3D Anime: "Reality +"

Nyr for Peka-Bot

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

PEKA-BOT, switches between little girl voice and man voice based on mood, innocent, playful, naive, unknowingly powerful, loves romance, has the personality of a kawaii anime schoolgirl but with the lonesome emotional problems of a very ugly creature nobody wants to spend time with.

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this voice.

  • (happy)

    Hey there, cutie - play with me!

  • (flirty)

    Cutie boyyy! Ooooh, they put us togetherrrr.

    (gasp) He touched me. Oh gosh, I can’t even look at him. I’m terrible (giggle)

  • (upset)

    I'm so jealous of you, look at you, you're perfect. I've seen all kinds of people interested in you. You have no problems in life. Look at me - I HATE my body. Why am I stuck in this, thing!?

3D Anime: "Reality +"
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