3D Anime: "Reality +"

Brenton-Daniel White for Gustavo

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Gustavo, 28, male, line-backer build, stoic, ladies man, self-absorbed, airhead, undeterred, macho, lays it on thick, loves himself and his handsome body, narcissist, inflated ego, vain.

We're looking for a macho voice that's a mix of Johnny Bravo and Gaston.

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this voice.

  • This whole trial is just a formality. Honestly, I feel bad for all the toddlers they’re pitting against me. Glorious ME.

  • Ah! Another comes to bask in the glory of the Great Gustavo. Do you too wish to cleanse my garments of filth?

  • HYA! Does this - look like - the body - of a COWARD? (flexing noises)

Brenton-Daniel White
3D Anime: "Reality +"
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