Chan Chan [Original Project]
Matt3rs for Olive

Supporting character
Olive is a loving friend and a comic relief character.
He’s 14-15 years old.
He’s a gamer, and a slacker in school.
He may seem uncaring at first, but in reality, he's extremely loyal and is always there for his friends.
He’s not the smartest but has his moments. He’s brutally honest and always says what’s on his mind.
His mothers are very successful and are hard workers, which makes Olive feel like he’s not living up to their expectations.
Overall, he’s very chill and has a heart of gold.
Lots of sarcasm.
Often says very ridiculous things but is very oblivious to it.
Good comedic delivery.
- english
- male teen
- animation/character
“Ah, of course. Forgot you were a nerd for a second there.”
“Don’t worry, ladies. Celeriac and I have got this!”
"Besides, Lemon's an evil monster.. Like, big boss monster.. Like with annoying poison attacks and stuff." (Apple stares at Olive) "Sorry.