”

  • “You said I would never have to fight alone again.. You said you would never turn your back on me.. Yet you’ve left me all alone.. AGAIN!”

  • “I DON’T HAVE ANYONE ELSE!..” (starts crying) “I don’t have anyone else..”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite


  • Salt is insecure and intense. 

  • She is 14-15 years old. 

  • Salt is very insecure and scared to mess up around other people, especially around her crush, Eggplant. 

  • She’s also very intense and passionate and has a lot of interests that she hasn’t shared with others. 

  • She often makes decisions to please other people and has a hard time articulating her feelings. 

  • Bisexual



  • If you’re able to sing, then include that in your audition. She won’t sing very often but the character does enjoy singing. 

  • If you’re able to speak French, then also include that in your audition. I’m considering the idea of having her speak a little French since her design includes a beret to emulate the shape of a saltshaker.  

  • french
  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female teen
Other info:
  • singing (basic)
  • singing (amateur)
  • “If I wanted to talk to people then I’d be doing that, but I’ve chosen to make use of my time! I spend my lunch time admiring Eggplant Chan!” (excited, anxious, obsessive)

  • “I really thought this would be a good time to get to know Eggplant, but every time I try..”

  • “Guess I have a lot of interests I’ve never talked about..”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Supporting character 

  • Eggplant is popular and very attractive. All the girls in school are obsessed with him, including Salt. 

  • He’s 16-17 years old. 

  • He’s extremely kind and always helps others when he can, although he has trouble relating to others' emotions sometimes and especially gets awkward around the topic of family. 

  • He lives in Chan Haven, the orphanage within the city of Chan Chan. 

  • He and his boyfriend Bagel are very in love, but they’ve kept it a secret from the rest of the school to avoid the attention. 

  • He's part cat

  • Gay

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • male teen
  • “Eggplants aren’t exactly known for their holes, bagel-brain.” (sarcastic, flirty)

  • “I can’t keep up with what she’s saying, man..”

  • “Guess I’ve never really been good with family..”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Main Villain 

  • Red is Apple and Opal’s father. 

  • He’s in his mid 30’s. 

  • Red feels as if everyone else is out to get him and goes to the extreme when he feels threatened.

  • Once he feels you’ve betrayed him, there’s no turning back.

  • Wants to be feared and doesn’t want others to see him as weak. 

  • Only ever viewed Apple as an heir to the throne and never cared for Opal at all. 

  • Very abusive toward his wife Opalescent. 

  • Only cares about power. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • “There’s no turning back now, for any of you!”

  • “And let them think we’re weak!?”

  • “What happened to you..?” (brief moment of vulnerability)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Tertiary Character

  • Opalescent is the mother of Apple and Opal. 

  • She’s in her mid 30’s. 

  • Loves her children and was a good mother before their separation. 

  • Her mother, along with Apple, Opal, and Winter all left the kingdom to escape the war and give the sisters a normal life. They wanted Opalescent to come with them but she was conflicted and ultimately stayed, without even a proper goodbye. 

  • After the events of season 1 she goes with the others to Chan Chan and lives with the rest of her family. 

  • After the trauma and abuse she’s endured she has a lot of mental and emotional scars to deal with, on top of trying to make up for lost time with her daughters. 



  • Her voice is soft and fragile. 

  • Lots of subtle complex emotion behind everything she says.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • “I.. know it’s been a long time. But I still love you. Both of you.”

  • “You’re wrong. I was too scared.. Too weak to leave.”

  • “Trust me, you don’t want a rushed goodbye.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Black Diamond
cast offsite

Anti Hero/Tertiary character

  • Black Diamond is powerful and empty. 

  • He’s about 18-19 years old. 

  • He was born with the body and intelligence of a young adult and is extremely powerful and combat capable. 

  • He was viewed as nothing but a weapon for the Apples to use against the Lemons. 

  • His self-worth is very low, and he has trouble interacting with others, as well as understanding and expressing his emotions. 

  • He single-handedly took down several Lemon armies and he basically won the war for the Apples. 

  • He followed the Apple king blindly for his entire life until the events of the show where he realizes he’s been used and doesn’t want to do horrible things for the king anymore. 

  • He’s very socially awkward and doesn’t know how to interact with people properly. He has a vague concept of morality although he tries his best to be a better person. 

  • Gay



  • He struggles expressing his emotions. Like he’s hollow. 

  • He does not use contractions. (ex: would say “does not” instead of “doesn’t”) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • “There is no other Apple like me, which means this thing is not a traitor, it is an intruder.”

  • “Stop this instant! I must apologize for trying to murder you!”

  • “I was made different. He always said he was treating me special, but I was just his toy. His.. weapon.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lemon's Uncle
cast offsite

Antagonist (Season 1)

  • Lemon’s uncle is passionate and family oriented. 

  • He’s in his mid 30’s. 

  • He grew up in a large family and feels his brother left them for power. 

  • He was very close with Lemon and provided a safe and nurturing environment for her in his house whenever the king and queen would travel to other kingdoms. 

  • Later Lemon leaves the kingdom to go to Chan Chan

  • During the show, he takes increasingly drastic actions in order to get his family back. 

  • Throughout season 1 he actively ignores Lemon's pleas to leave. 

  • In his final moments he attempts to attack Lemon, who kills him in self-defense. 

  • He will appear in future seasons in the form of flashbacks, but he’s only alive for season 1. 



  • Caring and nurturing tone of his voice goes from comforting to uncanny by the end of the season. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • “No problem. Anything for family.” (Loving, genuine)

  • “I promise I’ll never let anything bad happen to you again.” (loving, serious, protective)

  • “I’m sorry, Lemon. Your friend needs to go.” (intimidating, villainous)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lemon Commander
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Antagonist (Season 1) 

  • The Lemon Commander is one of the three soldiers sent to Chan Chan to retrieve Lemon and bring her back to the Lemon kingdom. 

  • She’s in her mid 30’s. 

  • She dedicates herself to the protection of the Lemon kingdom. She has very low self-worth and is willing to sacrifice her life at a moment's notice. 

  • With the queen dead, that only left the king, who she deeply resented. She felt he was a coward and that he failed the kingdom. So, when the king's brother wanted to take him down, she was all on board and helped him overthrow the king. 

  • Ultimately, she dies, sacrificing herself in a battle she knew she couldn’t win against Black Diamond. 

  • She may appear in future seasons in the form of flashbacks, but she’s only alive for season 1. 


  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • “That’s what you get for trying to CAPTURE the Apple.. But I suppose we all have our own way of doing things..” [She readies her sword.] “And this is mine.”


  • “My king believes in this kingdom, so I will do whatever it takes to protect it!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lemon Soldier 1
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Minor antagonist

  • He’s one of the three soldiers sent to Chan Chan to retrieve Lemon and bring her back to the Lemon kingdom. 

  • He’s 18-19 years old. 

  • He approaches things logically and is more likely to stay calm in tense situations.

  • Although he’s better at articulating his emotions, he tends to keep them to himself and only talks about his feelings when he really needs to or when he feels the time is right.

  • Comic relief 

  • Gay


  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • “No, I’m pretty sure this is MY sword.”

  • “You’re coming with us.”


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lemon Soldier 2
cast offsite

Minor antagonist

  • He’s one of the three soldiers sent to Chan Chan to retrieve Lemon and bring her back to the Lemon kingdom. 

  • He’s 18-19 years old. 

  • He’s very boisterous and tends to act without thinking. 

  • He loves a fight but isn’t very careful or graceful with his sword. 

  • He’s very bad at acknowledging or communicating his feelings, and he’s scared of being vulnerable about his emotions. 

  • He tries his best and is well meaning, but often feels unconfident in what he’s doing, although he would never let anyone see that. 

  • Comic relief, meathead, himbo

  • Gay


  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • "At least the old king gave us naptime..”

  • “Geez, people will come out for anything.”

  • “I LOVE YOU, BRO!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elder Lemon
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Minor character 

  • Elder Lemon is a kind older man who lives within the Lemon kingdom.

  • He’s in his early 60’s. 

  • One day as a kid, Lemon snuck out from home and wandered through the city. She was found by Elder Lemon and he took care of her for the night until he could return her to the castle. The next day the two of them were found and Elder was thrown in jail as they assumed she was kidnapped. 

  • During season 1 after being kidnapped and taken to the Lemon kingdom, Lemon immediately takes Apple to Elder Lemon's house, as it is the one safe place she could think of for them to hide. 

  • Having been around for so long, he has seen how the Lemon kingdom has developed and changed throughout the decades, and he cares deeply for his home. 

  • Once the Lemon kingdom is left without a ruler by the end of season 1, he takes the role as the new king. 



  • Wise, mature, caring, comforting, inspiring. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • “Y’know, I used to be a bit of a troublemaker myself.”

  • “I’ve seen us grow strong through tearing others down, I’ve seen the empty promises and deception.” (inspiring speech)

  • “It’s been fun, but I think it’s time to bring you back home.” (younger, flashback)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lemon's Father
cast offsite

Minor character 

  • Lemon’s father is lonely and going a little insane. 

  • He’s in his mid 30’s. 

  • He grew up in a large family that didn’t have much and he always yearned for more. 

  • Married the queen. 

  • Has messed up all of his relationships in some way. 

  • His wife died in the war and his daughter left him to go to Chan Chan. 

  • Deep down he has a lot of regrets and truly cares about his family but is too ashamed to reach out. However, once he does, it’s already too late to make amends for the past, and he must find a new direction to take with his life. 



  • Often tries to sound confident but isn’t. 

  • Can be very unhinged and sound a little insane. 

  • Hidden regret and anguish in his voice. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • “Look, I know things didn’t turn out the way we hoped but-” (sane)

  • “At this point.. I’m all squeezed out. And my teeth hurt from biting my skin.” (slightly unhinged)


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Supporting character

  • Olive is a loving friend and a comic relief character. 

  • He’s 14-15 years old. 

  • He’s a gamer, and a slacker in school. 

  • He may seem uncaring at first, but in reality, he's extremely loyal and is always there for his friends. 

  • He’s not the smartest but has his moments. He’s brutally honest and always says what’s on his mind. 

  • His mothers are very successful and are hard workers, which makes Olive feel like he’s not living up to their expectations. 

  • Overall, he’s very chill and has a heart of gold. 



  • Lots of sarcasm. 

  • Often says very ridiculous things but is very oblivious to it. 

  • Good comedic delivery. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • animation/character
  • “Ah, of course. Forgot you were a nerd for a second there.”

  • “Don’t worry, ladies. Celeriac and I have got this!”

  • "Besides, Lemon's an evil monster.. Like, big boss monster.. Like with annoying poison attacks and stuff." (Apple stares at Olive) "Sorry.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Supporting character

  • Mayonnaise is friendly and insecure. 

  • She’s 14-15 years old. 

  • She was very lonely as a child, until one day when she was being bullied and Apple, Celeriac and Olive came to defend her. 

  • From that day on the four of them became friends and Mayo finally felt like she belonged. They called themselves "the loser squad".

  • During the events of the show, as the other’s go on cool adventures, she and Olive are consistently left behind. Although Olive is content with this, Mayo wants to be as great as everyone else. 

  • She’s deeply insecure and as the show continues, she will go to further and further extremes to belong. 

  • Possibly based on a cat or fox



  • Often subtle insecurity and jealousy when she speaks.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • animation/character

  • “If you honestly thought I WOULDN’T make fun of you for the rest of eternity..”

  • “Well unfortunately not everyone could be here today.” (angry, condescending)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Granny Smith
cast offsite

Supporting character

  • Granny Smith is Apple’s grandmother. 

  • She’s in her mid 60’s. 

  • She’s always loved adventuring and helping others. 

  • The creation of Chan Chan was her idea. 

  • After lots of tragedy and lessons learned she settles down with her family and allows her friend Pomegranate to lead the city.

  • She acts as a wise advice giver to Apple and the others. 

  • She's brutally honest but only gives advice when asked. She allows others to make mistakes and learn the hard way like she did. 

  • Because of the injuries and illnesses she’s gotten over the years of her adventuring, she became unable to do many things much sooner than usual and also may pass away sooner.

  • She’s a very sassy old lady. 


  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • female senior
  • “Maybe if you focused a little more, you could make a change too.” (loving)

  • “She has her flaws, of course. Like being far too concerned with pleasing other people.”

  • “ Y’know, she’d be laughing at you right now if she heard you ask that, Pom.” (Slight laughter in her voice, loving)


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