Chan Chan [Original Project]

Chaz Boden for Elder Lemon

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elder Lemon
cast offsite

Minor character 

  • Elder Lemon is a kind older man who lives within the Lemon kingdom.

  • He’s in his early 60’s. 

  • One day as a kid, Lemon snuck out from home and wandered through the city. She was found by Elder Lemon and he took care of her for the night until he could return her to the castle. The next day the two of them were found and Elder was thrown in jail as they assumed she was kidnapped. 

  • During season 1 after being kidnapped and taken to the Lemon kingdom, Lemon immediately takes Apple to Elder Lemon's house, as it is the one safe place she could think of for them to hide. 

  • Having been around for so long, he has seen how the Lemon kingdom has developed and changed throughout the decades, and he cares deeply for his home. 

  • Once the Lemon kingdom is left without a ruler by the end of season 1, he takes the role as the new king. 



  • Wise, mature, caring, comforting, inspiring. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • “Y’know, I used to be a bit of a troublemaker myself.”

  • “I’ve seen us grow strong through tearing others down, I’ve seen the empty promises and deception.” (inspiring speech)

  • “It’s been fun, but I think it’s time to bring you back home.” (younger, flashback)

Chaz Boden
Chan Chan [Original Project]
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