Chan Chan [Original Project]
NaturalCrackhead for Basil

Tertiary Character
Basil is very afraid and wants to belong.
She’s 14-15 years old.
Her mother left the Basil kingdom to help build Chan Chan.
Her father didn’t agree with the idea of Chan Chan so he brought an army to the city and destroyed half of it, killing many, including Basil’s mother.
Basil was left an orphan. She spent many years homeless and has a unique skill set compared to other characters because of that experience.
Eventually Lemon and Shrimp arrive in Chan Chan. Basil meets them and the three of them become friends.
It takes Basil a longer time than Shrimp and Lemon to realize how toxic the friend group has gotten and stays in Mango’s grasp longer. Although Shrimp is able to get through to her before it’s too late.
- english
- female teen
- animation/character
“I’ll make sure Lemon finds out about this. And when she does.. You’ll be just as lonely and pathetic as when she found you!”
“Shrimp is my friend. She’s OUR friend.”
“‘Basil’.. They must be talking about mom..”