3D Anime: "Reality +"

Autumn723 for Kat

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Kat, female, 19

Strategic, bossy, adventurous, ambitious, intelligent, brave, courageous, compassionate, hard-working, competitive. She should be voiced like someone always under pressure, unstable, one problem away from a meltdown.

NOTE: We are not looking for a particular accent for this voice.

  • That’s my sister, she was the first to show me Augmented Reality. You put on the shades and it shows you this hidden world... game-sport... thing.

  • (suspicious)

    Sure, you can tag along. But if you get in my way there will be NO mercy! How's that work for you?

  • (anguished)

    You don't get it. I have to win. I'll break every bone in my body. I'll bleed, I'll scream, I'll get myself killed - I don't care - because I'm going to save my sister and you CAN'T stop me!

3D Anime: "Reality +"
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