3D Anime: "Reality +"

3D Anime: "Reality +"

Project Overview

Reality + is a 7 episode 3D animated urban fantasy adventure - rated PG. 


Synopsis of the story: 

It’s about a world & society parallel to our own that’s obsessed with AUGMENTED REALITY. A lucrative entertainment and consumption industry. 

An athletics tournament called REALITY+ is run with competitions in endurance, sports, puzzles, fights against monsters, rivals and the ever-changing visual landscape itself. A cocky but determined underdog, Don, enters with no experience in AR; he’ll have to prove himself against 5 deadly opponents, including his legendary brother & a powerful undefeated champion: Gustavo.



  • We'd like to avoid typical anime protagonist voices, we're looking for offbeat unique performances that are well-acted with personality and emotion.

  • Give an original take of the character for your audition, don't bother copying auditions/performances that came before you.

  • Please have clear audio with no background noise. 

  • Please don’t edit the pitch of your voice or add other audio effects.

  • Label Auditions as “Your Name_Character Name” 

 Ex. “Daniel Radcliffe_Don.mp3”


Other Infomation:

  • Voice actors are allowed to audition for more than role and voice as many as needed

  • Payment will be per recorded minute of dialogue/sounds, amount negotiated upon successful audition

  • If you have any questions send a message to contact(at)planetdolan.com

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Lona, female, 16, very active and extroverted but in self-imposed isolation.

PERSONALITY: Conversational tone, enthusiastic, she's preoccupied by work, gadgetry, a tech-head + responsibility. Loves sports, exercise, activities.

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this voice. VA will ideally be able to voice the young version of Lona.

  • (frustrated)

    This car IS going to run! Maybe I can’t fix other people’s stupid problems... so I’m here. Working on something real. I can fix this. It’s mine.

  • (sports coach)

    Five ticket orbs - hike to the middle right away - use the dial on your glasses to switch modes - keep your eyes on the ball, not the robot!

  • (busy, focused)

    Sorry, one sec. There’s more technology in your suit and glasses than a Hatari 3310…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Don, male, 16, slim body. Typically he's a carefree character, a real space-cadet. Overconfident, sarcastic, vain, arrogant, "pfft, no worries" attitude. 

He should be voiced drily, lots of sarcasm and glib - like a smartass. We don't want a teenage voice, more of a cocky young adult

NOTE: We are looking for an Australian accent for this character. Ideally the VA is able to voice the young version of Don, but not necessary.

  • (after getting an electric shock)

    Ow. That hurt, kinda. A very mild nip. You’re a true delight, Lona.

  • (snide)

    I'll try not to get violently killed.

    Your help is so welcome I don’t even need it.

  • (scathing)

    I'm not doing this for you - or even me. I'm doing this because it's what Gekka what would have wanted.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Kat, female, 19

Strategic, bossy, adventurous, ambitious, intelligent, brave, courageous, compassionate, hard-working, competitive. She should be voiced like someone always under pressure, unstable, one problem away from a meltdown.

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this voice.

  • That’s my sister, she was the first to show me Augmented Reality. You put on the shades and it shows you this hidden world... game-sport... thing.

  • (suspicious)

    Sure, you can tag along. But if you get in my way there will be NO mercy! How's that work for you?

  • (anguished)

    You don't get it. I have to win. I'll break every bone in my body. I'll bleed, I'll scream, I'll get myself killed - I don't care - because I'm going to save my sister and you CAN'T stop me!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Gekka, female, 30+, athletic body, motherly/caring around family, strong-willed, controlled, charismatic, intelligent/wise, powerful, fierce, calm & logical.

We're looking for a very alternative husky female (but masculine) voice like that of Kate Mulgrew for this role. 

Full body reference: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18amj2khgi_ICwZR62wKO6jr-5PKdB47V?usp=sharing

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this voice. Ability to sing is a bonus.

  • Our beliefs are shaped by the circumstances of the time we live in, not by a fundamental ethical imperative. A game is a game. Augmented Reality and data collection is just the latest in an inevitable cycle.

  • (mocking)

    Look at the little baby boy and his hero complex. Come to save me? What a waste of your time. 

  • (explaining to a child)

    You pick up a pen to draw, but the vision has changed. You desperately want to explain a feeling or an image with words, but you can't think of a way or maybe the words don't even exist. You'll only express a tiny piece of a thought, and it will never return.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

PEKA-BOT, switches between little girl voice and man voice based on mood, innocent, playful, naive, unknowingly powerful, loves romance, has the personality of a kawaii anime schoolgirl but with the lonesome emotional problems of a very ugly creature nobody wants to spend time with.

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this voice.

  • (happy)

    Hey there, cutie - play with me!

  • (flirty)

    Cutie boyyy! Ooooh, they put us togetherrrr.

    (gasp) He touched me. Oh gosh, I can’t even look at him. I’m terrible (giggle)

  • (upset)

    I'm so jealous of you, look at you, you're perfect. I've seen all kinds of people interested in you. You have no problems in life. Look at me - I HATE my body. Why am I stuck in this, thing!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Gonzara, male, 30+, aloof, confident, straight-backed, experienced, in control. Doesn't sugarcoat, will tell it like it is. 

Carries a lot of weight to his words and can appear judgemental, has a brotherly & somewhat stilted relationship with Don.  Gonzara likes creating things, be it food, drinks or technology. Also appreciates simple life, simple Augmented Reality programs and nature. He'll stop in the middle of something important to study a tree, or appreciate a view or smell fresh air.

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this character.

  • Just keep focused. There’s a reason I brought you with me - something I haven’t told you yet.

  • If you mess this up... if - you - mess - this - up... you’re out.

  • As much as I'd like to see you tear each other apart, I think you should stop talking. That's right. Silence. And listen to this. Let me know if it reminds you of... somebody.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Jack, 30+, heavy bodybuilder lumberjack rock god type, aggressive hulk voice. More aggressive rather than evil. 

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this voice.

  • That's right. You're a real hero. Like me! Strong. Fearless. Confident. Nobody can beat us. And we know it.

  • I take great pleasure in crushing you, knowing you can't fight back. There's no escape. I am much - much - bigger than you. And it feels... good.

  • HRAAAAAAAAAAAGH - don't listen to those WEAKLINGS! If we don't punish those who deserve it, then WHO WILL!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Gustavo, 28, male, line-backer build, stoic, ladies man, self-absorbed, airhead, undeterred, macho, lays it on thick, loves himself and his handsome body, narcissist, inflated ego, vain.

We're looking for a macho voice that's a mix of Johnny Bravo and Gaston.

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this voice.

  • This whole trial is just a formality. Honestly, I feel bad for all the toddlers they’re pitting against me. Glorious ME.

  • Ah! Another comes to bask in the glory of the Great Gustavo. Do you too wish to cleanse my garments of filth?

  • HYA! Does this - look like - the body - of a COWARD? (flexing noises)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Leo, 24, male, athletic build, very charismatic, loud, boisterous, fun, a weird unique voice, if he can also sing that's a bonus.

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this voice.

  • Humans are great. When I was a young Leo I was bad, okay, I was awful. I didn’t do my chores, oh lord. Papa Orb would inject me with the brown juice and I deserved it. It hurt so good.

  • (making someone nervous)

    Hypothetical. You're cold. You're starving. All you have is a rancid shoe. You put the shoe in a cooking pot. Add spice. Vinegar. It's smelling good. You're very hungry. Do you take a bite? Yes or no.

  • Soap haha - that is trash. It’s for babies! Why do I need soap and showers when rain cleans my body all the time? Shirts? Haha - that is also trash.


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