Chan Chan [Original Project]
Chaz Boden for Lemon's Uncle

Antagonist (Season 1)
Lemon’s uncle is passionate and family oriented.
He’s in his mid 30’s.
He grew up in a large family and feels his brother left them for power.
He was very close with Lemon and provided a safe and nurturing environment for her in his house whenever the king and queen would travel to other kingdoms.
Later Lemon leaves the kingdom to go to Chan Chan
During the show, he takes increasingly drastic actions in order to get his family back.
Throughout season 1 he actively ignores Lemon's pleas to leave.
In his final moments he attempts to attack Lemon, who kills him in self-defense.
He will appear in future seasons in the form of flashbacks, but he’s only alive for season 1.
Caring and nurturing tone of his voice goes from comforting to uncanny by the end of the season.
- english
- animation/character
- male adult
“No problem. Anything for family.” (Loving, genuine)
“I promise I’ll never let anything bad happen to you again.” (loving, serious, protective)
“I’m sorry, Lemon. Your friend needs to go.” (intimidating, villainous)